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Balancing Work and Life with Flex Time

A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 18:18 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

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Joining us now work-place-contributer Torry Jonson and the couch on line for so many of these teams of their trying to get more life for themselves.Okey!Come on go back to some of the things we saw on that piece .We heard up there if you were turn down the first time you tried that .//.I can't imagine going back to a boss after being turn down.

Don't give up.It's so important not to give up.The first thing you wanna do is try to understand what the hesitation is .Ingage in some candid conversation i understand you want happy with my propalsal or you are not able to approve it this time.Tell me what some your concerns are .Because asking for a change in schedule is often about an nigotiation. So maybe we can come up with some time of alternative or middle-gram.Or if that not songs possible right now.Let's set a timetable for when we can revisit it because what's not possible today could be possible in 3 or 6 month from now .Because sucurmstance? is an attitude to change . So don't give up.

Right!She 's ganna be a past !(Right)Don't give up quietly.We here bosses a saying ...you know are ... i can't ,i can't as people just wake up one day.Okey ,not any more time off . / really saying.
That's right.You can't walk in and just make those deminds .The botom line is the boss is always do to happy .But not the expense of productivity.So think in terms of any type change of a schedule ,any change of flexibility really is an accomodation not in an titlement.It doesn't matter where i'm asking whether i 'm a mum i'm .Or i'm a dad who wants to coach a socar team.Or i'm a minder woman who wants to training for a/.It does't matter what reason are for asking .I have be able to convinced us that i'm ganna to produce results.
That's one of the things you say over again . Don't even go into pricing problem ,go into with the pricing solution.
Solutions are really are your way to victory.Not,Not always,but you definitely not ganna succeed if you going with the problems.Find out ,i 'm so sick with my commute i relly have to work from home one day a week,you know ,chances are all you ganna say it't all really live a different time.Or worse is,ok you can work from home.
But maybe the most substamism is read by both of us is really ganna do as much or even as more work.
How do you convincible us.
That you mean it .More work can be done that you convince and show them.

All for bentch marks.It's the best solution you can provide.As you ganna say here is the propose i have that here i can to measure the results. Because i know results is more important to you and important to me too.So maybe we ganna have a conversation for 15 minutes every two weeks so that we understand how to / communication after working.So if you are not happy i'm not happy.We have the ability to make changes along the way.

Back to we always say again.Let's just try it .I'm doesn't back.(Try it!)It doesn't work.(You got it!)
And you know what ?Flexibility is the key in terms of getting the the special commodations .Because i'm like to say i'm work from home every friday.But if we ganna know here is a pricing-business outs up date .I 'll be here on that friday.So being flexible with these arrangements are these propose to change schedule help you get control of your life and keeps the boss happy.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 18:19 | [1 楼]
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