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本页主题: [欧美音乐][11.29][The Eagles - Long Road Out Of Eden][mp3/320K][126MB] 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 2008.05.12@14:28
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 哈利波特与大漏斗
发贴: 2036
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[欧美音乐][11.29][The Eagles - Long Road Out Of Eden][mp3/320K][126MB]

本帖被 no44 执行加亮操作(2007-12-19)
名称:Long Road Out of Eden
版本:MP3 320Kbps
专辑歌手:The Eagles



美国乐坛的传奇,The Eagles乐队2007年推出的最新专辑,他们的上一张专辑已经是1979[屏蔽]情了……这张专辑所承载的期望可想而知!在Amazon上,买家的评论也呈两极分化的态势,感动的歌迷毫不吝惜地给出五星,但也有不少歌迷给出了3星以下的评价。我个人浅尝辄止的感想是,风格比较[屏蔽],但从旋律到演唱、编曲等各个方面,都堪称是“经典摇滚”的巨作,值得一听!


Disc one

1."No More Walks in the Wood" (Don Henley, Steuart Smith, John Hollander) - 2:00
2."How Long" (J.D. Souther) - 3:15
3."Busy Being Fabulous" (Don Henley, Glenn Frey) - 4:20
4."What Do I Do With My Heart" (Glenn Frey, Don Henley) - 3:54
5."Guilty of the Crime" (Frankie Miller, Jerry Lynn Williams) - 3:43
6."I Don't Want To Hear Anymore" (Paul Carrack) - 4:21
7."Waiting in the Weeds" (Don Henley, Steuart Smith) - 7:46
8."No More Cloudy Days" (Glenn Frey) - 3:50
9."Fast Company" (Don Henley, Glenn Frey) - 3:59
10."Do Something" (Don Henley, Timothy B. Schmit, Steuart Smith) - 5:09
11."You Are Not Alone" (Glenn Frey) - 2:24

Disc two

1."Long Road Out of Eden" (Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Timothy B. Schmit) - 10:17
2."I Dreamed There Was No War" (Glenn Frey) - 1:38
3."Somebody" (Jack Tempchin, John Brannen) - 4:09
4."Frail Grasp on the Big Picture" (Don Henley, Glenn Frey) - 5:46
5."Last Good Time in Town" (Joe Walsh) - 7:07
6."I Love To Watch a Woman Dance" (Larry John McNally) - 3:16
7."Business as Usual" (Don Henley, Steuart Smith) - 5:31
8."Center of the Universe" (Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Steuart Smith) - 3:42
9."It's Your World Now" (Glenn Frey, Jack Tempchin) - 4:22
  • 浮云:5(no44)
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  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-11-29 15:50 | [楼 主]

    特殊贡献奖 社区建设奖
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: New start, new shit...
    等级: 资政组
    家族: 音道·乐经
    发贴: 7104
    威望: 11
    浮云: 248
    注册时间: 2007-03-14
    最后登陆: 2011-03-05

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