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5come5帮你背单词 [ referee /refə'ri:/ n. 裁判,公断人 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-25 09:27 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ estate /is'teit/ n. 财产,房地产 ]

The United States military has charged four marines with murder over the deaths of Iraqi civilians in the twon of Haditha in November last year. The marines opened fire following an attack on their convoy. Iraqi eyewitnesses say the troops acted without provocation. But defense lawyers say the marines followed a rule of law. Four other marines are charged with failure to properly report in investigating crime. N M now reports from Washington.

The more serious charges unfold unpremeditating murder which carries a penalty of life imprisonment. Sergeant Frank Wuterich is charged with 13 counts. He led a squad of marines who maintained they fired on whom they believed were insurgents in Haditha. 24 people, among them women and children, died in the gunfire. Announcing the charges, Colonel S said that the reporting of the incident after the / command was inaccurate and untimely.

Prominent Shiite political figure in Iraq have been discussed the future of Iraq's governing at odds in the town of Najaf. Correspondent say they want to persuade the anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to rein in his militia and rejoin the political process.

Police in eastern England have charged a man with murdering five prostitutes in a case of / the countries. Steven Wright, age 48, is accused of killing all five women. John A reports from Suffolk police headquarters.

At a joint new conference with the crime prosecution service, the police confirmed that after questioning him since Tuesday morning they have not charged Steven Wright with murders of all five women. The former forklift truck driver will not / tomorrow morning. Another man hold on a suspicion of the murders 37-year-old supermarket worker Tom Stephens has been released on police bail pending further inquiries. The bodies of the five women were found in location outside Ipswich over a 10-day period.

India and China have agreed to send expedition to the Himalayas to study what impacted global warming is having on glaciers. They fear that mountain glaciers could threaten the flow of rivers which support the lives of millions of people. / reports from Delhi.

Scientists and mountaineers from the two countries are planning to head for the source of two rivers, the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra. This flow from the mountains of Tibet and along with the Ganges in Indias' rivers. They provide water to millions of people in the plains of north India and its neighboring countries. The expedition's organizers are worrying that global warning has melting the glaciers that sustain them. In the short time, this could cause flooding. But later if the glaciers disappear then the rivers might too for part of each year.

The Shell Oil company says the Russian state-controlled energy firm Gazprom will take over the majority stake in one of the world's largest gas projects in Russian Far East. Shell and its Japanese partners have agreed to sell Gazprom controlling Shell in the 22-billion-dollar project on the Island of Sakhalin.

This is / with the latest world news from the BBC.

International talks on North Korea's nuclear program are entering a 5th day in Beijing and meet signs of a deadlock. The top US negotiator Christopher Hill said it was frustrated and would be the final day. Pyongyang wants Washington to lift its financial sanctions before discussing incentives for dismantling its nuclear program.

Reports from Somalia say there have been fresh clashes between supporters of the Ismalist militia which controls much of the south and fighters loyal to the interim government. The reports follow a statement by the leader of the Union of Islamic Courts militia that his movement is not at war with neighboring Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government denied sending large numbers of troops there in support of the interim government. Chief M of the Union of Islamic Courts said the Ethiopian troops must be driven out.

We want the whole world to know that Ethiopia invaded our land. And war will now is between Ethiopian government and Somalia. All of people of Somalia are / fight against the Ethiopian invasion. So far we are defeating the enemy. / to people of Somalia invade the enemy from our country.

A United States government-funded study into druggers among the countries at lessons says the number of teenagers taking illegal drugs has dropped significantly. But abuse of prescription drugs and painkillers has risen.

Here in Britain reports say the BBC's main source of funding, the licence fee paid by television viewers is being increased by less than the rate of inflation, in effect cutting the amount of cooperation can spend honesty / services. No for an announcement is to be made until early next year. But the British government sources say ministers have decided to keep the increase blow inflation for the next 6 years. The BBC had want /inflation increase to pay for better programs.

BBC world news.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-25 09:30 | [1 楼]
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