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本页主题: English Corner-----Chatting In English 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 似梦非梦梦还梦
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 水族馆
发贴: 12940
威望: 0
浮云: 409
注册时间: 2005-03-30
最后登陆: 2008-06-23

5come5帮你背单词 [ finally /'fainəli/ ad. 最终 ]

I find this floor just now
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-11 16:51 | [135 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: when u confuse,fuck.
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: fans
发贴: 10499
威望: 7
浮云: 415
注册时间: 2005-09-27
最后登陆: 2018-04-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ lonely /'ləunli/ a. 孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,人迹稀少的 ]

引用第135楼Levin于2006-10-11 16:51发表的:
I find this floor just now

welcome 。just have fun。
in this building   you can get   far more than you can image
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-11 23:21 | [136 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ translation /træns'leiən/ n. 翻译,译文,译文 ]

引用第134楼BigHeart于2006-10-10 22:33发表的:

Between badminton and WuShu I finally chose the latter one cause it's really something new to me and I think it will be more exciting. At least I can show off sometimes.^_^

in my opinion the latter is much harder than the front
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 07:59 | [137 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ excess /ik'ses, 'ekses/ n. 超越,超过,超额量;a. 过量的,额外的,附加的 ]

引用第137楼hxf666于2006-10-12 07:59发表的:

in my opinion the latter is much harder than the front

You think it's harder cause you have never tried it and you know little about it expect watching it in movies but we all know a thing or two about badmiton.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 12:28 | [138 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 鹤立鸡群
发贴: 1208
威望: 0
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2006-10-05
最后登陆: 2008-03-10

5come5帮你背单词 [ evil /'i:vl/ n. 邪恶,弊病,祸害;a. 邪恶的,坏的 ]

oh ,haven`t come here for some days.
so many people is there. I took a interview this morning,and the teacher ask me 3 questions ,
but i only answered two of them.

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 13:02 | [139 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ wish /wi/ n. 希望,愿望;vt. 渴望,要是…多好,想要,渴望,祝,祝愿;vi. 希望 ]

引用第139楼flyhigh于2006-10-12 13:02发表的:
oh ,haven`t come here for some days.
so many people is there. I took a interview this morning,and the teacher ask me 3 questions ,
but i only answered two of them.

Congratulations! What's your major?
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 13:28 | [140 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 挥手间, 已走远~~
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3030
威望: 4
浮云: 448
注册时间: 2005-12-25
最后登陆: 2015-04-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ comfort /'kΛmfət/ vt. 使安慰,使舒服;n. 安慰,舒适,安逸 ]

引用第137楼hxf666于2006-10-12 07:59发表的:

in my opinion the latter is much harder than the front

It seems everybody knows how to play badminton, but when it comes to the badmintion field ( there is a net), everything it's different...........but, i think that it's easier than martial art...
The process is in itself an achievement.


顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 13:43 | [141 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 鹤立鸡群
发贴: 1208
威望: 0
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2006-10-05
最后登陆: 2008-03-10

5come5帮你背单词 [ person /'pə:sn/ n. 人,身体,人称 ]

Congratulations! What's your major?

oh,i just took a good sleep.
my major is computer science and tecnology.what about you?

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 14:48 | [142 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 鹤立鸡群
发贴: 1208
威望: 0
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2006-10-05
最后登陆: 2008-03-10

5come5帮你背单词 [ foreigner /'forinə/ n. 外国人,外人 ]

It seems everybody knows how to play badminton, but when it comes to the badmintion field ( there is a net), everything it's different...........but, i think that it's easier than martial art...

yea,, you are right. The gradution of badminton is very easy,so many people want to
play it.but as my opinion the number of people who paly it well is very small.
my favorite game is basktball,and many of my classmates love this game in my class.so we formed a team named with the number of my class.
what is your favorite sports?

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 14:56 | [143 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: when u confuse,fuck.
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: fans
发贴: 10499
威望: 7
浮云: 415
注册时间: 2005-09-27
最后登陆: 2018-04-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ table /'teibl/ n. 桌子,表格 ]

引用第143楼flyhigh于2006-10-12 14:56发表的:

yea,, you are right. The gradution of badminton is very easy,so many people want to
play it.but as my opinion the number of people who paly it well is very small.
my favorite game is basktball,and many of my classmates love this game in my class.so we formed a team named with the number of my class.
what is your favorite sports?

my favorite game is basketball too....
in hte high school im the captain of our class .but now....
ai, there are so much professional ones and most of our classmate   do it so well.....
i even cann't find a position for me... what a pity ,so   till now i just play it twice from the term's beginning.....
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 20:40 | [144 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 挥手间, 已走远~~
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3030
威望: 4
浮云: 448
注册时间: 2005-12-25
最后登陆: 2015-04-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ welcome /'welkəm/ a. 受欢迎;v. n. & int. 欢迎 ]

引用第143楼flyhigh于2006-10-12 14:56发表的:

yea,, you are right. The gradution of badminton is very easy,so many people want to
play it.but as my opinion the number of people who paly it well is very small.
my favorite game is basktball,and many of my classmates love this game in my class.so we formed a team named with the number of my class.
what is your favorite sports?

that's it....badminton. since there is only one class every week..I don't have many chance to improve it ...

Actually, the indoor badminton field is open for us....if you pay 16 yuan an hour....too expensive to afford it.
The process is in itself an achievement.


顶端 Posted: 2006-10-12 23:08 | [145 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 鹤立鸡群
发贴: 1208
威望: 0
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2006-10-05
最后登陆: 2008-03-10

5come5帮你背单词 [ meeting /mi:tiŋ/ n. 会议,聚会 ]

my favorite game is basketball too....
in hte high school im the captain of our class .but now....
ai, there are so much professional ones and most of our classmate   do it so well.....
i even cann't find a position for me... what a pity ,so   till now i just play it twice from the term's beginning.....

no   matter how your skill is just join the game and the most import thing is you can get happy from the sport.

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-13 08:04 | [146 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: when u confuse,fuck.
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: fans
发贴: 10499
威望: 7
浮云: 415
注册时间: 2005-09-27
最后登陆: 2018-04-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ heavy /'hevi/ a. 重的,沉重的,大量的,猛烈的 ]

too slow ,after two days   we even cann't turn to next page....

maybe we should come here frequently to build this building .....haha
in this an athletic meeting, i'm compelled to attend the 110-stride fence which is the same item with liuxiang join in....i'm afraid i can do it well....
ai ....
good luck to me .....
good luck to you all....
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-13 12:33 | [147 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 挥手间, 已走远~~
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3030
威望: 4
浮云: 448
注册时间: 2005-12-25
最后登陆: 2015-04-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ mill /mil/ n. 蘑房,面粉厂,工厂,车间 ]

引用第147楼fan于2006-10-13 12:33发表的:
too slow ,after two days   we even cann't turn to next page....

maybe we should come here frequently to build this building .....haha
in this an athletic meeting, i'm compelled to attend the 110-stride fence which is the same item with liuxiang join in....i'm afraid i can do it well....
ai ....

too slow.... we should do some activity here........let me think.......
The process is in itself an achievement.


顶端 Posted: 2006-10-13 12:46 | [148 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: when u confuse,fuck.
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: fans
发贴: 10499
威望: 7
浮云: 415
注册时间: 2005-09-27
最后登陆: 2018-04-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ rape // n. 强奸,却取;vt. 强奸,洗动 ]

引用第148楼channing于2006-10-13 12:46发表的:

too slow.... we should do some activity here........let me think.......

talk about sth. interesting?
such as: time is like fossa between the breast, you'll have more time if you press them...
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-13 13:47 | [149 楼]
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