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本页主题: (08165)上海豪威集成电路设计有限公司[招聘时间:2007年11月7日 14:30] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 风驰骋过的心灵!
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 菠韬汹勇
发贴: 688
威望: 1
浮云: 1148
注册时间: 2006-10-06
最后登陆: 2009-05-22

5come5帮你背单词 [ risky /'riski/ a. 危险的,冒险的 ]

(08165)上海豪威集成电路设计有限公司[招聘时间:2007年11月7日 14:30]

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
招聘时间:2007年11月7日 14:30

招聘地点:一教 104



IC Group:

ASIC design Engineer


ASIC chip design in field of audio and/or video and/ or platform.


MSEE or equivalence (PhD preferred);

Position requires knowledge of Verilog HDL design and Matlab/C/C++ skill;

Knowledge of digital image processing, DSP or video/audio compression is a plus.

Architect Engineer


Chip architecture design in the field of audio and video DSP and compression.



Familiar with DSP and/or image processor and/or platform architectures;

Familiar with low power circuit architecture design;

Familiar with audio and/or video standards, such as MPEG-4, and H.264;

Familiar with software development tools (Matlab/C/ C++, etc) and software/hardware co-design methodologies.

Chip Verification Hardware Engineer


As a chip verification hardware engineer, you will implement system level verification of SoC products;

Involve in FPGA emulation and test chip verification;

Design FPGA board and test board;

Develop firmware sample code and test vector;

Work with central support firmware engineer on hardware debugging.


MSEE or equivalence;

Familiar with system level verification of SoC/ASIC product;

Have good knowledge in RISC CPU, interrupts, interfaces, media processing is a must;

Skilled at firmware development;

Have good knowledge in SoC board level system such as power management, LCD display panel, SRAM/DRAM, USB, etc.

SoC Support Engineer, Embedded Software


As an embedded software developer, you will work within a team on the future generation platform for SoC design. A successful candidate will be responsible for implementing firmware and applications for the realtime OS (RTOS), interfaces, interrupt routines and media & image processing on a challenge multiple core MCU environment  Understanding the system so as to resolve system performance issues is also the job responsibility.



  Knowledge with RTOS and JTAG debugging interface;

  Familiarity of tool chains is a must (such as GNU's or ARM's or TI's tool chain, etc.); Must be fluent in C and assembly level programming;

Familiar with least 2 of the following specific areas is required:

    (1) Audio/video implementation, such as (any one of) MPEG4, H.263, AAC/AAC+, MP3, G729, AMR, etc.;

    (2) RTOS kernel development;

    (3) GNU tool chains porting and integration;

    (4) Video and/or audio microcode firmware development;

    (5) Image process;

    (6) LCD panel display, A/V, HDMI and TV interfaces; USB interface experience is strongly desired;

    (7) Chip verification and board bring-up;

    (8) Power management;

Hands-on experience with developing embedded systems and debugging device drivers or application software on DSP or ARM platform is strongly desired ;

Knowledge of digital IC design is a big plus, but not required

Self-motivated, excellent communication skills and ability to excel in a team environment.

Software Group

General image processing engineer


Research and develop algorithm related to high dynamic range compression, still/motion image processing;

Research and develop algorithm related to pattern recognition;

Algorithm testing and verification;

Algorithm simplification in mathematics and hardware;


Master/doctor degree in EE, CS, OE;

Experience in still/motion image processing, detailed working knowledge of various image/video compression standards, i.e. JPEG, MPEG4, H264;

Be familiar with de-mosaic, AGC/AEC, color correction, AWB, gamma correction, noise removal, image enhancement, etc;

Good knowledge in feature selection/extraction, image fusion, pattern recognition;

Strong mathematical background and algorithm design skill;

Excellent verbal and written communication skills;

Software engineer (network protocol)


Responsible network protocol related application software developing;


B.S or above, major in communication, electronics, computer science;

At least 2 years experience in developing Ethernet protocol for embedded system, and TCP/IP stack, RTP, UDP, UpnP, HTTP/SMTP/FTP protocols;

Familiar with embedded OS, ARM7/9 development, porting;

Experience in video applications, driver development;

Background knowledge on 802.11a/b/g driver development is preferable;

Being capable of reading technical specification in English fluently; Can write report in English without difficulty;

Software engineer (USB camera)


Be responsible for development of USB camera related application software;


2+ years experience with MS Windows application development;

Be familiar windows GUI development;

Experience in C, C++ and assembly language;

Be familiar with OOP design, DirectShow, windows/platform SDK;

Have experience for video application interface;

Knowledge of USB bus is plus;

Application software developer


Develop windows application software based on OVT image sensor or other products;


BS/MS of CS or related;

Be familiar with C/C++ language;

Be familiar with windows SDK/MFC and multi-thread developing;

Preferred Qualifications (It is a good plus if you meet one or more following requirements):

Experience on multimedia software developing, having knowledge of DirectShow;

Familiar with image/video processing techniques;

Experience on algorithm optimization, having knowledge of MMX/SSE/SSE2 assembler language.




顶端 Posted: 2007-10-30 13:01 | [楼 主]
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