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本页主题: 11 届电子和电气工程师协会国际通信系统会议相关[屏蔽]征集 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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11 届电子和电气工程师协会国际通信系统会议相关[屏蔽]征集

  Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS 2008)
                  第11 届电子和电气工程师协会国际通信系统会议介绍

                          (2008 年11 月19-21 日, 广州)

    第11 届电子和电气工程师协会国际通信系统会议, 即IEEE International
Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 计划于2008 年11 月19-21 日在
广州举行。ICCS 于1988 年创立,每两年一届。往届会议均在海外举行。2008 年是
第十一届,由电子和电气工程师协会(IEEE), 华南理工大学(SCUT)和来自新加坡国立
IEEE Explorer 并被 EI 收录。今年的申请工作还在进行中。



* Antennas, propagation and channel modeling(天线、传播与信道建模)
* Cognitive radio(认知无线电)
* Communication software & electronics(通信软件与通信电子)
* Dynamic spectrum management(动态频谱管理)
* Grid networks(网格网)
* High speed networks (高速网络)
* Information theory (信息论)
* Microwave devices and systems (微波设备与系统)
* Mobile radio communication systems (无线移动通信系统)
* Modulation and coding(调制与编码)
* Network architecture (网络体系)
* Network Security (网络安全)
* Optical communications and photonics(光通信与光子学)
* Optical networks(光网络)
* Resource allocation, mobility management and QoS provisioning (网络资源
* Satellite communications(卫星通信)
* Signal processing for communications(通信信号处理)
* Space time processing & MIMO systems(空时处理与多输入多输出系统)
* Speech, video and image processing (语音、视频与图像处理)
* Spread spectrum systems (扩谱系统)
* Ultra wideband technology(超宽带技术)
* Wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks (无线自组与传感器网络)

Important Dates
Special Session Proposal Submission Deadline:  25 Apr 2008
(Special Session 申请截止日期)
Full Paper Submission Deadline:                   29 Jun 2008
Tutorial Submission Deadline:                  29 Jun 2008
(Tutorial 提交截止日期)
Notification of Acceptance:                       25 Aug 2008
Camera-Ready Copy Due:                           21 Sep 2008

Lawrence Wong, NUS, Singapore
Wei Gang, SCUT,China
(韦岗, 中国华南理工大学)

Jiang Shengming, SCUT,China
(姜胜明, 中国华南理工大学)
Michael Ong Ling Chuen,
I2R, Singapore

T.T. Tjhung, I2R, Singapore

Yong Huat Chew, I2R, Singapore
Wee Seng Soh, NUS, Singapore
Ding Quanlong, SCUT,China
(丁泉龙, 中国华南理工大学)
A. Nallanathan,
King’s College London, UK

Yu Hua, SCUT, China

Ma Lihong, SCUT,China

Wang Weining, SCUT,China

He Qianhua, SCUT, China
(贺前华, 中国华南理工大学)

Xu Xiangming, SCUT, China

Ji Fei, SCUT,China

Pan Weiqiang, SCUT,China




秘书: 黄婉红
地址: 广州市五山华南理工大学电子与信息学院,510640

本届会议网址是: http://www2.scut.edu.cn/IEEEICCS2008/
上届会议的网址是: http://www.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/iccs2006

[Apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
  Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS 2008)

                        Nov. 19-21, 2008, Guangzhou, China

The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS 2008)
will be held from 19 to 21 Nov 2008 in Guangzhou, China. This year, ICCS 2008 is
co-organized by the IEEE Singapore Communications Chapter and the South China
University of Technology (SCUT) with participation of academics and researchers
from the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore and the National
University of Singapore (NUS).

You are invited to submit papers and propose tutorial & special sessions that
include but are not limited to the following areas in Information Engineering,
Communication Systems & related applications.

*Antennas, propagation and channel modeling
*Cognitive radio
*Communication software & electronics
*Dynamic spectrum management
*Grid networks
*High speed networks
*Information Theory
*Microwave devices and systems
*Mobile radio communication systems
*Modulation and coding
*Network architecture and Security
*Optical communications and photonics
*Optical networks
*Resource allocation, mobility management and QoS provisioning
*Satellite communications
*Signal processing for communications
*Space time processing & MIMO systems
*Spread spectrum systems
*Ultra wideband technology (UWB)
*Wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks
*3G and beyond 3G communication systems

Paper Submission
Conference language is English. Papers should be concisely written. Suggested
paper length for review is 5-page in IEEE conference proceedings format (two
column and 10-point font). Authors are invited to submit full paper in PDF
format through EDAS. Detailed instructions can be found on the conference
website: http://www2.scut.edu.cn/IEEEICCS2008/.

Special Session Proposal
The conference will include special sessions to complement the regular sessions.
The proposals must be submitted to Yong Huat Chew at chewyh@i2r.a-star.edu.sg,
including a title and the rationale for the proposed session, short biography of
proposed session organizer, and potential authors that could contribute to the

Tutorial Proposal
The conference will include full-day and half-day tutorials. Potential tutorial
proposals must be submitted to Tutorial Chair at eefjchen@scut.edu.cn, including
a title, abstract, intended audience, list of topics, and biography of the

Important Dates
Special Session Proposal Submission Deadline:    25 Apr 2008
Full Paper Submission Deadline:                   29 Jun 2008
Tutorial Submission Deadline:                  29 Jun 2008
Notification of Acceptance:                   25 Aug 2008
Camera-Ready Copy Due:                           21 Sep 2008

Organizing and Program Committees
General Chair:
Lawrence Wong, NUS, Singapore
Gang Wei, SCUT, China
Organizing Chair:
Shengming Jiang, SCUT, China
Michael Ong, I2R, Singapore
Technical Program Chairs:
Yong Huat Chew, I2R, Singapore
Wee Seng Soh, NUS, Singapore
Quanlong Ding, SCUT, China
Nallanthan A, King’s College London, UK
Publication Chair:
Hua Yu, SCUT, China
Finance Chair:
Lihong Ma, SCUT, China
Publicity Chair:
Weining Wang, SCUT, China
Tutorial Chair:
Fangjiong Chen, SCUT, China
Local Arrangement Chair:
Qianhua He, SCUT, China
Registrations Chair:
Fei Ji, SCUT, China
Sponsorship/Exhibition Chair:
Xiangming Xu, SCUT, China
Weiqiang Pan, SCUT, China

International Advisory Panel
Tjeng Thiang Tjhung (Chair), I2R, Singapore                                                       
Fumiyuki Adachi,Tohoku University, Japan
Vijay Bhargava, University of British Columbia, Canada
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Kah Seng Chung, Curtin University of Technology, Australia   
Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK                     
Paul K M Ho, Simon Fraser University, Canada                   
Chi Chung Ko, NUS, Singapore                             
Witold A. Krzymien, University of Alberta, Canada
Jiandong Li, Xidian University, China
Zengji Liu, Xidian University, China
Jon W. Mark, University of Waterloo, Canada                     
Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis, USA
Tung Sang Ng, University of Hong Kong, China                                 
Yide Wang, University of Nantes, France
Xianggen Xia, University of Delaware, USA
Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, Kyushu University, Japan             
Susumu Yoshida, Kyoto University, Japan                       
Peter T S Yum, Chinese University Hong Kong, China                 
Keith Q T Zhang, City University of Hong Kong, China
Naitong Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Technical Program Committee
(Refer to conference website)

For more information, please refer to the conference website:

ICCS 2008 Secretariat: Miss Wanhong Huang
Tel: +86 20 85890028
Fax: +86 20 22236633
Email: ICCS2008@scut.edu.cn

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