引用第19楼laputa于2006-06-25 01:50发表的:
这本奠定了斯密的声誉的著作主要关注人与人之间的交流多大程度的依赖于代理与观众间的同情。他关于语言演化的分析多少有些肤浅,相比Lord Monboddo14年后经过更加严谨考证而出版的<Of the Origin and Progress of Language>(语言的起源与进化)。不过斯密流畅的表达能力及说服力是很明显的。This work, which established Smith's reputation in his day, was concerned with how human communication depends on sympathy between agent and spectator (that is, the individual and other members of society). His analysis of language evolution was somewhat superficial, as shown only 14 years later by a more rigorous examination of primitive language evolution by Lord Monboddo in his Of the Origin and Progress of Language[3]. Smith's capacity for fluent, persuasive, if rather rhetorical argument, is much in evidence
这一段呢,感觉很别扭,尤其how human communication depends on sympathy between agent and spectator
sympathy between agent and spectator 主体与旁人之间共同的情感