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本页主题: [04.17][Boy Kill Boy-Stars And The Sea ][MP3][256kbps][96M] 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[04.17][Boy Kill Boy-Stars And The Sea ][MP3][256kbps][96M]

本帖被 红色十字架 执行加亮操作(2008-04-18)
中文名称:Stars And The Sea
专辑歌手Boy Kill Boy
专辑曲风: Pop / Rock

来自伦敦的4人乐队。『Chris (Vocals/Guitar) 、 Kev (Bass/Vocals) Pete (Keyboards) 、Shaz (Drums)自去年的《Civilian》』.这盘是2008年推出的新专。音乐风格带点复古、旋律讨好的纯朴味道,既有简单粗糙的Garage,又有抒情悠闲Rock。

Chris Peck (vocals/guitar), Shaz (drums), Pete Carr (keyboards), and Kevin Chase (bass/vocals) comprise the bright indie rock sounds of Boy Kill Boy. Founded in 2004, the English four-piece delivers an energetic brash pop performance not unlike the Kaiser Chiefs and the Rakes. With that and the band's preferences for the Cure, Depeche Mode, Faith No More, and Britpop, Boy Kill Boy spent the next year and half honing their craft. They released the limited-edition single "Suzie" on Fierce Panda only to be quickly swept away by Mercury Records in the U.K. shortly thereafter. By 2006, Boy Kill Boy readied themselves for America. Hot on the heels of their proper British single, "Back Again,"Boy Kill Boy performed at the annual South by Southwest convention in Austin, TX in March. Their full-length debut, Civilian, landed on U.S.
'Stars And The Sea' is the second album from London-based indie rockers Boy Kill Boy. Produced by Dave Sardy, this is astrong and confident follow up that will please fans of their debut album 'Civilian'. Includes the single 'Promises'.


1. Promises
2. No Conversation
3. Be Somebody
4. Loud And Clear
5. Paris
6. A OK
7. Ready To Go
8. Rosie's On Fire
9. Kidda Kidda
10. Pen And Ink
11. Two Souls

[ 此帖被leondouglas在2008-04-18 14:34重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:30(zecker)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2008-04-17 22:08 | [楼 主]
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