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5come5帮你背单词 [ atomic /ə'tomik/ a. 原子的,原子能的 ]

A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-09 17:09 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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5come5帮你背单词 [ escape /is'keip/ vi. 逃跑,逃脱,逃避,避免,(液体等)学习漏出,漏气;vt. 避开,漏掉;n. 逃避 ]

It's 15 hours universal time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
From the VOA news center in Washington, I'm Jenny Herbs.

At least 16 people are dead in a powerful suicide car bombing near the US embassy in Kabul including 2 American soldiers. 2 other soldiers and bystanders were wounded. US military officials say the bomber set off his explosives in the Afghan capital today as the US convoy was passing by. / is the US embassy spokesman in Kabul .

"There was a suicide bomber and a suit circle which is about 150 meters outside the end of the compound."

Witnesses say US soldiers and security person now quickly quarantined off the area and began investigating the blast and Myter says they are prepared for advance like this.

"Here all about through here in Kabul and stand the risk to come with it, so we have reason to place, be able to do deal with these person and situation."

Meanwhile, south of Kabul, another suicide bomber blew up his car today outside of the city of Kandahar killing only himself. And in western Afghanistan, a bomb attack wounded 4 Italian soldiers. In other developments, NATO officials say troops killed at least 20 Taliban fighters Thursday during an ongoing operation in southern Afghanistan. The death in Kandahar Province from the number of Taliban fighters killed during the weeklong operation to about 300.

The Iraqi Health Ministry says more than 1,500 people were killed in Baghdad last month and that announcement today follows recent comments by Iraqi and US officials that huge security crackdown in the capital was working. Iraqi ministry says the death count in Baghdad from insurgent attacks and sectarian violence in August was about 14% lower in July. And last week, the US military said the murder rate in Baghdad dropped 52% in August from the daily raid for July. But it's not immediately clear why the two figures are so very far off.

Israel has lifted a 2-month sea blockade of Lebanon that it’d imposed at the start of a war with Hezbollah guerillas. The commander of the UN force said Israel today lifted the sea blockade as an international naval force began patrolling the Lebanese coastline. Israel posed the blockade at the start of its war against Hezbollah to prevent the guerilla group from getting arms supplies from Iran through Syria. A UN-mandated ceasefire ended the war last month. In other developments, Israeli media say Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has indicated he would be prepared to discuss the status of the disputed S farm region if Lebanon disarms Hezbollah.

A series of bombings in a town in western India has killed at least 22 people, injuring dozens more. As VOA's Anjana Pasricha reports the blasts come just days after the Indian Prime Minister warned his country faces a growing terror threat.

Indian police say the blasts ripped through a crowded market place near a mosque in the heart of the town of Malegaon in Maharashtra state sooner after thousands of Muslims head off Friday prayers. The explosions occurred as Muslims observed the festival of Shab-e-Barat when they hold prays throughout the night for the dead and seek divined blessings. A curfew was imposed as tensions rose after the explosions and angry crowds shouted slogans and fought policeman with stones. Maharashtra policeman official B/ says security has been tightened to prevent further violence. Mr. B/ says additional forces have been rushed to the area and the entire state of Maharashtra has been put on high alert. He says the police want to ensure that anti-national forces do not try to create trouble in the community. Anjana Pasricha for VOA news, New Delhi.

The United States says it expects the UN Security Council to begin work on a resolution to sanction Iran over its nuclear programs as early as next week. US Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns says diplomats from 6 world powers will have more discussions on the issue today. After that Burns says work on a draft resolution should be moved to the Security Council. The United States says the talks were productive, but media reports suggest not all diplomats were unified on how to proceed with Iran.

The head of the UN Refugee Agency is warning Sudan's war-torn Darfur region as ahead of a major catastrophe if humanitarian agencies are not allowed to safely carry out their work there. He says the continued government offensive in Darfur could lead to a further large displacement of people in addition to the nearly 2 million that have already been forced from their homes. And he warns that millions of people in Darfur are at cold grave risk and the situation is worsening every day. Officials also say that the continued fighting in Darfur is threatening to destabilize the entire region, particularly in neighboring Chad and the Central African Republic.

I'm Jenny Herbs, VOA news, more news on the Internet at voanews.com.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-09 17:09 | [1 楼]
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