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顶端 Posted: 2006-09-15 22:35 | [楼 主]

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It's 15:00 Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

Iran's President says his country is open to what he calls new conditions to resolve the standoff with the west over Iran's nuclear program. Speaking to reporters in Senegal today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not provide details of the conditions but he said Iran is seeking dialogue to resolve the issue. He expressed doubt that the United Nations will agree to sanctions because there is, in his words, no reason for them. Meanwhile, China's Premier Wen Jiabao again expressed opposition to sanctions; he said the nuclear issue should be resolved through negotiations.

Iraqi authorities say two car-bombings in Baghdad have killed at least 10 people and wounded dozens. The attacks apparently targeted policemen. Also today security forces in Baghdad found bodies of 20 men apparently victims of sectarian violence. Iraq's Interior Ministry says security forces have killed a top-aide to al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri. The dead militant has identified is Abu Jaafar al-Liby And security officials say another top al-Qaeda official has been arrested. In other news, the US military announced two more American soldiers were killed south of Baghdad.

The international human rights group Amnesty International has criticized the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah for its actions during the recent conflict with Israel. VOA correspondent Gary Thomas reports from London.

In a report released Thursday Amnesty International accused Hezbollah of what it called ''serious violations of international humanitarian law'' during the recent conflict with Israel. The group said that Hezbollah's stream of rockets fired from Lebanon into northern Israel amounted to the deliberate targeting of civilians. Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets into Israel, killing, Amnesty says, 43 people including 4 who died of heart attacks. The rockets used by Hezbollah were Kyatushas which are not precision weapons. The group reiterated its call for an independent impartial inquiry into the conduct of both Israel and Hezbollah during the 34-day conflict. Last month, Amnesty International issued a report that was sharply critical of Israeli actions during the conflict, particularly attacks on civilian targets. Israeli denies that it targeted civilians, saying it only went after legitimate Hezbollah targets. Gary Thomas, VOA news, London

The International Monetary Fund says the world economy will enjoy strong growth in 2006 marking the 4th consecutive year of expansion. The IMF released its twice-yearly report on the global economy today at a joint meeting with the World Bank in Singapore. The lending agency predicts the world economy will grow 5.1% this year and 4.9% in 2007. Both forecasts are slightly higher than previous estimates in April. The IMF also warns of some economic threats including rising inflation, increasing oil prices and the slowing of the US housing market. Meanwhile the World Bank is criticizing Singapore for barring some invited activists from entering the country to attend the meeting. Claudia Blume has this report from VOA's Asia news agent center in Hong Kong.

The World Bank says Singapore's decision to bar a number of activists from participating in next week's meeting is a breach of an agreement signed three years ago. Speaking to civil society organizations in Singapore on Thursday, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz urged the government of the city-state to reconsider its decision.

''I certainly hope their opinions are not the reason they are being excluded and if the opinions are critical of our situation, that's all the more reason that it's important for us to hear them.

Citing the security reasons, Singapore has banned more than 24 activists from entering the country, even though they had invitations from the World Bank and the IMF. Two Filipino activists were deported from Singapore on Wednesday. The police have also set up tough restrictions on demonstrations and other events. Singapore authorities say they want to prevent violent anti-globalization protests similar to those that have marred World Trade Organization meetings. Claudia Blume, for VOA news, Hong Kong.

The deputy head of Russia's Central Bank has died in a Moscow hospital after being shot several times Wednesday in what officials believe was a contract killing. Russian officials say they believe Andrei Kozlov was murdered in revenge for his campaign to clean up corruption in Russia's banking system.

Taking a brief look at market activity on Wall Street, US stock indexes are lower this hour.
I'm David Deforest, VOA news. More news on the internet at VOANews.com
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-17 13:10 | [1 楼]
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