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本页主题: 关于写作的一些common problems (第一季) 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
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注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ partner /'pa:tnə/ n. 合作者,配偶 ]

关于写作的一些common problems (第一季)

我们知道英语里有n多词汇,但是如何use them properly不是一个很容易的事情,尤其是比如像类似下列的词汇:some, a lot of, lots of, several, a number of, many,...都可以表示一些,或者许多,可是什么时候用在哪里都成问题。有些人写作文为了用词不重叠,就信手拈来,是很不恰当的。

关于写作的一些common problems (1) 段落连接


1.Reference and topic introduction(关于引用和介绍主题的引导词)

as regard…(加句子)
as whether to…(加句子)
in terms of…(加短语)
in respect of…(加短语)
with respect to…(加短语)

具体用法,随便据个例子,比如让你谈谈中日关系。你可能介绍中日[屏蔽]关系,经济关系两方面。首先你谈了中日[屏蔽]关系,然后你笔锋一转,要说到中国和日本的economy关系,这时候你就可以用上述词汇,来介绍,承接两者,这样显得你的文章就连贯了。In economic terms, China and Japan…/In terms of economic relationship, China and Japan…


比如让你介绍一个东东的优点,中文是“xx有A优点,B优点,还有C优点”,英语中常常用besides this,moreover,furthermore来引导。

注意:少用as for/as to/besides。这三个词第一很口语化;第二,这三个词通常含有“我讲了ABCD,随便附加一个不是很重要的E东东”的意思,有点像by the way引导出来的内容,不适合用在书面作文里。

3.Ways of making a specific reference(举例子)

1)     namely 通常指很具体的例子
e.g. The main towns involved, namely Manchester and Liverpool …

2)     in particular/particularly 强调前面提到的内容中某一个非常特定的,可以用在句首
e.g. The books on this subject, in particular/particularly those relating to he early period…

3)     notably 可以和2)互换
e.g. A number of writers, notably Frank (1974) and Rostow (1967) refer to this issue…

4)     to be more specific/more specifically
Some areas, to be more specific/more specifically, those in mountainous regions…

注意:作文里举例子,大家少用“for example, such as,take...for example”这类的东东,原因也是一样的:口语化。

4.Making reference to what has gone before(前呼后应)

a.     介绍结果

b.     提及前文已经提到的内容
as stated above in (paragraph two)
the aforementioned work
as stated earlier in …

c.     句中承接
This situation
In such circumstances
In such cases

5.     Arranging data处理数字关系


1)respectively这个词是顺序关系:例如,我有一个女儿一个儿子,一个三岁,一个五岁:I have a girl and a boy. They are 3 and 5 respectively.那么就很清楚,女儿三岁,儿子五岁。



4)the former…the latter这个词组应该不用解释了吧,很多人用


写作中的一些common problems (2) this和that的区别

差不多所有的同学在年幼时[屏蔽]始学英语的时候,老师就开始教“This is…”, “That is…”的句型,然后告诉大家this是近指,that是远指。比如
This is my book.
That is your pencil.


其实要牢牢记住的是, “近指” 和 “远指” 的确是this和that的最基本的概念。

1.     口语和书面语的差别

A: I watched a film with my friend yesterday.
B: Oh, really?
A: Yes, thatwas really boring.

He is arbitrary and hubristic. This leads to his failure in the business.

口语和书面语最大的差别就是:说过的话随风而散,但写过的字总是有迹可寻。所以口语中无论是用this还是that指代上文说过的东东, 在书面语里一律都用this来指代上文,因为无论何时需要去看这个指代的内容,我们都可以回头找到。

其实并不绝对是口语和书面语的差别,只是为了提醒大家书面语里this和that的用法而这么区分的。在口语里也能找到这样的对比,比如我们在餐桌上吃一块牛排,你一边嚼一边夸耀,“This is really delicious!”(肉还没咽下去,而且面前的盘子里也摆着牛排,所以近指)但是如果你吃完了牛排开始喝汤了,但是你还恋恋不舍回味牛排的味道,这时候就该说, “That was really delicious!” (牛排已经没了,看不见了,远指。而且注意时态的变化)

2.     空间距离到情感距离
在真正的对话情景中,this 和that很少用来指空间距离上的远近,而是人的感情上的远近。也就是英语里非常流行的所谓metaphorical view(从暗喻的视觉来表达)。讨厌的东西或者人,你希望跟他们保持距离,这时候就用that;而你喜欢的人或者东西,你希望跟他们拉近关系,这时候就用this。还是看具体的例子:

* Don’t tell me about that man! He is really disgusting! (别跟我讲那个男人的事情,他太令人恶心了!)
* Tell me something about this handsome young guy! (跟我说说那个帅小伙的事情吧!)

Who’s that? (黑暗中的一个很大的别墅,一个女的被楼下传来的声音吓得…)
Who’s this? (一个handsome的lawyer坐在自己的办公室忙着工作,听见有人敲gate,头也不抬的问了一句)


写作中的一些 common problems (3) 引述词的正确用法

    无论是写issue还是argument的文章,我们都需要引述topic里面的观点。在英语里有很多引述观点的词,如find,suggest, discover, support, show, indicate, cite, confirm等等,除了他们用于引述不同的内容,意思区别,有很多词还隐含作者本身的观点,甚至有褒贬义,所以用的时候并不是完全通用的,下面就分别谈谈。

1.     reporting research activities: (引述研究活动)
这类词有discuss, look at, examine, study, investigate, consider (+noun phrase),一般后面加名次词组,引述的内容一般是别人做了一个什么样的调查。

2.     reporting findings: (引述研究的发现)
这类词有discover, find, suggest, indicate, show (+that…),后面一般加that引导的宾语从句,引述的内容是别人做了研究以后得出的结论或者发现。

3.     reporting arguments: (引述论点)
这类词有suggest, indicate, argue, point out, claim, note (+that),右面一般也加that引导的宾语从句,引述的内容是别人的论点。

    第二个问题就是reporting arguments的时候,并不是所有的词都是可以互换的,很多词在潜意识中就已经隐含了作者(也就是你啦,因为你写的文章嘛!)的观点。我看了一下大家用的词,有一些错非常明显,具体说一下:

1.     argue:中文里这个词翻译成“争论”,感觉肯定不是中性的(想一下,面红耳赤,像两只公鸡)。但是argue在英文里恰恰就是个非常中性的词,describing somebody’s reporting idea。所以引述别人的论点,比如“某某认为…”“某某的观点是…”,不掺入任何作者的感[屏蔽]彩。

2.     claim和assert这两个词慎用!如果你说“某某claims/asserts…”往往表示了你的反对的观点。claim比assert稍稍好些,claim表示你不认同某某的观点;而assert在中文里就翻译成“宣称”,也就是说你不仅不认同某某人的观点,还认为某某人简直就是无稽之谈,胡扯八道,毫无理由。如果你用了这两个词,你就要举出强有力的反对理由去反驳这个某某人的观点,否则…我觉得还是不要那么强烈的把人家否定了。

3.     cite, refer, 和state。Cite和refer后面都要加引用的原文,也就是要用引号引起来的,而state则要paraphrase,也就是转述,但不能用人家原来的语句。




如果你用了现在时或者现在完成时,就跟你扯上关系了,一般来说或多或少表示你赞同这个观点。The research findings may correspond to the writer’s own opinion, the current state of knowledge or the research itself may be close to the writer’s own research.

写作中的一些common problems (2) this和that的区别


The usage of ‘this’ and ‘that’ as demonstratives in English often is taken for granted as the same in Chinese. Because they look so ‘trivial’, they are often ignored in language teaching. Learners normally begin their English learning with sentences like ‘This is my pen’ and ‘That is his pen’ to show the physical distance between ‘this’ and ‘that’. It may be almost all learners get from teaching. However, learners often find it difficult in practicing them. Why do native speakers say ‘That is true’ but not ‘this is true’, while in writing sentences like ‘This is true’ is more likely to be anticipated to refer what has been mentioned in the above paragraph? Learners may try to find answers from their own language but contrarily they often get more twisted.

However, if extending the basic meaning of ‘this’ refers to things close to the speaker while ‘that’ means things distant into metaphorical view, the different choice of ‘this’ and ‘that’ in spoken and written language will show itself. Words die out when the speaker finish them, so there appears the distance. But words are still there in the paragraph and readers can still shift back to read them, so there is the closeness.

The similar situation can be found in dinner. If the speaker is still chewing something, he will rather say ‘this tastes delicious’, but say ‘that tasted delicious’ after the food being swallowed. The former is closer because the speaker can feel the food in his month while the latter is distant because the food has disappeared.

Now it is also not hard to understand why people say ‘Who’s that?’ while they hear some strange noise in the darkness but ‘Who’s this?’ on hearing the knock on the door.

Distance and closeness can also be implied in people’s feeling while they like or dislike something or somebody. Emotional distance and closeness can be shown as well as physical distance and closeness at the same time. If something or someone makes people disgusted, they will certainly show their dislike by keeping a distance from it or the person. Otherwise they will like to show their fondness by getting closer to them. So people usually say ‘Don’t tell me about that man! He is disgusting!’ but say ‘Tell me about this handsome young guy!’ to show their fondness, interest or acceptance.

Moreover, it may draw both teachers and learners attention that there is a common use in native speakers while they are telling a story or a joke by introducing ‘there was this woman’ to show the closeness, which can be taught to learners as a typical grammatical feature in spoken language.


顶端 Posted: 2006-12-11 23:18 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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注册时间: 2006-05-09
最后登陆: 2008-06-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ undergraduate /Λndə'grædjuit/ n. 大学生 ]

xx lz

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-12 00:17 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: ~~~~~~~
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 2350
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浮云: 1220
注册时间: 2006-05-09
最后登陆: 2008-06-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ grandson /'grændsΛn/ n. 孙子,外孙 ]


顶端 Posted: 2006-12-12 00:18 | [2 楼]
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