下载死亡诗社结尾.mp3 刚看到有GG发了《黄河绝恋》中的音乐,让我回想起一些电影里的音乐。。。
这是死亡诗社结尾部分,陶德第一个站在桌子上,不顾诺伦退学的威胁,对着即将离去的Keating大喊:Oh,Captain,My Captain!。。。。。
暴风截屏20080112180735.JPG Why do I stand here? To feel taller than you? I stand on my desk to remind myself that we must constantly force ourselves to look at things in a different way. The world looks different from up here. If you don't believe it, stand up here and try it. All of you. Take turns.[ 此帖被流浪星空在2008-05-02 20:37重新编辑 ]