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A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2007-04-14 09:48 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ delegation /deli'geiən/ n. 代表团,派遣 ]

This morning on Today’s Money, are you ready for a fresh new start? That is the question posed on the latest issue of Today’s Money magazine. Recently, the survey along with salary.com showed about 60% of people would love a different career. Among those people wanting a change, Moms looking to get back to work place. So is it an impossible task or not with the help of the agencies, like Mom Corp.?

34 year old, Allison O'kelly from Atlanta, Georgia, is a wife, mother of two, and founder of Mom Corp.

Mom Corp is a staffing company for professionals.

Not just any professionals, but some of the hardest working women out there, moms.

We are very focused on finding out what are your specific needs. Can you work full time, but you don’t want to work during the summer? Or can you only work 20 hours a week, or can you only work within a 10 mile radius of a certain city. Those are / things we focus on..

The goal, to help parents get back into the work world with flexible schedules, or help moms make the switch from full time to part time.

We have 4000 moms now in our database.

Here’s how it works. Potential candidates submit their resumes online, Wrap's MomCorp partner/ up with companies that can accomodate flexible hours. It doesn’t cost the moms anything. The clients pay for placement.

There are a lot of those moms who stay at home, because they feel that they need to, that they don’t have any other options. When they have the options, they find out they’re available. Typically, they are pretty excited about that opportunity.

Like 46-year-old, Becky Young of North cross Georgia.

Becky is really interesting. She had been out of the work force for 8 to 10 years. She has four children. She is a CPA; she was a controller of several companies. Fabulous resume. And she was trying to go back to work..

As a mom, i feel get out of business, people look at you differently, it's very demeaning, and has might say no so many times, or just ignore you.

Thanks to Mom Corp, Becky now works as a contract employee for a counting firm in Atlanta.

Now my schedule is nine to two. it's adding quality in my life. And it makes me feel I’m contributing.And I don't think you can contribute as a mom. You can contribute a time. But it’s more tangible.

Jean Chatzky is Today’s financial editor. Hey, Jean. Good morning.

Good morning.

Mom Corp, I'd like to sound that. But what if you don’t live in that area?

Well, Mom Corp is actually growing so fast, they have already have offices in, I think, something like 6 cities. But there are other agencies with /names like On rumps Spring up to do the very same thing.

So just check at your local area. Well, with this survey, we talked about the introduction of money magazine talked to 12000 people?


60% of whom said we’d like to change careers. That means there’s a lot of people in this country stuck doing something they don’t want to do. Why don’t they change, is it an uncertainty?

I think it is financial uncertainty. We are coming out of a time when it was difficult to get jobs. now we are now at a time when it is a little bit easier. So if you are thinking you’d like to make a change, it’s OK to go for it.

And you go on the magazine. The magazine goes on to suggest some possible jobs or careers where there are demands right now. And you might find work for parents particularly getting back to work. You say the job of executive recruiter was golden. Why?

Parents want hourly flexibility. They want to be able to do something challenging, but they want to make their own hours. You can interview people at any time, and in a job like this, the advancement is based on your performance, not on the clock.

How about the openings? 83000 openings for executive recruiter.

Between now and the year 2014, when they look at these careers, all of them, it was looking at the next ten years.

What about, what experience do you need to do that job?

Well, you may need to go back for some retraining. But if you're already staying at home with your kids, you got a perfect time to do it.

Next job, you suggest nonprofit manager. Between now and 2014, 49000 openings.

That’s because the transition here is really pretty easier. A lot of parents who stayed at home are already volunteering. You want to see if you can convert that to an actual paying position.

And look at the opening salary with 42000 dollars to about 72000 dollars. Parents are not the only ones looking to get back to the work field. What about / people who are 50 or older, who want to change, that what we call second act.

Right. These people are basically saying, all right, we have put in our time, and we want to do something that’s a little bit more emotionally fulfiling, And for that person, you want to look at a job, one is on our list is patient representative, any thing in the field of health care is gonna be particularly hot.

Since it is never going away.

Particularly now, with the older boomers, it is so not going away. Patient representatives are those people who interface between the hospital, or the doctor and the actual patient.

And by the way, 79% of people surveyed over 50 said; we want to do something that helps my community, which is a good example, they are public school teachers.

A lot of retaining is going on for older workers. There is a huge need. Half million public school teachers will be needed in the next ten years. So there’s a lot of communities training their own.

And we talked about people over 50 changing careers. This is now the normal, as opposed to the exception. very few people stay with one line of workfor their entire lives anymore.

That’s right. 3 is more the average. We know we have about 12 different jobs and 3 different careers over our life span. Because we are working so much longer, we are not slowing down and stopping it at 55 or 65. We want to keep going.

Let me go through some of these other jobs quickly that you think are going to be hot jobs for the future. Product or brand manager, what exactly is that?

That is somebody who actually manages a product, like Cleanax, or a brand and even people are brands these days. That’s why there are so much additional need for that. But it can grow into a bigger marketing jobs. But you need a mix of creative and massive skills, this is a good bid.

All right, I’m going to print on my business card, Today's show host and product manager.

Here you go, and brand.

Yes, brand manager. Registered nurse, 55000 to 68000 salary.

And we need a million plus of these between the year now and 2014.

Very quick. What about people who want to start their own thing, going into business for themselves?

It is fine, but you got to have a year’s worth of money stashed away, because it going to take you a good 8 months to know if this business is going to make it or not.

Alright, good information, Jean, thank you very much.

My pleasure.

And jean, by the way, said she's going into, she's becomeing a bake.

a baker, baker.

you said: what would you do, and I said: I bake.

we'll be back to you with local news.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2007-04-14 09:48 | [1 楼]
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