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Credit Suisse(瑞士信贷)2008校园招聘信息

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Credit Suisse(瑞士信贷)2008校园招聘信息

Investment Banking, Full-Time Analyst

Program Type: Analyst Full-Time
Division: Investment Banking
Business Area: Investment Banking Department
Group/Unit: Investment Banking
Regions Offered: Asia Pacific
Application Deadlines: Asia Pacific: October 14, 2007

* Credit Suisse accepts applications on a rolling basis. Please be aware of your school's application deadline as it may be different from Credit Suisse's application deadline.


Program Description
Our competitive three year Investment Banking Program will provide you with an outstanding experience through broad exposure to the financial services industry and successful execution of relevant transactions in the marketplace. As an Analyst in our Investment Banking Department (IBD) you will have the opportunity to gain expertise in both specific business industries and a variety of financial products. Analyst responsibilities include analyzing companies using financial modeling and valuation techniques, examining the impact of a transaction on a client’s capital structure and analyzing the consequences of mergers, acquisitions and leveraged buyouts. At Credit Suisse, you will work closely with the most qualified professionals at all levels and be integral to the success of your team.
Our international reach and Asia Pacific regional breadth offers unique opportunities to execute transactions from conception to close, which differentiates Credit Suisse from our competitors.
Dependant upon performance, Analysts completing a third year will be eligible for promotion directly to the Associate level.
As a First-Year Analyst you’ll receive intensive classroom training for 6-8 weeks in one of the major financial hubs in the world as a part of our Investment Banking Training Program.  You will learn the basics of accounting, corporate finance, financial modelling, valuation tools, comparable analysis and database skills. The program also includes a variety of social events to facilitate networking among your colleagues globally.
Interested candidates must be a final year student from a Bachelor or Master’s degree program and have a strong interest in building a career in Asia. Credit Suisse is noted for the diversity of its employees but seeks candidates with a common set of abilities – highly motivated, creative individuals who have demonstrated academic achievement and have the ability to work independently while still operating as a member of a team. Strength in verbal and written communication as well as computer literacy is essential. In addition, we look for intelligent, driven and hardworking candidates with consistent leadership skills shown through involvement in school activities.
Credit Suisse Firm Overview
Credit Suisse is one of the world’s premier financial providers offering investment banking, private banking and asset management capabilities to corporations, high net-worth families, entrepreneurs, governments and institutions around the world. Our unique integrated business model enables us to develop comprehensive financial solutions that meet the increasingly complex, global needs of the sophisticated clients that are our focus at Credit Suisse. We benefit from having established relationships and extensive network across both developed and developing market and economies. The bank is active in more than 50 countries internationally, and employs approximately 45,000 people.
Apply Online
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-05 12:30 | [楼 主]
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