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本页主题: [视频] CNN Student News 2006.9.1 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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5come5帮你背单词 [ rape // n. 强奸,却取;vt. 强奸,洗动 ]

[视频] CNN Student News 2006.9.1

[ 此贴被hxf666在2006-09-01 12:18重新编辑 ]
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  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-09-01 11:51 | [楼 主]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ unquestionable // a. 无疑的,确实的,无可非议的 ]


    Quick Guide
    Ernesto Sloshes Carolinas - Learn how one Atlantic Coast governor prepared his state for the Ernesto storm.

    Week in Review - Review what consequences Iran may face for defying a United Nations resolution.

    Teens and Obesity - Understand how a new obesity intervention program is turning kids into dieticians.


    MONICA LLOYD, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: It's Friday, and time for your end-of-the-week edition of Student News. I'm Monica Lloyd, glad to have you along. Along the Eastern Coast, the water's on the rise. Which states are most at risk as Ernesto comes ashore? Days of conflict, and commemoration... How Iran defied the world, and how a region remembered Katrina. And don't hold the fries, just hold less of them. How dieticians portion out advice to fight youth obesity.

    First Up: Ernesto Sloshes Carolinas

    LLOYD: We begin today with tropical storm Ernesto. The storm's been moving northward and gaining strength off the Atlantic coast. Yesterday Ernesto's winds approached hurricane strength, topping 70 miles an hour. In North and South Carolina, heavy rains lashed the coastal regions, raising fears about flooding. Today in Virginia, they're in a state of emergency and national guard troops are mobilized for any emergencies. Kyung Lah is in Charleston,. Following Ernesto's path.


    KYUNG LAH, CNN REPORTER: As Ernesto makes its way up the Atlantic coast... It leaves behind a wet mess in parts of South Carolina... But the storm could have been much worse there.

    MARK SANFORD, SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR: We've been lucky based on what mother nature has dealt South Carolina's way. I'd ask that we extend thoughts and prayers to folks in North Carolina.

    LAH: North Carolina is already rain saturated from above average rainfall this month. Rescuers saved a man who ended up in the water after losing control of his car in the rain. In anticipation of flooding and possible wind damage, Virginia's governor has declared a state of emergency.... in advance of Ernesto's arrival later this week.

    TIMOTHY KAINE, VIRGINIA GOVERNOR: As part of the emergency declaration, I've asked for 200 Virginia Guard members to be on alert and on duty to help us through Ernesto.

    LAH: The National Hurricane Center says Ernesto could cause isolated tornadoes and dump four to eight inches of rain on the mid-Atlantic states causing concern about flash flooding.

    MAX MAYFIELD, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER: One of the biggest concerns is certainly going to be the rainfall. This blue area that you see here represents 4 inches or greater and that's a large area from Northeast South Carolina all the way into southern Pennsylvania within the next two or 3 days.

    LAH: Charelston is coming back to life after Ernesto came through here. Now North Carolina and Virginia are keeping an eye on the storm. In Charleston South Carolina, Kyung Lah CNN Student News.



    GEORDIE RAMSAY, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Today's shoutout goes out to Coach Smith's World History classes at Dr. Philips High School in Orlando, Florida! What is the nickname of the state of South Carolina? Is it? A- The Palmetto State B- The Low Country C- Crescent Moon State D- The First Battle State You've got three seconds, go! The first battle of the Civil War was fought in South Carolina, but that's not its nickname. A crescent moon is on the state flag, but that's not it either. Part of the state is called the Low Country, but that's not the whole state's nickname. So that leaves...the Palmetto State! If you got it, you got our Shoutout!

    Week in Review

    LLOYD: It's time to take a look back at the past few days The Gulf Coast marked a year since a killer storm landed. In the Middle East... There was more violence in Iraq. And in Iran, a storm of controversy as that nation pursues its nuclear aims. Here's Carl Azuz with "The Week in Review."


    CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS: The bells tolled...Candles burned...And a sunrise service commemorated the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's landfall between Mississippi and Louisiana.

    PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: We understand there's more work to be done. And just because a year's past, the federal government will remember the people. This is an anniversary, but that doesn't mean it's an end.

    AZUZ: The scars of the storm remain along the Gulf Coast among the buildings and the hurricane's victims.

    WOMAN ON THE STREET: My family's everywhere. So that's my big hurdle -- just wishing I had the family I had before the storm.

    AZUZ: In New Orleans, trailers and debris line some of the streets. But the city's mayor, Ray Nagin, said the recovery is coming along, and that it would eventually lead to an economic revival.

    AZUZ: A United Nations deadline has come and gone for Iran to give up its nuclear program. The country has refused to do so, so some U.N. officials say it's time for punishment.

    JOHN BOLTON, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: We've also said repeatedly, and the foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the security council have agreed, that we will seek sanctions.

    AZUZ: U.N. and U.S. officials are concerned that Iran will use nuclear technology to make weapons. But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insists that's not the case.

    PRESIDENT MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, IRAN: Access to peaceful nuclear energy and power is the right of the Iranian people. We've chosen our right and under international law we want to use our right.

    AZUZ: Meanwhile, in neighboring Iraq, hundreds have died since the beginning of the week in a violent spike of nationwide insurgent attacks. That includes dozens killed in the capital Thursday during bombings, mortar and rocket assaults. All of this comes in the midst of Operation Together Forward, an ongoing security crackdown in Baghdad. U.S. General George Casey says Iraqi forces may be able to handle most of the country's security within 12-18 months. With your CNN Student News Week in Review, I'm Carl Azuz.


    Order Up

    GEORDIE RAMSAY: Ready to Order Up? See if you can rank these activities in order of calories burned, per hour, from greatest to least. Here ya go: A - Aerobics B - Running/jogging C - Light gardening/yard work D - Swimming Today's selections go in this order: B-D-A-C Running or jogging burns 590 calories per hour, Swimming -- 510, Aerobics -- 480, and Light gardening or yard work can burn 330 calories each hour That completes today's order!

    Teens and Obesity

    LLOYD:Youth obesity is a growing problem. Statistics show the percentage of overweight young people has more than tripled since 1980. To cut that number, a new program targets the eating and lifestyle habits among inner-city kids. As Doctor Sanjay Gupta explains, "super-sizing" is out...And exercising is in.


    DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN: Now here's a diet any kid would love!

    GUPTA: French fries make the cut, so does candy, even soda's still on the menu. All part of the let's get fit program for these kids trying to reach a healthier body weight. "Let's Get Fit" isn't some crazy new diet and exercise fad -- backed by the Centers for Disease Control -- it's an obesity intervention program that turns young children into experienced dieticians.

    RYAN LENCREROT, 4TH GRADE STUDENT: If you get juice 5% juice fruit juice the rest of the sugar is 95% that's too much sugar.

    GUPTA: In this Emory University pilot program children like Ryan and a parent team up to focus on three key areas:

    GUPTA: More physical activity

    INSTRUCTOR : Good, you got it.

    GUPTA: Reducing screen time

    SHADONNA BELL, 4th GRADE STUDENT: I used to watch 8 hours of TV straight. I'm like this, I can't move my mom says there's a fire in the house I could not move.

    GUPTA: And embracing an eating plan called "Go, Slow, Whoa."

    INSTRUCTOR: Which food is a whoa food...fruit roll ups, an apple and applesauce? Fruit roll ups. Whoa. Those are high in sugar.

    GUPTA: In their diet plan, participants don't eliminate foods in the high fat "whoa" category, they learn to eat less of it.

    ASHLEY MITCHELL, 5th GRADE STUDENT: I remember if I'm eating a candy bar, I could cut it in half.

    GUPTA: Parents are key to children's success and have learned to remove temptations too.

    CECILIA MITCHELL, PARENT: I used to work at night... they would just go and eat whatever was there. Now, when I know I have to work that night I make sure I don't have those things in there for them.

    DR. ANNE LONG DUNLOP, EMORY FAMILY & PREVENTITIVE MEDICINE: For the most part, kids and families know what it means to eat healthy and be active, but where they actually fall down is on this: How do you actually change those eating and activity behaviors?

    GUPTA: These simple lifestyle changes help participants gradually take off the weight and hopefully keep it off. Fourth grader Shadonna Bell's lost five pounds.

    SHADONNA BELL: I feel lighter. I can run faster, I can play games and I won't get tired as quickly as I used to.

    CATHI LENCREROT: This has been a blessing for us to learn this and to learn to make it work for us.

    GUPTA: Creating a healthier future for these families. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN , reporting.



    LLOYD: If you watched Part One, you don't want to miss the rest! In CNN Presents Classroom Edition: In the Footsteps of Bin Laden, your class will begin to understand how the world's most wanted terrorist became who he is. For classroom materials and show times, head to our Web site: CNN.com/Education!

    Before We Go

    LLOYD: Before we go... Some cell phones that really go long-distance. In Finland, the competition is off-the-hook for the mobile-phone-throwing world championship. The phone fling is now in its seventh-year. And this annual "call to arms" draws competitors from as far as Canada and Russia. This year's champ whizzed his wireless 89 meters...or just about a football field. He was from the host country So that gave fans...a perfect Finnish finish.


    LLOYD: On that pun... We'll hang up. Since Monday is Labor Day, we'll see you on Tuesday for the next Student News. Until then, I'm Monica Lloyd.
    顶端 Posted: 2006-09-01 11:54 | [1 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ temperate /'tempərit/ a. 温和的,节制的 ]

    怎么下载哈! 下了再听哈!

    顶端 Posted: 2006-09-01 12:10 | [2 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ scold /skəuld/ v. 责骂,申斥 ]

    GOOD NEWS.........

    顶端 Posted: 2006-09-01 12:17 | [3 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ refreshment /ri'fremənt/ n. 神清气爽,(pl.)点心,饮料 ]

    引用第2楼废墟之魂于2006-09-01 12:10发表的:
    怎么下载哈! 下了再听哈!

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