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5come5帮你背单词 [ disturbance /dis'tə:bəns/ n. 动乱,骚动,打扰,干扰,(身心)失调 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-06-09 10:33 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ hoist /hoist/ n. 起重机,郑扬机,升降机;vt. (用滑轮等)升起,举起 ]

Well, some of you might want to rethink plans for Memorial Day weekend. With gas prices are hovering near 3.25, AAA actually calculated how much your trip could cost you. If you want to find out, you can log onto fuelcostcalculator.com and enter your destinations. So if you are driving across the country in GMC Yukon that’s gonna cost you more than 1,200 dollars in gas. You could cut cost for that same round trip to just 360 dollars if you are driving a Toyota Prius or find a plane for that matter. NPC Stephanie Stanton is in Burbank California, so Stephanie, how much we're talking, uh, for gas on west coast.

Well, the gas on the west coast, we are not the highest in the nation which are a kind of shocking for us here, because we're always used to being the most expensive. That honor now belongs to the Midwest prices here is still high, in fact according to AAA the average price, Statewide for a gallon of unleaded is 344 a gallon. Here to talk more about holiday travel, gas prices. How all of these effecting votes, Jeff Spring-he is the spokesperson with AA A here./In Southern California. Jeff, we have about to kickoff to the busy summer driving season / this weekend in fact, correct?
That's correct. In fact (that) the AA A nationally is showing that about 38.3 million people be hitting the road traveling about 50 miles more this weekend and that’s about 1.7% increase over last year.
And is there a point, though, I mean, is I find it almost hard to believe that we have an increase, albeit it is small, but it is still an increase? Is there a point at which drivers are starting to sorta hunker-down or scale-back?
Well, like you said, it's a small increase. What we are finding is that people go to travelling, are travelling closer to homes, so they’re, they’re making changes. There are someone go on the trips, but are making changes, travelling closer to home and, (and) and making a shorter trips out of it.
OK, I’d like to guess it would be an individual thing.
It is, it is is an individual choice that's what you do and when you make changes when compares to the gas prices. I said making changes when you hit 50 gallon here in California, I saw a carpooling more, I said making changes of my energies, something like that. So really it is an individual choice and we’ll see that price point come for different people at different time, and what about California? I mean, you know, we’re always used to having highest price in the nation. I mean, a lot of those really we have no choice because the public transportation here as you know is not likel it is in places like New York. So what about California? I mean, how are people coping with this and, you know, we are got a break now because Chicago has / the highest price, but do you expect it to be back at the top soon.
Well, I do not think people here in California consider much of break at all, home. We’ve got highest gas prices for such a long time.
There are things individual motors can do, so to reduce their, their driving habits. And so what we want to do is to encourage people to, like to take the way out of the car to reduce, reduce using the cars\ less sound engine when you moderate your driving habits, don’t take off driving starts of stop lights, don’t make those harsh stops communicating to stop lights. All of these kinds of things are wasting gasoline.
Uh, don't, don’t do, uh, fast driving on freeway, just bring it back five miles a hour, that would help you reduce your consumption of gasoline.
Interesting. Jeff Spring, thank you so much. You did advice something that I didn’t know, so that’s a kind of interesting. Thank you very much. We appreciate you joining us. And with
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-09 10:33 | [1 楼]
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