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本页主题: (08-0051)赛gate铁克[截止时间:2007年10月30日] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 风驰骋过的心灵!
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 菠韬汹勇
发贴: 688
威望: 1
浮云: 1148
注册时间: 2006-10-06
最后登陆: 2009-05-22

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本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
应聘方式:投递简历请登录: http://campus.chinahr.com/2008/pages/symantec/index.asp


招聘职位:Software Engineer

工作地点:Bei Jing,Chengdu

Software Engineer 

Symantec is seeking software engineers who are looking for a challenging career as well as the opportunities to work on world class software products. You will be developing advance customer solutions that allow our customers to best utilize the superior technologies in our Storage Foundation, Clustering, Data Manager, Backup Exec and other world-known enterprise products.

Projects for these positions expand in one of the following areas:

•        Design, implement and maintain advanced integration modules (“glue-code”) for the above products in customer application environments.

•        As a member of global product development team, participate in product development life-cycle. Design,implement and sustain modules of the products, or porting the products to new platforms or new versions.

•        Conduct research and implement new technologies, or extend products’ functionalities in new OS and/or hardware platforms.

•        Responsibilities also include triaging and bug fixing, unit testing and other quality improvement tasks. One will also need to interact closely with members of global product teams in other locations, as well as system engineers and end users.

Basic Requirements :

•        Bachelor's or more advance degree or equivalent in computer science or related field.

•        A minimum of 2 years of work/school experience in one or more of the follow skill sets:

•        Tangible C/C++ design and implementation results.

•        Object Oriented Design and Programming.

•        Java programming

•        System level programming on UNIX (Linux and/or Solaris and/or AIX and/or HPUX) and/or Windows.

Basic understanding of networking concepts, implementation and technologies (MCSE, CNE); Computer Security knowledge preferred;

Detailed knowledge of engineering methods, configuration management, I18n, L10n and the software lifecycle;

Effectively use configuration and management tools, Java, ASP, Visual Studio, Catalyst, Installshield. Etc.

•        Strong written and verbal communication skills in English.

•        Self motivated and a team player.

•        Ability to work in a collaborative environment.

招聘职位:Quality Assurance Engineer

工作地点:Bei Jing,Chengdu

Quality Assurance Engineer 

Duties /Responsibilities

Quality Assurance engineer for Integration/Verification Test, with focus on VERITAS Software Integration testing on Multiple OS:

•        This position is located in Beijing, PRC

•        Do integration test execution and development.

•        Resolve technical issues or escalate to external teams.

•        Be team member and communicate status with others.

•        Interacts with product teams and developers constantly.

•        Work on systems, network, and storage resources setup and configuration.

•        Work on test plan, schedule, cases, results, and bug reporting and tracking.

Experience and Qualifications

•        Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science or Engineering related field.

•        Fundamental knowledge of Linux and Unix internal including trouble shoot tips

•        Knowledge of foreign language like Japanese is a plus.

•        Software test Course or Training, with knowledge in database install, configure, tuning and testing

•        Unix (one of the following: Solaris, AIX, HP-UX or Linux) installation and patching

•        Knowledge in SCSI protocol and I/O subsystem scheduling and queuing machanism

•        Cluster Technology training is a plus

•        Good programming skills with C, Shell and Perl required.

•        Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills required in both Chinese and English.

•        Highly flexibility on assisting on and moving to other projects based on business needs.

招聘职位:The Associate Security Response Engineer


The Associate Security Response Engineer will reverse engineer malicious code threats with the goal of creating antivirus signatures and custom reports detailing the threats actions. 

The engineer will be required to respond quickly to emerging malicious code threats and create antivirus signatures or recommendations to deal with these threats.  The engineer will reverse engineer unknown binaries to determine their behavior. The engineer may need to create tools and scripts to aid in reverse engineering malicious threats including file format parsers and unpackers.

This position may require weekend availability and the engineer must be able to work under high-pressure situations.

Degree in computer science or equivalent experience.

Knowledge of x86 assembly or other variants.

Experience in C/C++ programming.

Understanding of networking and Windows system internals.

Experience in reverse engineering including using disassemblers and debuggers is a plus.

Knowledge of scripting languages such as Perl or Python is a plus.

招聘职位:The Associate Security Response SQA Engineer


The Associate Security Response SQA Engineer will be responsible for the quality of Symantec Security Response deliverables including threat (worm, trojan, virus) detections and security risk (e.g. adware, spyware) detections. The person will be responsible for the quality of threat and security risk removal tools and technical content posted to the web.

The candidate will be responsible for the planning and implementation of code-review, functional, regression and other testing of content (e.g. virus definition updates) on Symantec products on a variety of platforms: primarily Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista but also mobile device operating systems (e.g. Symbian/Windows Mobile) and sometimes Unix. The Associate Security Response SQA Engineer will identify and report defects, verify fixes, and work with analysts to ensure defects are resolved. The candidate must establish cooperative relationships to work effectively with colleagues worldwide.

As a member of the SQA Team, the candidate is also responsible for creating and improving SQA processes to allow the team to work in a more efficient and productive manner.

In order to respond to security incidents, the candidate may be called in on short notice and must make informed and crucial decisions regarding the quality of final deliverables. Knowledge of prevalent Quality Assurance Standards and Quality Management Systems is an advantage but not a requirement.

BS Degree, preferably in a computer science-related field, or equivalent industry experience.

Knowledge or experience of prevalent Quality Assurance Standards or Quality Management Systems (ISO 9000-3 or CMM)

1-2 years experience with C/C++, Perl/Python/Ruby. Knowledge of X86 Assembler is an advantage.

One of the following certifications is preferred (listed in order of preference): GIAC, CCNA, MCSE.

Experience with multiple platforms especially Windows and Unix systems.

A broad understanding of current Internet security threats and networking essentials is mandatory.

Interpersonal skills: Must be able to interact comfortably with members of the worldwide Response Team and employees in other departments in Symantec.

Planning and organisation: The ability to plan and organise multiple tasks in an efficient manner to completion.

Communication: The ability to communicate complex issues in a simple manner, both written and verbal. Many of the people the role comes into contact with are located in different countries and may have differing abilities speaking English.

Team player: The role requires the ability to work in a close-knit worldwide team to achieve project goals.

Innovation: Not only the solution, but in many cases even the question, may not be obvious when faced with potential security incidents. The ability to innovate solutions to get them to customers more quickly or safely is mandatory.

招聘职位:Localization Linguistic

工作地点:Beijing, Chengdu


Translates, edits and proofreads Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese content and GUIs against English source.


Learns to use professional concepts and company policies and procedures to solve routine problems. 

Limited use and/or application of basic principles, theories, and concepts. Works on problems of limited scope. 

Follows standard practices and procedures in analyzing situations or data from which answers can be readily obtained. 

Translate GUI and small requests.

Reviews translated GUI, technical documents, web pages, and other documents in order to ensure their consistency in terminology and style, as well as linguistic and technical accuracy.

Responds to inquiry from translation vendors.

Give feedback to translation vendors on translation quality.

Keeps in contact with development team to resolve translation difficulties.

Updates/creates terminologies and translation memory database and ensures that terminology is applied consistently.


Contributions are usually limited to assignment related activities.  Failure to accomplish results can normally be overcome without significant affect on the organization.


Accountability, Approachability,

Customer Centered.


Works under close supervision and normally receives detailed instructions on all work. Assignments are task oriented with detailed instruction given.  Follows specific, outlined, and detailed procedures. 


Contacts are primarily with direct supervisor and other exempt professionals in the group or department.


Bachelor's Degree,
technical English or Computer Science Major.

    赛gate铁克中国研发中心(China Development Center, 简称CDC)于2004年6月成立于中国北京。研发中心自成立之日起,就致力于赛gate铁克数据高可用性全线产品的测试和研发工作,成为赛gate铁克在亚太地区继印度的第二个研发中心。目前,赛gate铁克中国研发中心的工程师们包括来自于全国各大高校的应届毕业生和来自其它国内及跨国IT公司的经验丰富的工程师近100人,与全球各研发中心(包括美国的Mountain View, Santa Monica, Roseville, Heathrow,爱尔兰的都柏林,日本的东京,印度的Pune)密切合作,承担了存储和安全产品的开发和测试工作。
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-15 13:09 | [楼 主]
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