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5come5帮你背单词 [ spectacular /spek'tækjulə/ a. 壮观的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-14 13:16 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ theft /θeft/ n. 偷窃,盗窃 ]

Holiday gift giving can be a little tiny bit stressful even if you know what to get your mom or your ant or these, because there are so lots of people out there we had all you around from the newspaper delivery person to the dog sitter. What do you suppose to give them? Our friends of Real Simple magazine know the rules in Christmas here to help us out. Hi, Cris
Hi, how are you doing?

So you are outside talking .She had a lot of pressure, she

She is . I give the whole lectures, she is all set.so …

And there are some things that are definitely don’ts on the list, right?

Well, you know what they aren’t exactly knows, there no your audience, OK?
No your audience.

So these are something like scented candles or scented soap. I’ve been through to get somebody // if you don’t know the person likes that particular scent, you might wanna stay away. Alcohol, you’ve really don’t know if somebody drinks or not, so if you don’t know the person well, that wouldn’t be a good one. Religious cards, it’s better to stick with a happy holidays. Also something like chocolates, it seems like a great / idea with somebody is on a diet, this is a little too tempting for them. Something really fattening.

This is what I always give to, though.

OK, I found out……

I always give chocolate, I always give…..

You know the person, I think, that’s fine. But if not, it’s something you should kind of think about.

Knowing it…..Speaking of knowing your audience, so we are gonna move down here,and we are gonna start with your assistant.

You’re assistant.

This is an opportunity for a gift, not a tip. So that is we are kind of deciding here what you do and a gift will be inappropriate. A gift card would be a great way to go. (OK) err, something like at least $50,but you should also think about where your statue in the company is. If you just round about this assistant, and she helps you out. Maybe something a bit smaller, but if you the big boss, you might want to elevate that gift a little , something like perfume, that would be a little too personal. Some of these experts that we talked to all real simple said / anything that touches the skin is too personal.(really?) OK? Exactly.

OK. This is for a nunny and a nunny is a tip and a gift. She is carrying for you know, most the precious people in your all. So everything on this table the nunny is real the biggest box coming out.OK? so you want to tip your nunny, this is somebody who is caring for your kids , who is every day , at least a week’s pay. But if she’s been with you for more than a year, bump it up to in two weeks and something that’s really nice like a designer handbag. You try to buy something that she might not get for herself.

Alright. (OK?) this is for the boss. The boss is kind of tricky. I ….should you , should you not?

You really haven’t to give the boss anything and the boss probably doesn’t want you to get something , cause I kinda // feel a little bit awkward. But if you do want to do it, something that’s small and symbolic is the way to go, or chip in with the other people at the office.

All right. This is for your dog walker.

The dog walker and I guess some people feel about the dog walker is the way I do about my babysitter, but if you want to give them a tip, this is a choice. Tip or gift. So if you give them a tip, err, about equal to one week’s pay.( You don’t have to give them) Or you could take the money and buy them something that they appreciate would like the down rest for while they are walking the dog or maybe give a certificate for a pedicure, coz there is a lot of wearing terrain on the knee …

This is for your hair stylist.


I mean, I am confused about that , too. What do you ..
Well, your hair looks great. I hope that you are a …
She’s got to expect a lot, I guess.


So , this could be. It could be a tip or it could be, if you know the person really well, you’ve been together for years, maybe it’s a bottle of shampoo or something else.
It’s alcohol.

This is knowing your audience. So, if you knew your worker is something like keeping a conversation that could hear what she really likes. You could buy it.

Milk carrier?

Right, well, milk carrier is can on U.S.Post service ‘s can only except something under $20. So a gift card might be great to star box could be a good one. Or just a token gift of some kind, if it’s fad acts, they take up to $75. UPS, no rules.
The teacher.

The teacher. really tough, some schools have policies but if they don’t have a policy in your place, $25 is appropriate for each teacher. The national PTA will survey , they say teachers like gift card the best. So think about like the bookstore, or a coffee shop , something along that , those lines should be great.

What if your kid’s failing? Maybe …

Bump it up.

Cris conner, thank you so much.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-14 13:16 | [1 楼]
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