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  • 浮云:10 (by 妖刀村正) | 理由: 周末就靠你们了哈!!
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-20 13:03 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ ankle /'æŋkl/ n. 踝,踝节部 ]


    It's 10: 00 Universal Time, and here is the news from the Voice of America. I'm Steve Aldridge from the VOA news center in Washington.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Malki has condemned Wednesday's bombing in Baghdad that killed 190 people in the worst violence since U.S. and Iraqi forces began a security crackdown in the city two months ago. More than 200 people were wounded in the attacks most of which took place in Shiite areas of the capital. Mr. Malki called the attackers, soldiers of Satan. He also ordered the arrest of the Iraqi army general in charge of security of the Sadriyah market area which was the side of deadliest attack in Wednesday's coinage. U.S Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the bombings horrified, but said the attacks would have no effect on U.S. led efforts to improve security in Baghdad.

    President Bush and congressional leaders did not come to an agreement Wednesday during talks about funding for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Before the meeting, Mr. Bush said he expected this to be the first of many conversations about fundings for the war.

    The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a ban on a controversial abortion procedure, a five to four rulings Wednesday. The High Court rejected challenges to the late term Abortion Act. President Bush signed the ban on the term of Abortions into law in 2003. Anti-abortion activists praised the ruling as a positive step opponents of the ban, so they concern that the ruling might prop new restrictions on the abortions.

    The gunman who killed 32 people at U.S. University Monday before killing himself mailed a chilling video to a U.S. TV network during the massacre. The package was received by the NBC TV network from Virginia Tech student Cho Seung-hui. VOA's David Dyar reports the package contained a rambling video in which the gunman engaged in an angry tirade about hedonism and rich kids along with several pictures of him holding guns.

    NBC played excerpts from the video on its evening newscast. The gunman is seen taking angrily in the video in what the network described as an incoherent manifesto.

    '// avoid today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option, // the decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off.'

    Some of the pictures released by NBC showed Cho brandishing guns. One pictured showed him holding two guns, one in each hand in a firing pose. In another picture, Cho points the barrel of the gun directly at the camera. NBC said it received the package Wednesday, but it contained a stamp indicating it was mailed about an hour and 45 minutes after he first opened fire on the university campus, killing two students. NBC said it turned over the package to the FBI. The network released excerpts from the package just before the FBI released a statement about it. Police said it was not clear when the recordings was made. David Dyar, VOA news, Washington.

    The United Nations Nuclear Agency says Iran has started an enriching uranium act in an underground facility. The International Atomic Energy Agency also says Iran has set up more than 1,000 centrifuges for enrichment at the plant. The IAEA made the claim in a confidential document. The enrichment process can be used to create fuel for nuclear reactors or in the creation of nuclear weapons. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says diplomatic efforts to isolate Iran for its nuclear program are working. Gates says two UN Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on Tehran for its refusal to stop enriching uranium should be given a chance to work.

    Columbia's government says it has agreed to a temporary experimental ceasefire proposed by the country's second largest lefty's guerilla group, the National Liberation Army. But the government peace negotiator says authorities will not call off any anti-insurgent actions until the group lays down their arms and stops kidnappings.

    President Bush says Sudan faces a likelihood of tough new sanctions until it cooperates with efforts to bring peace to the country's Darfur region. Mr. Bush and Sudan's President Omar el-Bashir must end his support of Arab militias blamed for much of the violence and allow the deployment of a proposed UN-African Union peacekeeping force in the region.

    I'm Steve Aldridge, VOA news. More news on the internet at voanews.com
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-20 13:03 | [1 楼]
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