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5come5帮你背单词 [ most /məust/ a. 最多的,最大程度的,大部分的;pron. 最大量,大多数,大部分;ad. 最,十分 ]


  • 浮云:6 (by 妖刀村正)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-12 15:29 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 人见人爱
    发贴: 4265
    威望: 0
    浮云: 1145
    注册时间: 2006-05-03
    最后登陆: 2008-06-18

    5come5帮你背单词 [ attachment /ə'tætmənt/ n. 附属物,附件,依恋,依附 ]


    From NPR news in Washington, I'm Carl Kasell.

    Democratic leaders in Congress are rejecting President Bush's offer to hold talks on the impacts over funding the war in Iraq. Senate majority leader Harry Reid is critical of the President for being unwilling to negotiate any timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
    "He has to deal with Congress. We are independent branch of this government and by our Constitution we have an equal say that he has and he is gotta to listen to us, because we are speaking for the American people, he isn't." Deputy White House press secretary Dana Perino said that the President is not willing to let members of Congress micromanage the war. “We understand that the Congress has a role to play. We understand what that role is. I would hope that they understand what the Commander in Chief's role is." Perino describes the democrats' refusal to meet with the President as a knee-jerk reaction.

    The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena yesterday for Justice Department documents about the dismissal of 8 US attorneys. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales also named a new chief of staff yesterday. NPR's Ari Shapiro reports.
    This is the first subpoena Congress has sent to the Justice Department in the US attorney scandal. The House Judiciary Committee is demanding complete versions of some documents that were partially blacked out in the Justice Department's earlier document draft. Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse, he says the Justice Department has been forthcoming and some of the documents Congress wants are already available for private review. The Attorney General is scheduled to testify before Congress next Tuesday about the dismissals of US attorneys. Yesterday Gonzales appointed Kevin O'Connoras as his new chief of staff. O'Connor is the US attorney in Connecticut. He oversaw the prosecution of Connecticut's Republican governor John Rowland for corruption. The Attorney General's last permanent chief of staff Kyle Sampson resigned last month over the US attorney firings. Ari Shapiro NPR news Washington.

    NASA has delayed the first shuttle launch of the year until June while repairs continued on a hail damaged fuel tank. The delay would put the Atlantis leave off almost 3 months behind schedule. The delay would allow technicians to finish repairing the shuttle's fuel tank which was damaged in February when golf ball size hail left thousands of dents on the tank's insulation. The form has been a special concern to NASA since 2003 when a chuck of form flew off during shuttle Columbia's launch and struck the obiter. The damage allowed fiery gases to penetrate the shuttle during reentry, breaking it apart and killing the seven member crew. A new launch day, no early than June 8th means more time for the space station for US astronaut Sunita Williams. She has been there since December.

    Oil prices held steadily in Asian trading today. US light crude for May delivery fell 2 cents to $61.87 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    This is NPR news.

    The two men at the center of a sexual abuse scandal in the Texas juvenile justice system have been arrested. Allegations of abuse refers investigated two years ago. From member station KUT in Austin, Ben Philpott reports.
    Former West Texas State school assistant superintend Ray Edward Brookins and former school principal John Paul Hernandez were arrested on charges ranging from having an improper relationship with a student to sexual assault. The pair were originally investigated by a Texas Ranger in early 2005, but the Ranger report was ignored by the local district attorney. The Texas Attorney Generals office finally took over prosecuting the case in January. New stories this February brought national attention to the allegations. Since then the Texas Youth Commission Board has resigned and its executive director has been replaced. Lawmakers and a newly appointed conservator have been working to come up with quick fixes and a long-term overhaul of the entire Youth Commission. For NPR news, I'm Ben Philpott in Austin.

    The Campaign to entice army soldiers and marines to stay in the military has cost the government more than 1 billion dollars. The Associated Press is reporting that a review of military budgets funds that were spend on reenlistment payments last year compared with 174 million dollars in 2003 when the Iraq war started. Bonuses can range from a few thousand dollars up to $150,000 for very senior Special Forces soldiers who reared up for 6 years. So far the enticement seems to be working. The active army, the guard and the army reserve are all on tract to meet their reenlistment goal for the fiscal year that will end on September 30th.

    I'm Carl Kasell, NPR news in Washington.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-12 15:29 | [1 楼]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 栋梁之材
    发贴: 582
    威望: 0
    浮云: 1103
    注册时间: 2006-11-24
    最后登陆: 2008-06-12

    5come5帮你背单词 [ strength /streŋθ/ n. 力,力量,实力,长处,优点,人力,兵力 ]


    From NPR news in Washington, I'm Carl Kasell.

    Democratic leaders in Congress are rejecting President Bush's offer to hold talks on the impacts over funding the war in Iraq. Senate majority leader Harry Reid is critical of the President for being unwilling to negotiate any timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
    "He has to deal with Congress. We are independent branch of this government and by our Constitution we have an equal say that he has and he is gotta to listen to us, because we are speaking for the American people, he isn't." Deputy White House press secretary Dana Perino said that the President is not willing to let members of Congress micromanage the war. “We understand that the Congress has a role to play. We understand what that role is. I would hope that they understand what the Commander in Chief's role is." Perino describes the democrats' refusal to meet with the President as a knee-jerk reaction.

    The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena yesterday for Justice Department documents about the dismissal of 8 US attorneys. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales also named a new chief of staff yesterday. NPR's Ari Shapiro reports.
    This is the first subpoena Congress has sent to the Justice Department in the US attorney scandal. The House Judiciary Committee is demanding complete versions of some documents that were partially blacked out in the Justice Department's earlier document draft. Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse, he says the Justice Department has been forthcoming and some of the documents Congress wants are already available for private review. The Attorney General is scheduled to testify before Congress next Tuesday about the dismissals of US attorneys. Yesterday Gonzales appointed Kevin O'Connoras as his new chief of staff. O'Connor is the US attorney in Connecticut. He oversaw the prosecution of Connecticut's Republican governor John Rowland for corruption. The Attorney General's last permanent chief of staff Kyle Sampson resigned last month over the US attorney firings. Ari Shapiro NPR news Washington.

    NASA has delayed the first shuttle launch of the year until June while repairs continued on a hail damaged fuel tank. The delay would put the Atlantis leave off almost 3 months behind schedule. The delay would allow technicians to finish repairing the shuttle's fuel tank which was damaged in February when golf ball size hail left thousands of dents on the tank's insulation. The form has been a special concern to NASA since 2003 when a chuck of form flew off during shuttle Columbia's launch and struck the obiter. The damage allowed fiery gases to penetrate the shuttle during reentry, breaking it apart and killing the seven member crew. A new launch day, no early than June 8th means more time for the space station for US astronaut Sunita Williams. She has been there since December.

    Oil prices held steadily in Asian trading today. US light crude for May delivery fell 2 cents to $61.87 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    This is NPR news.

    The two men at the center of a sexual abuse scandal in the Texas juvenile justice system have been arrested. Allegations of abuse refers investigated two years ago. From member station KUT in Austin, Ben Philpott reports.
    Former West Texas State school assistant superintend Ray Edward Brookins and former school principal John Paul Hernandez were arrested on charges ranging from having an improper relationship with a student to sexual assault. The pair were originally investigated by a Texas Ranger in early 2005, but the Ranger report was ignored by the local district attorney. The Texas Attorney Generals office finally took over prosecuting the case in January. New stories this February brought national attention to the allegations. Since then the Texas Youth Commission Board has resigned and its executive director has been replaced. Lawmakers and a newly appointed conservator have been working to come up with quick fixes and a long-term overhaul of the entire Youth Commission. For NPR news, I'm Ben Philpott in Austin.

    The Campaign to entice army soldiers and marines to stay in the military has cost the government more than 1 billion dollars. The Associated Press is reporting that a review of military budgets funds that were spend on reenlistment payments last year compared with 174 million dollars in 2003 when the Iraq war started. Bonuses can range from a few thousand dollars up to $150,000 for very senior Special Forces soldiers who reared up for 6 years. So far the enticement seems to be working. The active army, the guard and the army reserve are all on tract to meet their reenlistment goal for the fiscal year that will end on September 30th.

    I'm Carl Kasell, NPR news in Washington.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-12 16:31 | [2 楼]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 栋梁之材
    发贴: 582
    威望: 0
    浮云: 1103
    注册时间: 2006-11-24
    最后登陆: 2008-06-12

    5come5帮你背单词 [ client /'klaiənt/ n. 委托人,当事人,顾客 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-12 16:31 | [3 楼]
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