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贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
等级: 工作组(版/荣)
家族: F1 Paddock
发贴: 10226
威望: 6
浮云: 4698
注册时间: 2005-10-01
最后登陆: 2017-02-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ outer /'autə/ a. 外部的,外层的 ]


本帖被 红色十字架 执行加亮操作(2007-12-26)

FIA Formula One World Drivers Champions 1950 - 2007

Kimi Räikkönen
Fernando Alonso
Michael Schumacher
1994-1995, 2000-2004
Mika Hakkinen
Jacques Villeneuve
Damon Hill
Alain Prost
1985-1986, [屏蔽], 1993
Nigel Mansell
Ayrton Senna
1988, 1990-1991
Nelson Piquet
1981, 1983, 1987
Niki Lauda
1975, 1977, 1984
Keke Rosberg
Alan Jones
Jody Scheckter
Mario Andretti
James Hunt
Emerson Fittipaldi
1972, 1974
Jackie Stewart
1969, 1971, 1973
Jochen Rindt
Graham Hill
1962, 1968
Denny Hulme
Jack Brabham
1959-1960, 1966
Jim Clark
1963, 1965
John Surtees
Phil Hill
Mike Hawthorn
Juan Manuel Fangio
1951, 1954-1957
Alberto Ascari
Nino Farina

Gilles Villeneuve


[ 此帖被enzoferrari在2007-12-26 21:50重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:30(红色十字架) 先加起。等待精华
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-11-22 23:23 | [楼 主]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ sister /sistə/ n. 姐,妹 ]

    Nino Farina
    hof_profile_left_261.jpg hof_profile_right_261.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts34
    Grand Prix Wins5
    Pole Positions5

    (1 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1951: Reigning world champion Giuseppe Farina (car number one) leads eventual race winner, Ferrari’s Froilan Gonzalez (car 12), away at the start of the British Grand Prix. Farina retired on lap 76 of 90 with a faulty clutch. ©
    (2 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1953: Giuseppe Farina crosses the line in the Ferrari Thin Wall Special machine to take victory in the Formula Libre Trophy race that immediately followed the British Grand Prix. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) -Silverstone, May 1950: Alfa Romeo’s Giuseppe Farina celebrates victory in the first ever Formula One world championship race, the British Grand Prix. © Sutton

    The first ever Formula One World Champion came from a privileged background and had a stylish driving technique that was adopted by many drivers. A hard and determined racer, Farina relied on a combination of profound self belief and raw courage to compensate for the superior skills possessed by many of his more naturally talented opponents. Yet he also drove recklessly and few Formula One drivers ever competed with such apparent disregard for their personal safety. Somehow surviving an accident-strewn racing career, he was eventually killed in a road accident.

    Giuseppe Antonio 'Nino' Farina was always destined to be involved in the automotive world, though not necessarily as a driver. On the day of his son’s birth, October 30, 1906, Nino's father Giovanni established Stabilimente Farina, a bodywork shop in Turin, the industrial city where much of Italy's car manufacturing industry was located. Here also, Giovanni's brother founded the coachbuilding firm of Pininfarina, later famed for designing many sleek Italian sportscars. From an early age Nino was expected to join the family business but his first driving experience, at the age of nine in a small car on the grounds of his father's factory, whetted his appetite for the sporting side of motoring. When he was 16 Nino accompanied his favourite uncle Pinin as a passenger in a race. Three years later his first solo competition ended in an accident, establishing a worrying trend that continued throughout his crash-prone career.

    Farina was both athletically and academically inclined. In his youth he was a fast runner and became skilled at soccer and skiing. At the University of Turin he received a doctorate in law and became Dottore Giuseppe Farina. While his academic title came easily his route to becoming World Champion was less straightforward. He began his military service as a cavalry officer, much enjoying the sensation of handling horses, then joined a tank regiment, in which he would serve during the war. Meanwhile, he continued to be obsessed by the lure of mechanical horsepower harnessed for competition purposes. In 1932 he bought an Alfa Romeo and quickly crashed it in a hillclimb, breaking a shoulder and badly cutting his face. Undeterred, he raced Maseratis for a couple of years, crashing frequently but also showing enough promise to impress Enzo Ferrari, who recruited him to drive for the Scuderia Ferrari Alfa Romeo team. There, Farina befriended the legendary Tazio Nuvolari, whose talent and tenacity were both instrucional and inspirational. Under Tazio's tutelage he began to mature as a driver and in 1938 he won enough races to become Italian champion.

    After World War II Farina resumed racing and got married, to Elsa Giaretto, an elegant and stylish woman who ran an exclusive fashion emporium in Turin. In her opinion motor racing was a silly and dangerous activity and she tried to persuade her new husband to stop. But three days after their high society wedding he flew to a race in Argentina. In 1950 he was appointed leader of the three-car Alfa Romeo team that competed in the series of Grand Prix races that were now formally organized by the FIA into the first ever Formula One World Championship.

    Given the supremacy of their all-powerful Tipo 158 cars the first world driving title was bound to go to one of the Alfa Romeo trio, known collectively as 'the three F's.' Indeed, the venerable team mates Farina (44 years old), Juan Manuel Fangio (39) and Luigi Fagioli (52) finished in that order in the standings. Farina won the first ever Formula One championship race, the 1950 British Grand Prix at Silverstone, and triumphed again in Switzerland and Italy. And while his team mate Fangio also won three races, for the fiercely proud Farina his being crowned World Champion only officially confirmed what he considered to be a fact.

    Well-mannered, charming and gracious on most occasions, he could also be arrogant and aloof. He was accused of being unsentimental and a snob who disapproved of those members of his profession who did not have the right social pedigree. This should have put him at odds with Fangio, who came from a most humble background in Argentina. Yet when Fangio was nearly killed in the 1952 Italian Grand Prix, the first person to visit his hospital bedside was the race winner Farina, who presented his fallen comrade with the victory wreath.

    His nickname 'the Gentleman of Turin' was a reference to Farina's privileged background and the natural dignity with which he carried himself, even in the driver's seat. Sitting bolt upright and well back in the cockpit, Farina grasped the steering wheel with both arms fully outstretched and guided his car with calm, sparing movements and deft applications of the throttle. His stylish technique (soon adopted by the likes of Fangio and Stirling Moss) belied Farina's tendency to punish his cars. Perhaps it was a lack of mechanical sympathy or understanding that also caused him to push them beyond the point of no return and have far more than his share of accidents, which he tended to blame on bad luck or fragile machinery - never himself. His survival, Farina felt, was due not to good luck but to his deep belief in God and after every accident he would give prayers of thanks to the Virgin Mary.

    Fangio remarked that "because of the crazy way Farina drove only the Holy Virgin was capable of keeping him on the track, and we all thought one day she would get tired of helping him." Even Enzo Ferrari (not always noted for his compassion) feared for Farina's future: "A man of steel, inside and out. But I could never help feeling apprehensive about him. He was like a high strung thoroughbred, capable of committing the most astonishing follies. As a consequence he was a regular inmate of the hospital wards."

    His mounting toll of injuries (including being seriously burned at Monza in 1954) meant Farina needed morphine and painkillers to continue tempting fate. Finally, pain overcame pride, and he retired from racing in 1955 and became a successful Alfa Romeo dealer. Farina's interest in Formula One continued, as did his confidence in his driving ability. On June 30, 1966, he set out from Turin in a Lotus-Cortina, bound for the French Grand Prix at Reims. In the Alps near Chambery his car skidded off a slippery bend and the first World Champion was killed.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson

    [ 此帖被enzoferrari在2007-11-29 13:02重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-22 23:33 | [1 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ medal /'medl/ n. 奖章,励章,纪念章 ]

    Alberto Ascari

    1.jpg 2.jpg
    World Championships2
    Grand Prix Starts32
    Grand Prix Wins13
    Pole Positions14

    (1 / 3) - 1952: Alberto Ascari at the wheel of the Ferrari 500 on the way to the first of his two world championships. © Sutton
    (2 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1953: Alberto Ascari at the wheel of his Ferrari 500 in the British Grand Prix. He won by just a second from Maserati’s Juan Manuel Fangio after almost three hours of racing. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1953: Alberto Ascari rounds Woodcote corner in his Ferrari 500 during the British Grand Prix, where he took pole position, the fastest lap and victory, en route to his second successive championship. © Sutton

    The son of one of Italy's great pre-war drivers, Alberto Ascari went on to become one of Formula One racing's most dominant and best-loved champions. Noted for the careful precision and finely-judged accuracy that made him one of the safest drivers in a most dangerous era, he was also notoriously superstitious and took great pains to avoid tempting fate. But his unexplained fatal accident - at exactly the same age as his father’s, on the same day of the month and in eerily similar circumstances - remains one of Formula One racing’s great unsolved mysteries.

    Alberto Ascari, born in Milan on July 13, 1918, was just seven years old when his famous father Antonio, the reigning European champion, was killed while leading the French Grand Prix at Montlhery. By that time little Alberto was already immersed in his father's milieu, having met the many big names in racing, including Antonio's close friend Enzo Ferrari, who frequented the thriving Ascari Fiat dealership in Milan. Despite the tragic loss of his beloved father Alberto succumbed to the lure of racing. His famous name helped get him started, though it was on two wheels, not four, when, as a 19-year-old he was hired to ride for the Bianchi motorcycle team. His first four-wheel foray came in the 1940 Mille Miglia, where Enzo Ferrari gave him a ride in a Tipo 815 Spyder. When Italy entered World War II the Ascari garage in Milan, now run by Alberto, was conscripted to service and maintain military vehicles. During the war years he also established a transport business, supplying fuel to Italian army depots in Noth Africa. His partner in this enterprise was Luigi Villoresi, a racing driver with whom he developed a father-son relationship. By the end of the war Alberto was a family man, having married Mietta and become the father of Patrizia and Antonio, who was named after his celebrated grandfather.

    Given his family responsibilities Alberto was prepared not to race again, but Villoresi persuaded him to continue. In 1949 they became team mates in Enzo Ferrari's team, where Ascari's dominance would make him Formula One racing’s first back-to-back champion. In 1952 he drove his Ferrari 500 to victory in six of the seven championship races. In 1953 he again overpowered the opposition, winning five times and cruising to a second successive driving title. A great driver admired by his peers, Ascari was also a charming man idolised by a legion of admirers.

    His illustrious heritage helped, as did his superlative driving skill, but his winning persona also contributed to his huge popularity. It was easy to like a hero who was so obviously no prima donna, the driver with the plump physique whom the Italian fans nicknamed 'Ciccio' (chubby), and whose open and friendly disposition was apparent from his genial smile. Even his idiosyncratic superstitions were endearing, an entirely human response to the dangers of racing. He avoided black cats like the plague, had a horror of unlucky numbers and never allowed anyone else to handle the briefcase that contained his racing apparel: the lucky blue helmet and T-shirt, the goggles and gloves.

    But perhaps he also had inner demons, for he was a chronic insomniac and prone to stomach ulcers. Enzo Ferrari, who knew Ascari was deeply devoted to his family, once asked him why he didn't demonstrate his affection. "I prefer to treat them the hard way," Alberto said. "I don't want them to love me too much. Because they will suffer less if one of these days I am killed."

    Such an eventuality seemed most unlikely for a driver who always strictly observed self-imposed safety margins, who studiously avoided exceeding the limits of his car or himself, and whose relaxed and smooth style looked so effortless as to suggest he would have plenty of skill in reserve to correct any rare mistake.

    Following his runaway championships he moved to Lancia for, he admitted, more money than Ferrari was prepared to pay him. Having been sidelined for most of 1954 because the Lancias were not yet raceworthy he embarked on an ill-fated 1955 campaign. In the Monaco Grand Prix Ascari's leading Lancia D50 suddenly swerved out of control in the harbour chicane, flew into the Mediterranean and sank, its disappearance marked only by a stream of bubbles and an oil slick. Half a minute later, the familiar light blue helmet bobbed to the surface and Ascari was hauled aboard a rescue launch manned by frogmen. In the Monaco hospital, where he was treated for a broken nose, bruises and shock, Ascari seemed as embarrassed as he was thankful for his miraculous escape.

    Four days later he unexpectedly appeared at Monza to watch a practice session in which Eugenio Castellotti was testing a Ferrari sports car they were scheduled to share in a forthcoming endurance race. Ascari surprised everyone by announcing he wanted to do a few laps to make sure he had not lost his nerve. He was wearing a jacket and tie and had left his lucky blue helmet at home, so he borrowed Castellotti's white helmet and set off around Monza. On the third lap the Ferrari crashed inexplicably and Alberto Ascari was killed.

    Had he suffered a blackout, a legacy of his Monaco accident? Was there a sudden gust of wind, had his flapping tie momentarily obscured his vision? Had he swerved suddenly to avoid a wandering track worker, or an animal, perhaps a black cat?

    The eerie certainties were that Alberto Ascari died on May 26, 1955, at the age of 36. Antonio Ascari was also 36 when he died, on July 26, 1925. Both father and son had won 13 championship Grands Prix. Both were killed four days after surviving serious accidents. Both had crashed fatally at the exit of fast but easy left-hand corners and both left behind a wife and two children. A distraught Mietta Ascari told Enzo Ferrari that were it not for their children she would gladly have joined her beloved Alberto in heaven.

    All of Italy mourned the loss and on the day of the funeral in Milan the whole city fell silent, as a solemn procession carrying the fallen hero moved slowly through the streets lined with an estimated one million silent mourners dressed in black. It required 15 carriages to carry the profusion of wreaths and flowers, and in the hearse, drawn by a team of plumed black horses, his familiar light blue helmet lay on top of the black coffin. And in the Milan cemetery Alberto Ascari was laid to rest next the grave of his father.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson

    [ 此帖被enzoferrari在2007-11-23 23:48重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-23 23:33 | [2 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ ripple /'ripl/ n. 小波浪,涟漪,波动,脉动,声浪;v. (使)起微波,(使)波动 ]

    Juan Manuel Fangio

    hof_profile_left_268.jpg hof_profile_right_268.jpg
    World Championships5
    Grand Prix Starts51
    Grand Prix Wins23
    Pole Positions27

    (1 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1957: Juan Manuel Fangio in the Maserati 250F takes the chequered flag to win the British Grand Prix en route to his final world championship title. © Sutton
    (2 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1954: Juan Manuel Fangio exiting Chapel Curve in the Mercedes-Benz W196 on his way to fourth place in the British Grand Prix. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - : Juan Manuel Fangio pictured with a trophy that is nearly as big as he is. © Sutton

    Many consider him to be the greatest drive of all time. In seven full Formula One seasons (he missed one recovering from a nearly fatal injury) he was World Champion five times (with four different teams) and runner-up twice. In his 51 championship Grands Prix he started from the front row 48 times (including 29 pole positions) and set 23 fastest race laps en route to 35 podium finishes, 24 of them victories. His superlative track record was achieved by some of the greatest displays of skill and daring ever seen. Fangio did it all with style, grace, nobility and a sense of honour never seen before or since.

    Fangio flourished in Formula One racing when the world championship was in its infancy and he was a comparatively 'Old Man' - which is what his admiring rivals called the aging genius who won his last driving title in 1957, when he was 46. Most of his challengers were young enough to be his sons, and nearly all of them came from privileged backgrounds far removed from Fangio's humble origins in a remote corner of Argentina, in the dusty frontier town of Balcarce. His father and mother, hard-working immigrants from the Abruzzi region of Italy to whom Fangio was deeply devoted, raised their six children (three boys and three girls) to believe in God and the dignity of labour. Fangio credited his parents with instilling in him the virtues of honesty and integrity, self-discipline, respect for others and the sense of responsibility that characterized his approach to life.

    Eleven years after his birth on June 24, 1911, Fangio started working as a mechanic and then spent nearly four decades in that trade, while also racing primitive self-prepared cars in incredibly arduous South American long distance races that made Formula One events seem like child's play. By his superhuman efforts in these marathons of madness (held over thousands of miles for weeks at a time) Fangio overcame astonishing hardships and astronomical odds to score many victories. When he went racing in Europe, at 38, he brought with him an unrivalled repertoire of mechanical understanding, competitive experience and clever racecraft.

    Formula One competition in much more sophisticated cars also enabled Fangio to hone his driving skills to the highest degree. A pioneering exponent of the four-wheel drift, he was wonderfully entertaining to watch, negotiating corners in fearsomely spectacular, yet completely controlled tyre-smoking powerslides that thrilled onlookers. Beyond his brilliant car control, Fangio's sheer brute strength and astonishing stamina enabled him to excel in an era that required heavy, hard-to-handle cars to be hauled around rough-hewn tracks for the three hour-plus endurance tests that were then the Grand Prix norm. Fangio's exceptional staying power was also the product of superior mental fortitude, patience and perseverance, enormous levels of concentration and an unflagging competitive spirit. Needless to say, in those desperately dangerous days, Fangio in common with his peers possessed degrees of steely nerve and raw courage that modern Formula One drivers can hardly imagine.

    He had very few accidents and his only serious injury was a by-product of impaired judgement caused by extreme fatigue following an all-night drive in 1952 through the Alps to race in a pre-season non-champship event at Monza. On the second lap he lost control of his Maserati and crashed heavily, suffering a broken neck that left him with a permanently stiff upper torso.

    Balding, short, stocky and nicknamed 'El Chueco' (bow-legged), his unprepossessing physique belied a personal magnetism that together with his driving exploits made him a figure of worldwide adulation. Women found him enormously attractive and while he never married (though he had one 20-year relationship), he never lacked female companionship. In 1958 he became even more of an international celebrity when he was kidnapped in Cuba by members of Fidel Castro's revolutionary movement to draw attention to their cause. As was the case with everyone who met him, his captors were charmed by Fangio and they released him unharmed.

    He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word, proving the exception to the supposed rule that nice guys finish last. His generosity of spirit, sense of fair play, invariable courtesy, surprising humility and sheer humanity were universally praised and appreciated, especially by his peers.

    "Most of us who drove quickly were bastards," according to his rival (and Mercedes team mate) Stirling Moss, who called him 'Maestro' and said he loved Fangio like a father. "But I can't think of any facets of Juan's character which one wouldn't like to have in one's own."

    Seldom was heard a disparaging word, though a few of them were uttered by Enzo Ferrari, who criticized him after Fangio had the temerity to forsake Scuderia Ferrari following his 1956 championship to return to Enzo's arch-enemy Maserati. "Fangio did not remain loyal to any marque," Ferrari said, "and he invariably used every endeavour to ensure that he would always drive the best car available."

    Stirling Moss is quick to point out why Fangio (who won championships with Alfa Romeo, Mercedes (twice), Ferrari and Maserati) always had the best car: "Because he was the best bloody driver! The cheapest method of becoming a successful Grand Prix team was to sign up Fangio."

    Fangio's strengths included being both a team player and a team leader of the highest order, providing inspirational qualities (he always befriended his mechanics) and making practical contributions (he often wielded wrenches himself) that invariably improved morale and brought the best out of the personnel.

    Even on those occasions when his team let him down, Fangio's driving prowess enabled him to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Indeed, his most sensational performance - and many, including Moss, regard it as the greatest drive in Formula One history - came after a botched Maserati pit stop in the 1957 German Grand Prix at the mighty Nurburgring. Having lost nearly a minute to the Ferraris of Mike Hawthorn and Peter Collins, the Old Man flung his Maserati around the mother and father of all tracks, smashing the lap record to smithereens and beating the British youngsters into second and third.

    This epic drive that secured his fifth driving title was his last victory. A few months later, weary from pushing himself so hard for so long and saddened by the loss of so many of his peers (over 30 of them were killed during his career), Fangio retired, leaving behind a championship record that endured for 46 years and a legend that remains undiminished. He died in 1995, aged 84, at home in Argentina.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-25 09:51 | [3 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ humid /'hju:mid/ a. 潮湿的 ]

    Mike Hawthorn

    1.jpg  2.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts45
    Grand Prix Wins3
    Pole Positions4

    (1 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1953: Hawthorne lines up on the grid for the British Grand Prix after qualifying third. Pole sitter Alberto Ascari (Ferrari) is on the far side, then Jose Froilan Gonzalez (Maserati), Hawthorn (Ferrari) and Juan Manuel Fangio (Maserati).
    (2 / 3) - Silverstone, July 1956: Mike Hawthorn in the pits during practice for the British Grand Prix. He went on to qualify third, splitting the Ferraris of Juan Manuel Fangio and Peter Collins on the front row. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Spa, June 1958: Hawthorn wrestles with the wheel of his Ferrari. He took pole position and fastest lap, but ultimately finished second to the Vanwall of Tony Brooks. © Sutton

    Mike Hawthorn loved life, drove fast and died young. Big, blond and boisterous, he often raced wearing a broad grin and a bow tie. He regarded motorsport as a quick way to further the fun he constantly pursued. When his pastime became a profession he partied as hard as he drove, though his career was also tinged by tragedy, scandal and personal misfortune. Near the end he found Formula One racing no fun at all, but he went out a winner. Other champions were greater drivers but none was a more colourful personality.

    Had he been born a decade earlier John Michael Hawthorn might have been a heroic Spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain. Instead, the circumstances in his formative years led him into motorsport and he became Britain's first world driving champion. Two year's after Mike's birth on April 10, 1929, his racing enthusiast father Leslie bought a garage near the Brooklands circuit in Farnham, Surrey, where he had raced motorcycles prior to World War II. Inspired by the proximity of Brooklands, and by the atmosphere in the Hawthorn garage where cars and motorcycles were prepared for competition, Mike was only nine years old when he decided he wanted to become a racer.

    His education, at a prominent Public School followed by studies at Chelsea technical college and an apprenticeship with a commercial vehicle manufacturer, was intended to prepare him for a career at the Farnham garage. Meanwhile, his father also encouraged Mike's interest in motorsport, providing him with motorcycles, then cars for local competitions. Mike also sped around the countryside as the ringleader of a group of hell-raising friends searching for girls and pints of beer in pubs. In 1950 he began winning races in a small Riley sportscar bought for him by his father. Three years later the 'Farnham Flyer' was driving a Formula One car for Enzo Ferrari.

    Mike's meteoric rise from club racer to Grand Prix driver took place within on one momentous afternoon at the 1952 Easter Meeting at the Goodwood circuit. It was his first competition in a single seater, a Formula Two Cooper-Bristol provided for him by a family friend, and the opposition included the famous Argentine drivers Juan Manuel Fangio and Froilan Gonzalez. Mike won the F2 race from pole position, then also finished first in the Formula Libre race and was a sensational second in the main event, for Formula One cars.

    Impressive results aside, the Farnham Flyer was a commanding figure in the spindly little Cooper, with the top half of his 6 foot 2 inch (188 centimetre) frame towering above the cramped cockpit, elbows flailing in the wind, head thrust forward, chin first. Prior to Goodwood he had always raced in his everyday clothes, usually a sports jacket and a tie, which at speed tended to flap in his face. For his single-seater debut Mike bought white overalls and wore the bow tie that became his trademark.

    Inspired by his splendid showing at Goodwood, Mike and his father decided to enter the Cooper in the remaining races of a 1952 Formula One season that was being dominated by Alberto Ascari in a Ferrari. A fourth place in Belgium, a third in Britain and another fourth in Holland left Mike an astonishing fourth overall in the standings. Enzo Ferrari was impressed and hired him for 1953.

    His only championship victory in his first Formula One season was a singular feat that became the highlight of Mike's career. In a classic 1953 French Grand Prix at Reims his Ferrari crossed the finish line a hair's breadth ahead of the Maserati driven by the great Fangio. On the podium, when he heard God Save The Queen being played Mike burst into tears and was warmly embraced by the ever-gallant Fangio, who thought him: "a nice young fellow, always in a good mood."

    To the French, the Englishman who raced with a bow tie became known as 'Le Papillon' (The Butterfly), though some purists despaired at the dilettante driver with a penchant for partying and chasing women. At home, Britain's flamboyant new racing hero was subjected to close scrutiny and flaws were sought by sensation-seeking tabloid newspapers. He was accused of evading compulsory military service, though in fact, he had been rejected because of a chronic kidney ailment. But his reputation suffered, and fate also conspired against him. Early in 1954 his arms and legs were badly burned in a crash in a non-championship race in Sicily. Then his father was killed in a road accident.

    Mike salvaged the sad year somewhat with a win in the Spanish Grand Prix, but there followed two lost Formula One seasons when he left Ferrari and raced for the then uncompetitive Vanwall and BRM teams. During that period his only major victory came in the ill-fated 1955 Le Mans 24 hour sportscar race where a Mercedes crashed into the crowd, killing over 80 people in motorsport's worst disaster. Mike, co-driving the Jaguar that eventually won, was at first accused of triggering the accident and, though he was later exonerated, the deadly side of motorsport badly bothered him.

    His racing life improved in 1957 when he returned to Ferrari, where he also found a kindred spirit in a fun-loving team mate. Peter Collins was an equally handsome carouser who enjoyed wine, women and song. They became fast friends, calling each other "Mon Ami Mate" and engaging in such pranks as marooning people in hotel elevators and staging raucous bun fights in restaurants. They raced as hard as they played, facing the ever-present danger with a fatalistic nonchalance and flogging their Ferraris as if there was no tomorrow.

    Mike's championship year of 1958 was blighted at Germany's notorious Nurburgring where he saw his team mate's Ferrari Dino 246 crash with fatal results. The death of Collins left him devastated and disillusioned and Mike only reluctantly completed the season. He finished one point ahead of Vanwall's Stirling Moss (who had won four races to Mike's single victory, in France) to become the first British World Champion.

    By now engaged to Jean Howarth, a beautiful fashion model, Mike had lost the heart for racing and at the end of the year he announced his retirement. He continued to drive fast on public roads and on January 22, 1959, near his Farnham home, his Jaguar skidded off a wet corner and 29-year-old Mike Hawthorn was killed.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson

    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-25 10:40 | [4 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ vice /vais/ n. 恶习,缺点;a. 副的 ]

    Phil Hill

    hof_profile_left_493.jpg hof_profile_right_493.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts49
    Grand Prix Wins3
    Pole Positions6

    (1 / 3) - Spa, June 1961: Race winner Phil Hill leads team mate Wolfgang von Trips, who finished second in a Ferrari one-two-three-four at the Belgian Grand Prix. © Sutton
    (2 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1962: Ferrari’s Phil Hill in argumentative mood in the pits at the German Grand Prix meeting. © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Monte Carlo, May 1964: Phil Hill at the wheel of the Cooper T73-Climax in the pitlane at the Monaco Grand Prix. He qualified ninth and was classified in the same position after going out late in the race with suspension trouble. © Schlegelmilch

    The first American to become World Champion had a love/hate relationship with the sport. Profoundly intelligent and deeply sensitive, he was also remarkably candid about personal demons that caused inner turmoil and made his racing life a bittersweet experience. He was always fearful and throughout his career he struggled to find a balance between the perils and pleasures of his profession. Yet driving became a way of expressing himself and racing took him on a journey to places he never expected to go.

    Philip Toll Hill, Jr was born into a prominent family in Santa Monica, California, on April 20, 1927. Not particularly close to his parents, he became an introverted child with an inferiority complex and few friends. Not good at sports, he feared failure and ridicule and was consumed by feelings of inadequacy. Music became an outlet and he learned to play the piano, then became fascinated by cars. When he was 12 his favourite aunt bought him a Model T Ford, which he took apart many times to understand how it worked, and his aunt's chauffeur taught him how to drive. His burgeoning automotive skills gave him increasing self-confidence, though he still felt aimless and socially awkward.

    Bored after two years of business administration studies at the University of California he dropped out to become a mechanic's helper in a Los Angeles garage, whose proprietor was an amateur racer. In 1947 Phil acquired an MG-TC two-seater, which he modified himself and began racing. In 1951, after both his parents died and left him money, he bought a 2.6-litre Ferrari and raced it with increasing success. Though he was a regular winner he was still so full of self-doubt that he always credited the car. His constant worry about the dangers of racing led to stomach ulcers so severe that he had to stop racing for ten months. With the help of heavy doses of tranquilisers he resumed racing and winning in a succession of Ferraris entered by wealthy owners, and by the mid 1950s he had become America's best sportscar racer.

    In 1955 he was invited to join Ferrari's endurance racing roster at Le Mans, where the death of over 80 people in motorsport's worst disaster was deeply troubling for the sensitive Californian. He would eventually win Le Mans three times (all with Olivier Gendebien) but despite his speed in sportscars Hill's goal of Formula One racing was slow to come because Enzo Ferrari thought him temperamentally unsuited for single seaters. In 1958, after both Luigi Musso and Peter Collins were killed, Hill was promoted to Ferrari's Formula One team where he helped Mike Hawthorn to win the 1958 drivers’ title. Two years later Hill won his first Formula One championship race, the Italian Grand Prix at Monza.

    As a Formula One driver Hill left his inferiority complex behind, but his tendency for deep introspection continued to cause him inner turmoil. Racing had become a means of self-expression but he wasn't sure he liked what he saw. "Racing brings out the worst in me," he said. "Without it, I don't know what kind of person I might have become. But I'm not sure I like the person I am now. Racing makes me selfish, irritable, defensive. If I could get out of this sport with any ego left I would."

    He also worried about getting out alive - "I became hypersensitive to the danger and wasn't sure that I wasn't going to kill myself." - and was especially nervous and apprehensive before a race. On the starting grid he paced to and fro, endlessly polishing his goggles, chain-smoking cigarettes or feverishly chewing a wad of gum.

    At the start he immediately relaxed and began racing with notable composure. He was a careful driver, mechanically sympathetic and easy on his cars, in which, given his admitted phobias, he was remarkably courageous. Indeed, he drove best on the worst circuits, particularly distinguishing himself at Spa and the Nurburgring, and in the worst conditions. "I always felt secure in the rain," he said, "even as a little boy looking out the window."

    Though at ease speaking publicly about his insecurities, he remained a loner in Europe. He stayed near the Ferrari factory in a hotel, where he played records of his favourite composers Beethoven and Vivaldi. He learned to speak competent Italian and became an opera buff, attending performances at La Scala in Milan. He was careful about his diet and kept fit by cycling and hiking, often on exploration trips to ancient monuments and ruined castles. In the off-season when he returned to California he busied himself restoring vintage automobiles and antique player pianos. Yet these distractions did not lay his mind at rest. "The strain of inactivity was worse than the strain of driving," he said. "I was compelled to race again."

    In 1961, when the new 1.5-litre formula began, the V6 'sharknose' Ferrari 156s were the cars to beat and by the end of the season the championship had boiled down to a battle between Hill and his aristocratic German team mate Count Wolfgang von Trips. Their title showdown took place in an ill-fated Italian Grand Prix at Monza. On the second lap the von Trips Ferrari touched wheels with the Lotus of Jim Clark and cartwheeled into the crowd, killing von Trips and 14 spectators. Hill won the race, and the Championship by a single point over his dead team mate. But there was no joy for the sad victor, who was a pallbearer at von Trips' funeral. Hill: "I never in my life experienced anything so profoundly mournful."

    Thereafter Hill's Formula One career went progressively downhill. After another season at Ferrari he moved to ATS, then Cooper, before retiring from single seaters in 1964. He continued racing sportscars for a while, then retired to California, where his car restoration hobby became a lucrative business and Hill happily settled into a life of quiet domesticity. In 1971 he married his long-time girlfriend Alma and began raising a new family. And the first American champion had no regrets.

    "In retrospect it was worth it," Phil Hill said. "I had a very exciting life and learned an awful lot about myself and others that I might never have learned. Racing sort of forced a confrontation with reality. Lots of people spend their lives in a state that is never really destined to go anywhere."

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-27 22:38 | [5 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ socket /'sokit/ n. 插座 ]

    John Surtees

    hof_profile_left_129.jpg  hof_profile_right_129.jpg 
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts112
    Grand Prix Wins6
    Pole Positions0

    (1 / 3) - Monza , September 1963: On pole position, John Surtees prepares for the start of the Italian Grand Prix. He would retire his Ferrari on lap 17 with engine problems. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Spa, June 1966: A delighted John Surtees is interviewed following his dominant victory in the Belgian Grand Prix for Ferrari. By the following round he had quit the Italian team and joined Cooper. © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Paul Ricard, July 1971: John Surtees on his way to eighth place in the French Grand Prix in his own team’s Surtees TS9 machine. © Schlegelmilch

    Famed as the only World Champion on both two and four wheels, John Surtees rode motorcycles and drove Formula One cars with equal skill and bravery. He made the leap from bikes to cars with surprising ease, though his quick climb to the pinnacle of motorsport was also the result of a great deal of hard effort by a serious-minded driver whose fierce independence ultimately proved to be a handicap. Having won the driving title at Ferrari, he left after a violent argument and was thereafter ill-equipped to win consistently.

    His family background gave John Surtees a head start on motorcycles. His father Jack, who owned a motorcycle shop in South London, was a three-time British motorcycle sidecar champion. The eldest of three children, John was born on February 11, 1934, and by the time he was 11 he had a bike of his own and could ride and repair it with equal skill. At 16 he left school and became an apprentice engineer at the Vincent motorcycle factory. A year later he competed in his first solo race and won it. In 1955 he became a member of the Norton works team and rode to victory 68 times in 76 races. From 1956 to 1960 he raced 350cc and 500cc bikes for the famed Italian MV Agusta team and won seven world championships.

    His transition to becoming a star in cars was nearly as swift. In 1959 the by now famous bike racer was given test drives by eager talent-hunters. In his first single-seater race, at Goodwood in a F3 Cooper entered by Ken Tyrrell, Surtees finished a close second to Jim Clark, then a promising beginner with Team Lotus, whose boss Colin Chapman promptly hired Surtees for the last four races of the 1960 Formula One season. His results - a second place in the British Grand Prix and a near win in Portugal - made Surtees a driver in demand. He stopped racing motorcycles and considered several Formula One offers, including one from Chapman to partner Clark at Team Lotus. Instead, Surtees opted to drive a Cooper in 1961 and a Lola in 1962, neither venture producing much in the way of results. However, his twin strengths of talent and tenacity kept Surtees in the limelight, especially in Italy, where the former MV Agusta star was now invited to lead the country's famous Formula One team.

    Enzo Ferrari (who had managed a motorcycle racing team in the 1930s) was a great admirer of the passion and fighting spirit shown by Surtees the bike racer, and hired him as his number one Formula One driver for 1963. In that year's German Grand Prix at the mighty Nurburgring a ferocious fight with Jim Clark's Lotus resulted in a first championship win for John Surtees. In Italy, the former motorcycle hero known as 'Son of the Wind' and 'John the Great' was hailed as Ferrari's saviour. Nicknamed 'Big John' in English, he also became 'Fearless John' - particularly in 1964 after he won another brilliant victory at the daunting and dangerous Nurburgring, where he beat Graham Hill in a BRM. With another victory, at Monza, Surtees was in contention for the title. So, too, were his countrymen Hill and Clark, each of whom had also won two races. In their Mexican Grand Prix championship showdown Clark's Lotus was waylaid by an oil leak and Hill's BRM was accidentally shoved out of contention by Lorenzo Bandini's Ferrari, whose team mate finished second to become World Champion.

    For John Surtees, the satisfaction of becoming the first World Champion on both two and four wheels was only mitigated by the fact that he had clinched all his bike titles with race victories. Though he would win three more Formula One championship races, there were no more driving titles in his future. To some degree he was a victim of circumstances, though his feisty personality and fierce independence were also factors.

    He developed a reputation for being argumentative and cantankerous. Certainly, he said what he thought and did not suffer fools gladly. While most drivers left their aggression in the cockpit, Surtees seemed to keep his 'race face' on, which could be intimidating.

    In 1965, when Ferrari's Formula One cars were less competitive, Surtees ran his own Lola sportscar in the lucrative North American Can-Am series. In one of those races, late in the season at Mosport in Canada, his Lola suffered a suspension failure and crashed heavily, leaving Surtees with multiple injuries. Over the winter he forced himself back to fitness and in the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa he stormed through pouring rain to score one of his most impressive victories. And yet this proved to be his last race for Ferrari. Ever since 1963 Surtees had been at odds with team manager Eugenio Dragoni. At the Le Mans 24 hour race their feud boiled over and Surtees stalked off never to return. Eventually, he agreed with Enzo Ferrari that their split was a disastrous mistake for both parties.

    Surtees finished 1966 with Cooper, for whom he won the season finale in Mexico, then spent two years leading Honda's new Formula One team. He helped develop the Japanese cars and was rewarded with a satisfying win in Ferrari's home race, the 1967 Italian Grand Prix at Monza, though Honda left Formula One racing a year later. After a frustrating 1969 season with BRM Surtees decided to follow the lead of Jack Brabham and Bruce McLaren and form his own team, though he was destined to have much less success. In nine Formula One seasons the best results for Team Surtees were a second and a third for Mike Hailwood, himself a multiple world champion on bikes.

    The Team Surtees boss retired from driving in 1973 to concentrate on trying to find more performance for his cars and enough money to pay for it. Not enough of either was found, despite Surtees pushing himself mercilessly the way he did as a driver. His constant striving exacerbated medical problems (a legacy of his 1965 accident) that eventually forced Surtees out of Formula One racing in 1978.

    His return to health gave him a new lease on life and the former curmudgeon mellowed considerably. He retired to a beautiful old house in the English countryside, where with a new wife (his first marriage was childless) he raised a family of three. He developed an interest in architecture and was successful in real estate ventures. Only then was the one and only champion on two wheels and four able to fully enjoy his singular achievements - of which he said: "I was a bit nuts, really."

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-27 22:54 | [6 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ sculpture /'skΛlptə/ n. 雕塑 ]

    Jim Clark

    hof_profile_left_125.jpg  hof_profile_right_125.jpg
    World Championships2
    Grand Prix Starts72
    Grand Prix Wins25
    Pole Positions32
    (1 / 3) - Monte Carlo, May 1963: Jim Clark took pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix but then retired his Lotus 25 from the race. He was classified eighth, his lowest placing of the year. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1965: Jim Clark celebrates the German Grand Prix win that brought him his second world title with Lotus team boss Colin Chapman (right). © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Watkins Glen, October 1966: Jim Clark celebrates his only win of the season, in the United States Grand Prix at the wheel of the BRM-powered Lotus 43. © Sutton

    He never intended to make racing a way of life, let alone become the best in the world in a sport that for him began as farm boy's hobby. And when the sport took Jim Clark's life the racing world mourned the loss of one of its best-loved champions, the unassuming Scottish driving genius whose personal integrity and admirable human qualities endeared him to fans and rivals alike. Nearly invincible in the car, he seemed vulnerable out of it and was always a reluctant hero. Few champions were as dominant. Fewer still are remembered so fondly.

    James Clark, junior, was born on March 4, 1936, and brought up with his four sisters on the family farm in Scotland's Berwickshire hills near the border with England. There was plenty of room to roam around the Clark's large acreage where flocks of pedigree sheep grazed peacefully and where Jim Clark would always feel most at home. It was worlds away from international motorsport, a subject he first read about in books and magazines when, at 13, he went to a private school in Edinburgh, where he also played cricket and was quite good at hockey. When it came to using vehicles for sporting pursuits Jim had to overcome parental opposition to using them for anything other than utilitarian purposes. Having first driven the family car around the fields in secret, and then been allowed to drive farm tractors alone, Jim got his driver's license on his 17th birthday, by which time he had left school and was working full time on the farm. For personal transport he bought a Sunbeam Talbot and in 1956 began using it to compete in local rallies and driving skill tests. He soon graduated to winning club races in a variety of sportscars entered for him by wealthy enthusiast friends, without whose encouragement he might have progressed no further. When he won he found being the focus of attention embarrassing. He also felt guilty about racing against his family's wishes. Goaded on by his friends, the reluctant racer began to take it more seriously, demonstrating an outstanding natural talent that amazed everyone, and certainly surprised the man himself.

    In 1958 Clark was given a sleek little Lotus Elite coupe to race at Brands Hatch, where he immediately impressed the winner in an identical car, Lotus founder Colin Chapman. Invited by Chapman to race a Lotus Formula Junior, Clark immediately excelled and was promoted to Team Lotus for the latter part of the 1960 Formula One season. In Belgium that year he suffered through one of the worst weekends in Formula One history. Early in the race at Spa Chris Bristow crashed fatally in a Cooper. Clark just managed to avoid the terribly mutilated body as it lay on the track but his Lotus was spattered with blood. A few laps later Clark's friend and Lotus team mate Alan Stacey lost control when he was hit in the face by a bird and he was killed. Clark admitted that the gruesome disasters nearly put him off racing forever. Thereafter he hated Spa with a vengeance and yet he would win there four times in succession.

    In 1961 his first complete Grand Prix season was blighted by his involvement in a collision at Monza with the Ferrari of Wolfgang von Trips. Though Clark was innocent and unhurt, the death of von Trips and 14 spectators left him devastated and again he seriously considered retiring. But he was persuaded to stay by Colin Chapman, whose brilliance as a designer was developing along with the emerging genius of his star driver.

    Over the next four seasons the Clark-driven Lotus was mostly only ever beaten when the mechanical side of the equation failed to deliver. Chapman's innovative Lotus chassis powered by Climax V8 engines were exceptionally fast but notoriously unreliable. Clark only lost the 1962 championship because of an oil leak in the last race. In 1963 everything held together and he stormed to victory in seven of the championship races and easily won his first driving title. In 1964 he was again deprived of the championship in the last race by an oil leak. In 1965 he won six of the 10 races and his second World Championship.

    By now Clark and Chapman were as close as brothers. Chapman greatly admired his sincerity, humility and personal integrity and said Clark was as impressive as a human being as he was driver. Clark was not technically-minded and relied on Chapman to translate his comments into engineering solutions. Even when the car was not right Clark's natural talent enabled him to drive around problems, though he often said he had no idea where his speed came from.

    The public warmed to the shy champion who shunned the limelight, which now extended to America where he became a star after winning the 1965 Indianapolis 500. He hated press conferences and was visibly uncomfortable making public appearances. Though admired and well-liked by his peers, none of them knew him well. Graham Hill and Jackie Stewart, both self-confident extroverts, found Clark to be just the opposite. In the car he was the epitome of calm and controlled aggression. Out of it he constantly chewed his fingernails and was surprisingly indecisive, and had trouble choosing which restaurant to eat in.

    His championships brought him wealth and he became a tax exile in Paris. He drove to the races in a Lotus Elan (and later flew a Piper Twin Commanche he bought from Chapman), often with a female companion. He never married but confided to a girlfriend that his ambition was to settle down and have a family of his own on the farm in Scotland. He deliberately kept his contracts to a year at a time so he could be free to leave when he wanted.

    He nearly left after Lotus was less competitive in 1966, though his patience was rewarded with a return to form the next season. A victory in the first Grand Prix of 1968 brought his total to 25, eclipsing the previous record set by the great Fangio. Like Fangio, Jim Clark seldom ever made a mistake and had very few accidents - which made his sudden death all the more difficult to comprehend. On April 7, 1968, his Lotus had a tyre failure in a F2 race at Hockenheim in Germany and he was killed. The racing world was in shock and many felt the heart had gone out of the sport. Colin Chapman said he lost his best friend. Graham Hill said what he would miss most was Jim Clark's smile.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-29 12:54 | [7 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ amaze /ə'meiz/ vt. 使惊讶,使吃惊 ]

    Jack Brabham
    hof_profile_left_133.jpg hof_profile_right_133.jpg
    World Championships3
    Grand Prix Starts126
    Grand Prix Wins14
    Pole Positions13

    (1 / 3) - Spa, June 1962: Brabham drove the first five rounds of the 1962 season in a privately-entered Lotus 24-Climax before debuting his own car, the Brabham BT3-Climax late in the year. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1966: A jubilant Jack Brabham on the German Grand Prix podium following a convincing victory over the Cooper-Maseratis of John Surtees (left) and Jochen Rindt (right). © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Le Mans, July 1967: Brabham pictured with Formula One rival Graham Hill at the French Grand Prix. Brabham took victory, his first of two that season. © Schlegelmilch

    Jack Brabham's three world championships were the product of both his engineering expertise and driving skill. His first two titles, in rear-engined Coopers he helped develop, confirmed the obsolescence of front-engined Formula One cars. His third title, in a Brabham, made him the only driver to become champion in a car of his own make. For his lifetime achievements, which also included nurturing the talents of other notable drivers and pioneering the business side of the sport, he became the first Formula One driver to receive a knighthood.

    John Arthur 'Jack' Brabham, was born on April 2, 1926, in Hurstville, an Australian town near Sydney where his father was a greengrocer. From an early age Jack was far less interested in fruit and vegetables than in the Brabham shop's delivery vehicles. He learned to drive them long before he was eligible for a licence and by his early teens he was equally adept at keeping them roadworthy. His mechanical aptitude led him to a technical college where he studied practical engineering. Not academically-inclined, he left school at 15 and went to work in an engineering shop, then a garage. At 18 he joined the Royal Australian Air Force in Adelaide, where he wanted to learn to fly but was instead trained to fill a wartime shortage of flight mechanics. Upon his discharge, in 1946, an uncle in the construction business built him a workshop in Sydney, where Jack opened his own engineering establishment.

    In 1951 he married Betty, who became the mother of their three sons, Geoffrey, Gary and David, all of whom would race, though not nearly as successfully as their father. Jack's introduction to motorsport came through a friend who raced midgets on dirt track ovals. Jack helped him build a new car and when his friend decided to stop driving Jack took over and became a regular winner. In self-prepared midgets he won four successive Australian championships and was the 1953 hillclimb champion in a British-built Cooper-Bristol. Two years later his growing ambition to expand his motorsport horizons brought Jack to England. A meeting with John and Charles Cooper, constructors of his successful Australian car, led to a friendship and partnership that would propel the tiny Cooper Car Company and 'Black Jack' Brabham into the forefront of Formula One history.

    With Brabham providing the inspiration (he helped persuade the Coopers to take the rear-engine route into Formula One racing) and the perspiration (he built up his first chassis in Cooper's workshop) the tiny British cars with the engines in the back sped to the front in an era previously dominated by big, front-engined Italian and German roadsters. In the Brabham-led team's first full championship season of 1958 the debut win for a Cooper came courtesy of Stirling Moss, who drove Rob Walker's private entry to victory in Argentina. In 1959 Moss won twice, but Brabham's victories in Monaco and Britain together with his consistently high placings resulted in the Australian winning a drivers’ title that some thought owed more to stealth than skill, an opinion at least partly based on Brabham's low-key presence.

    Always a man of few words - his nickname 'Black Jack' referred to both his dark hair and his propensity for maintaining a shadowy silence - he avoided small talk and was undemonstrative in the extreme. But behind the wheel he was anything but shy and retiring. He put his head down and drove exceedingly forcefully, opposite-locking his car dirt-track style, and was not averse to deliberately showering gravel in the face of a too closely following pursuer. His aversion for the limelight became more of a problem in 1960, when he completely dominated the nine-race series, winning consecutively in Holland, Belgium, France, Britain and Portugal, en route to his second successive championship.

    Following an unproductive 1961 season, when the Ferraris were all powerful, Brabham left Cooper to form Motor Racing Developments, in partnership with the talented Australian designer Ron Tauranac. The MRD Brabhams were quickly successful in several categories of racing, particularly Formula Two where for several years they dominated, affording the opportunity for many drivers to advance their careers. The Brabham Formula One car, which first appeared late in 1962, became steadily more competitive as the team leader personally perfected the chassis set-up and fine-tuned the Climax engines. In 1964 Brabham had the satisfaction of seeing his team mate Dan Gurney win in France and Mexico.

    For 1966, when the new 3-litre formula came into effect, Brabham persuaded an Australian company Repco (a manufacturer of automotive components) to produce a Formula One engine from a venerable Oldsmobile V8 design. Equally ancient was Brabham himself, or so it seemed to the media and his much younger rivals who used to kid him about his age. Prior to the 1966 Dutch Grand Prix, his first race after his 40th birthday, 'Geriatric Jack' Brabham hobbled onto the starting grid at Zandvoort, wearing a long false beard and leaning on a cane. Sportingly, several of his laughing opponents helped him into the cockpit of his Brabham-Repco, which happened to be on pole position. Tossing aside his beard and cane Brabham proceeded to win that race, a feat he also accomplished in France, in Britain and in Germany - on the notoriously difficult and dangerous Nurburgring - a victory he felt was the most satisfying of his career. Thus in 1966 Brabham became the first (and still only) driver, to win the championship in a car of his own make.

    Brabham also established the precedent for Formula One drivers to become pilots of their own planes. Though such transport at the time was exotic, Brabham's tastes remained simple. Distrustful of foreign fare, he flew his own steaks to the races. His passengers over the years included a succession of his Brabham team mates – Bruce McLaren, Dan Gurney, Denny Hulme, Jochen Rindt, Jacky Ickx – all of whom benefited from his tutelage and made their mark in Formula One racing.

    Jack Brabham, whose final victory came in the 1970 South African Grand Prix when he was 44, chose that season to retire as a driver. The Brabham team was sold to Bernie Ecclestone and Jack returned home to Australia, where he busied himself running a farm, a car dealership and an aviation company, and helped his sons with their racing careers. His contribution to British motorsport was officially recognised in 1985 and he became Sir Jack Brabham.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-29 13:02 | [8 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ murmur /'mə:mə/ n. 低沉连续的声音,咕哝;v. 低声说话,咕哝 ]

    Denny Hulme
    hof_profile_left_135.jpg hof_profile_right_135.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts112
    Grand Prix Wins8
    Pole Positions1
    NationalityNew Zealander

    (1 / 3) - Monza, September 1966: Denny Hulme at the wheel of the Brabham BT20-Repco on his way to third place in the Italian Grand Prix. He went on to finish fourth in the drivers’ championship. © Sutton
    (2 / 3) - Mosport Park, August 1967: Denny Hulme on his way to second place for Brabham in round eight, the Canadian Grand Prix. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Zandvoort, June 1974: Denny Hulme has his McLaren M23 topped up with fuel during practice for the Dutch Grand Prix. He would retire from the race on lap 66 with a broken ignition. © Sutton

    Denny Hulme's dislike of celebrity and preference for anonymity made him the most low key of champions. He hated fame, had no trace of vanity and found social functions an agony. His nickname 'The Bear' was a reference to both his rugged features and a gruff nature that would erupt when he was provoked. Yet he was also a sensitive man unable to express his feelings, except in a racing car, in which he was an accomplished if unspectacular driver. He eventually died behind the wheel, a quarter of a century after he became champion.

    Denny Hulme's father Clive was a World War II hero who won the Victoria Cross for bravery as a sniper in a bloody battle on the island of Crete. On his return home, to Te Puke on New Zealand's North Island, Clive operated a small farm and a trucking business. Denny, born on June 18, 1936, learned to drive a truck while sitting on his father's lap and by the age of six was driving solo. As a youngster he preferred trout fishing, hunting or working on his father's trucks. At 17 he left school and became a mechanic and a driver, hauling cargo over long distances on New Zealand's winding roads. On these journeys he whiled away the hours with reveries of racing, imagining that he was Stirling Moss or another of the European stars he had seen racing in New Zealand's Tasman Series.

    Denny's first competitions were in driving skill tests and local races, in an MGTF then an MGA bought for him by his father. In 1959 Clive and Denny purchased a F2 Cooper, which Denny prepared and raced - in his bare feet because he thought it gave him a better feel for the pedals. He did well enough to become joint winner, with George Lawton, of New Zealand's Driver To Europe scholarship that funded a season racing abroad for 1960. Denny and Lawton based themselves in London, where fellow Kiwi Bruce McLaren, then making a name for himself in Formula One racing, helped them get settled. Their European debut year ended in disaster in Denmark for Lawton, who crashed in a race at Roskilde and died in Denny's arms. Denny was devastated but stoically pressed on, towing his racing car around Europe in company with his New Zealand girlfriend Greeta, a nurse who would later become his wife and the mother of their two children. Money was always short and to finance his racing Denny got a job as a mechanic with Jack Brabham, who also gave him drives in his Brabham sportscars and single seaters. In 1963 Denny won seven Formula Junior races and the next year ably backed up his boss in a Brabham domination of the F2 series. Their Formula One partnership began in 1965 and when Brabham won the 1966 driving title his New Zealand team mate made it to the podium four times and finished fourth overall.

    The 1967 Brabham-Repcos were not the fastest cars, but they were reliable and consistent, as were their drivers. The Down Under duo also shared a serious work ethic and a tendency not to waste words, as was noted by fellow Antipodean, Chris Amon. "Jack and Denny and didn't talk much at the best of times," said Amon (then driving for Ferrari). "But in 1967 what used to be extraordinarily limited conversation became almost non-existent!"

    Denny silenced those critics who had dismissed him as little more than a journeyman driver with an excellent win in Monaco, though his first Formula One victory was marred by the appalling accident that claimed the life of Lorenzo Bandini, whose Ferrari was running second to Denny at the time. Denny's second win of the season, at Germany's mighty Nurburgring, proved his versatility on any type of track. He finished on the podium in six other races and by the end of the season had accumulated five more points than Brabham to become the 1967 World Champion. Any thoughts that he didn't deserve it were not shared by Jim Clark, who had four race wins to Denny's two. On the podium at the season finale in Mexico, where Clark won and Denny was third, the great Scot invited the embarrassed Kiwi to share the victor's laurel wreath.

    Denny wore his crown uneasily and being the focus of attention made him cringe. Privately, he had a soft and sentimental side, but few saw it. He could be abrasive and clashed with Formula One journalists who retaliated by twice awarding him their 'Lemon Prize' for being the least co-operative and most uncommunicative driver. Yes, he agreed, he didn't say much, but when he did he said what he thought. Now, 'The Bear' growled, it was payback time for those fickle scribes who had ignored him before he was champion. Freeloaders, phonies and time-wasters who wanted a piece of the reluctant celebrity got similarly short shrift. All Denny wanted to do was go racing and go home, which in a way he did in 1968 by joining forces with his countryman Bruce McLaren.

    The 'Bruce and Denny Show' that dominated the North American Can-Am sportscar series for several season in their McLarens was less successful in Formula One racing. Sadly, their partnership only lasted until 1970, when Bruce was killed while testing a Can-Am McLaren at Goodwood. Denny wept inconsolably at the loss of his friend and only continued racing because he felt he owed it to Bruce and the team. Besides his emotional distress Denny was in severe pain throughout most of 1970, having seriously burned his hands in the US while testing a McLaren for the Indianapolis 500. In all, he won six Grands Prix for McLaren but near the end of his Formula One career his competitive urges were blunted by a growing apprehension about the dangers of his sport. His fears were well founded and for Denny the final blow came in March of 1974 when he witnessed the gruesome death of his friend and former team mate Peter Revson in a testing accident at Kyalami in South Africa. Denny, now 38, finished the season then left Formula One racing for good, though he didn't stop driving competitively for another 18 years.

    He enjoyed competing in historic events and was also successful in saloon and truck racing. A favourite event was Australia's Bathurst 1000km touring car race. During the 1992 edition of that race the Denny Hulme-driven BMW suddenly stopped beside the track. Marshals ran to the car and inside it found the 1967 World Champion dead from a heart attack.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-29 13:11 | [9 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ imaginable // a. 可想象到的,可能的 ]

    Graham Hill
    hof_profile_left_126.jpg hof_profile_right_126.jpg
    World Championships2
    Grand Prix Starts179
    Grand Prix Wins14
    Pole Positions13

    (1 / 3) - Goodwood, Spring 1962: Graham Hill puts the new BRM P57 through its paces in Formula One testing. The car brought him victory in the opening round of the season, the Dutch Grand Prix. © Sutton
    (2 / 3) - Monte Carlo, May 1965: BRM’s Graham Hill leads the Ferrari of John Surtees on his way to a dominant victory in the Monaco Grand Prix, his third successive triumph on the demanding street circuit. © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Kyalami , March 1969: Graham Hill began his title defence with a second place to Jackie Stewart in the season-opening South African Grand Prix. © Sutton

    Graham Hill's iron-willed determination, fierce pride and great courage enabled him to overcome the odds against more naturally gifted drivers. None of them was more popular with the public than the moustachioed extrovert with the quick wit, who loved the limelight, was a natural entertainer and became one of the first Formula One media stars. His fans remained loyal, even when he damaged his reputation by racing too long past his prime. Millions were shocked when he was killed, not in a racing car, but at the controls of his plane.

    Norman Graham Hill was born in north London on February 15, 1929. He claimed he inherited his determination from his mother and his sense of humour from his father, a stock broker. Both qualities were required to endure the deprivations and dangers of life in wartime London, where Hill grew up during the Blitz. He played drums in a Boy Scout band, went to a technical school and at 16 became an apprentice for the Smith instrument company. He bought a motorcycle and on a foggy night crashed it into the back of a stopped car, suffering a broken thigh that permanently shortened his left leg. In 1952 he joined the London Rowing Club, took to the sport like a duck to water and would later wear the club's insignia (eight vertical stripes representing oars) on his racing helmet. Before that, however, he had to wear a Royal Navy uniform, in which he felt like a fish out of water. He resented the compulsory nautical service and as a sign of protest deliberately contravened naval regulations by cultivating the neatly trimmed moustache that would become his trademark.

    In 1953, on a whim, he tried a few laps around Brands Hatch in a F3 car and was "immediately bitten by the racing bug." His desire to scratch the itch was hampered by two problems: he hardly knew how to drive even a road car and could scarcely afford to fund a racing habit. He bought a rattletrap 1934 Morris, taught himself how to drive and got a license to drive on public roads. He quit his job at Smith's, collected unemployment insurance and talked his way into a job as a mechanic at a racing school, where he soon became an instructor. He competed in a couple of races and met Colin Chapman, then in the early stages of developing his Lotus cars. After persuading Chapman to give him a part-time job (at one pound per day) Hill soon became a full time Lotus employee, and was rewarded with the occasional race.

    In 1958 Chapman decided Team Lotus was ready for the big time and Graham Hill became a Formula One driver. However, the Lotus was both slow and unreliable and when little improvement came in 1959, the ever-ambitious Hill switched to BRM for 1960. This seemed like a bad career move because in its decade of existence the beleaguered British Racing Motors Formula One effort had started slowly then tapered off.

    But Hill pitched into the depressed team and proceeded to haul it up by its bootstraps, leading by example, working hard and deliberately affecting an optimistic outlook that boosted morale and produced ever-improving results. In 1962 he won in Holland, Germany, Italy and South Africa to collect a World Championship he fully deserved. As well as establishing himself as a driver of the top rank he was also a frontrunner in terms of public acclaim.

    The dashing driver with the roguish moustache, naughty wink and quick wit blossomed as a media hero and greatly enjoyed his notoriety. He became famous for such antics as dancing on table tops, enlivening parties by performing bump and grind striptease acts and, once, streaking naked around a swimming pool. He flirted outrageously with women, to the chagrin of his long-suffering wife Bette, mother of their two daughters and a son named Damon who one day would also become a champion. As if the dangers of racing weren't enough Hill bought a plane and became the carefree, sometimes careless, pilot of 'Hillarious Airways.'

    Yet behind the scenes Hill had a fierce temper and was prone to vicious black moods, in the grip of which he would inflict severe tongue lashings on all and sundry. These outbursts became more frequent as BRM progressively fell off the pace. Though he did manage to win America's Indianapolis 500 in 1966, Hill decided his Formula One fortunes could only be improved by going back to where he started.

    In 1967 he re-joined Team Lotus where Jim Clark was at the peak of his powers. Early in 1968 the great Scot was killed and Hill found himself leading a distraught team that was further devastated by the death of Mike Spence at Indianapolis. Colin Chapman marvelled at the way Hill so brilliantly responded to the challenge. Others acclaimed Hill's bravery in trying so hard in Lotus cars that were notoriously fragile. He persevered and won in Spain, Monaco, and Mexico, to secure his second driving title.

    In 1969 he won Monaco for a record fifth time, though the distinction of becoming 'Mr. Monaco' was followed by a downward spiral precipitated by a huge accident in the last race of the season, the US Grand Prix. When Hill's Lotus spun and stalled, he got out, push-started it and resumed driving without fastening his seat belts. A tyre suddenly deflated, pitching the Lotus into a bank and throwing Hill out, breaking his right knee and badly dislocating the left. He recovered and continued racing but was never the same driver again.

    A season with Rob Walker (in a Lotus) and two years with Brabham were undistinguished. However, a victory in a Matra (with Henri Pescarolo) in the 1972 Le Mans race made him the only driver to win motorsport's Triple Crown: Le Mans, Monaco and the Indy 500. Though history shows he should have stopped at this point, Hill's pride pushed him on.

    In 1973 he set up his own Formula One team, but Embassy Hill Racing and its famous driver were embarrassingly off the pace. Finally, following the humility of failing to qualify for the 1975 Monaco Grand Prix, Hill announced he was retiring as a driver but would continue to run the team led by his highly talented discovery, Tony Brise. A few months later Hill, Brise and four other team members were dead.

    On November 29, 1975, returning from a test session at the Paul Ricard circuit in France, Hill was trying to land in dense fog at the Elstree airfield near London when his twin-engined plane crashed and burned, killing all aboard.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-11-29 13:21 | [10 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ renaissance /rə'neisəns/ n. 文艺复兴(时期),新生,复兴 ]

    Jochen Rindt
    hof_profile_left_137.jpg hof_profile_right_137.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts62
    Grand Prix Wins6
    Pole Positions10

    (1 / 3) - Monte Carlo, May 1968: Jochen Rindt endured a difficult season in unreliable Brabham machinery. His retirement from the Monaco Grand Prix was just one of ten that year. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1969: The Lotus 49B of Jochen Rindt takes flight during the German Grand Prix. Having started third on the grid, the Austrian went on to retire from the race with ignition problems. © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Hockenheim, August 1970: Race winner Jochen Rindt celebrates with Jacky Ickx following the German Grand Prix. Rindt overcame the Ferrari driver’s challenge, to win for Lotus by just 0.7 seconds. © Schlegelmilch

    In the record books he is notable for being the only posthumous World Champion. But before he was killed Jochen Rindt had carved himself a memorable niche in the small but select category of heroes whose voracious appetite for raw racing was demonstrably apparent in a daredevil driving style that was both thrilling and worrying to watch. Few threw themselves into the fray with such vigour, nor did many measure up to Rindt's status as a colourful character. Fiercely determined and resolutely independent, he had a rough and tumble allure seldom seen before or since.

    Karl Jochen Rindt, born on April 18, 1942, in Mainz, Germany, was orphaned as an infant when his wealthy parents were killed in a bombing raid. His maternal grandparents adopted him and brought him up in Graz, Austria. A head-strong youngster seemingly hell-bent on defying authority, he continually sought ways to indulge in his burgeoning passions for speed and competition - preferably allied with danger. Twice he broke limbs in schoolboy ski races and when he switched to motorized sport, at first on a moped and then on a motocross bike, he either crashed or won. On public roads he drove battered Volkswagens like a madman and was often in trouble with the police. His rebellious streak caused him to be expelled from several private schools and his strait-laced grandparents (his grandfather was a prominent lawyer) despaired for his future.

    He affected a deliberately unkempt appearance and had a personality that tended to be abrasive. He used pieces of string instead of laces to tie his battered shoes. His flat boxer's nose (he was born that way) and abrupt manner of speaking made him seem intimidating. Confident to the point of arrogance and ambitious in the extreme, he resolved while still in his teens to ascend to the very pinnacle of motorsport.

    His hero was Count Wolfgang von Trips, the aristocratic German driver whose death at Monza in 1961 failed to dampen Rindt's enthusiasm. He began racing touring cars and then single seaters, crashing with alarming frequency and several times ending up in hospital. Yet such setbacks only fortified his will to succeed. He personally financed his first forays in more serious formula cars. In 1964 he went to England and bought a Formula Two Brabham for 4,000 pounds cash. In his second F2 race, at Crystal Palace, the British press reported that 'an unknown Austrian' had beaten the famous Graham Hill. Contemporary accounts noted the spectacular style that was to become Rindt's trademark: 'His car was sideways throughout the race. It went around the corners at unbelievable angles and always looked as if it was about to go off the road.'

    Yet the rambunctious Rindt became the man to beat in the intensely hard- fought F2 series. In 1965 he signed a three-year Formula One contract with Cooper, whose cars weren't competitive. But Ferrari's sportscars were, and Rindt, partnered by the American Masten Gregory, drove a Ferrari 250LM to victory in the 1965 Le Mans 24 Hour race.

    While enduring two more seasons in outclassed Coopers and another in an unreliable Brabham, Rindt flogged his machinery mercilessly. Often he seemed completely out of control and Jochen acknowledged that appearances were not deceiving. When asked how frequently he drove beyond his limits he replied: "Did I ever drive within them?"

    The audacious Austrian, who perfectly exemplified the popular perception of what a racing driver should be, became a favourite of the fans and of the photographers, for whom he provided some of the best action photos in Formula One history. Off the track the pictorial appeal took on 'Beauty and the Beast' dimensions when in 1967 Jochen Rindt married Nina Lincoln, a glamourous Finnish fashion model.

    For 1969, Team Lotus founder Colin Chapman signed Rindt to partner reigning World Champion Graham Hill. The newcomer quickly out-paced his illustrious team mate, but the Lotus 49 was as fragile as it was fast. Jochen was leading the Spanish Grand Prix at Montjuich Park when his car's high rear wing collapsed, pitching it into the wreckage of Hill's Lotus, which had earlier crashed for the same reason. Hill was unhurt but Jochen suffered a concussion and a broken jaw and became an outspoken critic of Chapman's cars, calling them unsafe as well as unreliable. However, he modified these views following his first championship victory: the 1969 United States Grand Prix at Watkins Glen.

    His first win of 1970, indeed the greatest of his short career, came at Monaco in the outdated Lotus 49, the new 72 model not yet being raceworthy. After languishing in fifth place for much of the race, the retirement of others promoted Rindt to runner-up, 15 seconds behind Jack Brabham driving one of his own cars. Scenting a whiff of victory, Rindt then proceeded to reel in the race leader by means of a thrilling, even frightening, charge that mesmerized all who saw it, including Brabham himself. Faster and faster Rindt went, smashing the lap record to smithereens. For the veteran Brabham, the sight of the wildly careening Lotus looming ever closer in his mirrors proved such a distraction that on the last corner of the last lap he crashed into the barriers.

    Jochen wept tears of joy as Prince Rainier and Princess Grace presented him with the winner's trophy. In the next few weeks he wept at the deaths of two of his close friends - Bruce McLaren and Piers Courage. He began to consider retiring for family reasons, for Nina had presented him with a baby daughter, Natasha. Yet he drove as hard as ever and won four consecutive races, including the Dutch Grand Prix where Courage was killed, and also the French, British and German events.

    Then came the ill-fated day of September 5, 1970, when Jochen Rindt's Lotus inexplicably ploughed into a guardrail at Monza during practice for the Italian Grand Prix. One of the first on the scene was his good friend and business manager Bernie Ecclestone, who came away with only with two sad souvenirs: a battered helmet and a single shoe which had been thrown some distance from the wreckage.

    The fatal accident happened close to where his boyhood hero Wolfgang von Trips was killed in 1961. At that time the German was leading the championship, just as the Austrian was now. But while von Trips was later beaten to the title by his Ferrari team mate Phil Hill, even after his death no one was able to deprive Jochen Rindt of the championship he surely deserved.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-12-03 13:02 | [11 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ intensity /in'tensiti/ n. 强度,强烈,剧烈 ]

    Jackie Stewart
    hof_profile_left_127.jpg hof_profile_right_127.jpg
    World Championships3
    Grand Prix Starts100
    Grand Prix Wins27
    Pole Positions17

    (1 / 3) - Spa, June 1966: BRM’s Jackie Stewart in practice for the Belgian Grand Prix. He was one of seven drivers to retire on the race’s opening lap after a heavy accident in wet conditions. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Zandvoort, June 1968: Jackie Stewart moved to Matra for the 1968 season. His first win for them came at the Dutch Grand Prix in the MS10, with Jean-Pierre Beltoise second in the MS11. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Paul Ricard, July 1971: Jackie Stewart celebrates on the French Grand Prix podium having totally dominated at the new Paul Ricard circuit, taking pole position, winning the race and setting the fastest lap. © Sutton

    His outstanding track record still ranks him among the most successful champions, yet in terms of personally influencing the way Formula One racing developed Jackie Stewart stands alone. His one-man safety crusade made the sport much safer. His excellent communication skills helped make it more popular. He set new standards of professionalism for drivers and was also a pioneer in exploiting Formula One racing's commercial potential. His keen intelligence and tireless energy helped, but he would never have been able to exert such influence had he not been a truly great driver.

    John Young 'Jackie' Stewart was born in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, on June 11, 1939. His father owned a garage business and Jackie's older brother Jimmy was the first in the family to try racing, though his mother disapproved. There were also fears about Jackie's future because he was a failure at school and left at 15. Only later was he diagnosed as suffering from severe dyslexia - which made his subsequent achievements even more remarkable. While still a teenager he took up clay pigeon shooting and became one of the best shots in Britain. When he began racing saloons and sportscars he quickly showed outstanding talent that prompted team entrant Ken Tyrrell to hire him to contest the 1963 British Formula Three series, in which the speedy Scot won seven races in a row.

    In 1965 he joined the BRM Formula One team and stayed there for three seasons, winning two Grands Prix and firmly establishing himself as a frontrunner. In 1968, when Ken Tyrrell decided to go Formula One racing, Stewart teamed up with him to form what would become one the most productive Formula One partnerships. In his six seasons with Tyrrell, Stewart was nearly always the driver to beat and remained so until he retired at the end of 1973 at the age of 34. His 27 race wins and three championships made him the best since Juan Manuel Fangio, but the mark he made on the sport went much further than the record books.

    Almost single-handedly, and against strong opposition, Stewart's crusade for improved safety measures eventually saved countless lives in what had been the deadliest sport in the world. In one particularly lethal period during his era the chances of a driver who raced for five years being killed were two out of three. In 1970 Stewart was devastated by the deaths of his close friends Piers Courage and Jochen Rindt. In 1973 his Tyrrell team mate Francois Cevert was killed in what was to have been Stewart's last race. The team withdrew as a mark of respect but Stewart redoubled his efforts to improve safety.

    Stewart's own brush with death had occurred in the 1966 Belgian Grand Prix at the notoriously dangerous Spa circuit. On the first lap a sudden rain shower that sent half the field spinning off the track left Stewart trapped in a ditch in his crumpled BRM with fuel leaking all around him. There were no track marshals nearby so two drivers who had also crashed prised him out of the wreckage and Stewart was stuffed into a decrepit old ambulance that got lost en route to hospital. "As it turned out I only had a broken collar bone," Stewart recalls, "but it was simply ridiculous. Here was a sport that had serious injury and death so closely associated with it, yet there was no infrastructure to support it, and very few safety measures to prevent it. So, I felt I had to do something."

    Among the things he did was to introduce full-face helmets and seatbelts for drivers and help develop the Grand Prix medical unit that began travelling to the races. He successfully campaigned for safety barriers and greater run-off areas at particularly dangerous corners, to protect spectators as well as drivers.

    "But there was criticism from the media, even from some drivers," Stewart remembers. "It was said I removed the romance from the sport, that the safety measures took away the swashbuckling spectacular that had been. They said I had no guts. But not many of these critics had ever crashed at 150 miles an hour. Fortunately, I was still achieving a lot of success, winning races in hideously dangerous conditions, and that gave me greater influence. For instance, I won four times at the original Nurburgring in Germany - the most dangerous circuit in the world - and yet I was always afraid of that place. In 1968 I won there by over four minutes in thick fog and rain where you could hardly see the road. That race should never have been held, and having won it by such a big margin gave me more credibility when I demanded safety improvements. But I wouldn't have done what I did if I had wanted to win a popularity contest."

    And yet the charismatic and brilliantly articulate 'Wee Scot' became hugely popular with the public. Wearing his trademark black cap and with his hair as long as a rock star, Stewart became an international celebrity - the first Formula One superstar. Though he was always a family man (deeply devoted to his wife Helen and their sons Paul and Mark) and never a playboy, he was seen as the daring racing driver with the glamourous lifestyle who consorted with royalty, prominent politicians, musicians and movie stars.

    He also frequented the corporate boardrooms of big business and became a multi-millionaire long before he hung up his helmet. He starred in TV commercials and advertising campaigns, gave speeches, went on worldwide promotional tours and had offices in London, New York and Switzerland, where he lived for several years. Stewart was well-placed to cash in on the dividends provided by the arrival of major sponsors when Formula One racing became a global television spectacle - a phenomenon in which he also played a major role.

    He became a much sought after media personality and a compelling TV commentator, explaining the intricacies of the sport and tirelessly promoting it. In 1971 he worked for ABC TV as co-host for the big American network's live coverage of the Monaco Grand Prix. On the starting grid, where his Tyrrell was on pole, Stewart spoke to the camera explaining in detail how difficult the race would be. At the finish line he pulled off his helmet and again addressed the camera, explaining how he had won.

    He was always a winner (even his new Stewart Grand Prix team won in 1999 before he sold it to Ford, who re-branded it Jaguar, which went nowhere) and Jackie Stewart remains one of the best known Formula One champions. He still loves the sport and in 2001 he received a knighthood for his contributions to it.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-12-03 13:12 | [12 楼]

    贝尔诺勋章 资源小王子奖 爱心大使勋章
    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 明年F1上海站我会在现场吗?
    等级: 工作组(版/荣)
    家族: F1 Paddock
    发贴: 10226
    威望: 6
    浮云: 4698
    注册时间: 2005-10-01
    最后登陆: 2017-02-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ movement /'mu:vmənt/ n. 运动,活动,举动,动作,迁移,(群众性)运动 ]

    Emerson Fittipaldi
    hof_profile_left_282.jpg  hof_profile_right_282.jpg
    World Championships2
    Grand Prix Starts149
    Grand Prix Wins14
    Pole Positions7

    (1 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1971: After starting from eighth on the grid, Emerson Fittipaldi retired his Lotus 72D on lap nine of the German Grand Prix with an oil leak. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Jarama, May 1972: A jubilant Emerson Fittipaldi punches the air as he takes the chequered flag for his first win of the season with Lotus at the Spanish Grand Prix. © Schlegelmilch
    (3 / 3) - Long Beach, April 1977: Emerson Fittipaldi spent the last few seasons of his Formula One career driving for his own family team, enjoying only limited success. Here, at the United States Grand Prix West, he finished fifth. © Sutton

    The youngest World Champion after Fernando Alonso achieved that distinction through circumstances that threw him in at the deep end while he was still relatively wet behind the ears. But 'Emmo' rose superbly to the challenge, winning his first driving title at 25 and his second two years later. Thereafter, dragged under by a disastrous career move, he sank to the bottom leaving hardly a trace of past glory. Yet his status as the youngest ever title-winner remains intact and he was the inspiration for the influx of Brazilian drivers that followed him into Formula One racing.

    Emerson Fittipaldi was named after Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American writer admired by his father Wilson Fittipaldi, a prominent Brazilian motorsport journalist and radio commentator. With this background Emerson (born December 12, 1946, in Sao Paulo) and his older brother Wilson Jr, soon became enthusiastic followers of motorsport, though when they decided to become participants their father was reluctant to finance it. He didn't have to because the Fittipaldi boys became successful entrepreneurs while still in their teens. Their enterprise, which began with a steering wheel that Emerson made for his mother's car, developed into a thriving custom car accessory business. Then came Fittipaldi karts, built and raced by the brothers, though more successfully by Emerson, who became Brazilian kart champion at the age of 18. In 1967, when the Fittipaldis turned to constructing Volkswagen-powered Formula Vee single seaters, Emerson drove one of them to the Brazilian championship.

    The speed of his racing success at home prompted Emerson to abandon the pursuit of a mechanical engineering degree at university and put himself to the test of competing abroad. In 1969, alone and unable to speak anything other than his native Portuguese, he arrived in England, bought a Formula Ford and was an immediate winner. A step up to Formula Three produced similarly impressive results and a reward in the form of a Lotus Formula Two contract for 1970. Quickly a top F2 contender, he was given a long-term contract by Lotus boss Colin Chapman, who eased him into his Formula One team near the end of the 1970 season. The promotion, in a third Lotus as understudy to regular drivers Jochen Rindt and John Miles, was intended by Chapman to provide further seasoning for a driver who had leapfrogged up the racing ladder with staggering speed. As it developed, tragic circumstances quickly conspired to force Emerson even higher and faster.

    Having made his Formula One debut in the 1970 British Grand Prix, Emerson then finished a fine fourth in Germany and also ran well in Austria. Then came the ill-fated Italian Grand Prix at Monza, where Jochen Rindt was killed in a practice accident. Earlier that day Emerson had also crashed at high speed but was unhurt, though severely shaken. His remaining team mate John Miles was so upset at Monza that he left Formula One racing forever. Thus, after only three championship races on his CV, it fell to Emerson Fittipaldi to lead Team Lotus.

    In the next race he achieved the best possible result, winning the United States Grand Prix at Watkins Glen to rejuvenate the devastated team and guarantee that the 1970 driving title would go posthumously to Rindt. Emerson's progress the next season was slowed by his involvement in a serious road accident while driving through France with his then wife Maria Helena. The crash left both Fittipaldis with lingering injuries and, though the accident wasn't his fault, it eroded Emerson's confidence somewhat.

    In 1972 the Lotus 72 was the class of the field and Emerson brilliantly exploited its potential, winning five of the 12 races and scoring all the points that secured the Constructors' Championship for Team Lotus and made him World Champion at the age of 25 - the youngest in Formula One history.

    As a driver his strengths included a delicate touch and calm approach that kept him out of trouble and an analytical mind that made him accomplished at tactics and strategy. As a personality in a milieu full of large egos he was refreshingly unassuming and had a nice line in self-deprecating humour. The media and the public warmed to 'Emmo' and his good nature usually prevailed when it was subjected to the several stern tests of character that awaited.

    In 1973 the reigning champion was rather disconcerted to find that his new team mate Ronnie Peterson was faster. The swift Swede had nine pole positions to one for the Brazilian and also won four races to his three. However Emerson's more consistent results left him second in the championship (to Jackie Stewart) and Peterson was third. Their internecine rivalry went no further at Team Lotus because Emerson eagerly accepted a lucrative offer to join McLaren for 1974.

    In his McLaren M23 Emerson won in Brazil, Belgium and Canada, made it to the podium on four other occasions and scored points in three more races to become the 1974 World Champion. When his 1975 season was only slightly less successful (he finished runner up to Ferrari's Niki Lauda), it came as a shock when the two-time champion chose to forsake McLaren and embark on a risky new venture. Emerson's decision, based on family loyalty and patriotism, made him a partner with his brother Wilson in a Copersucar team funded by Brazil's state-run sugar marketing company.

    Wilson Fittipaldi, whose Formula One experience amounted to a couple of ineffectual seasons in a Brabham, was not expected to contribute as much to the team's driving strength as his illustrious younger brother. But even Emerson went relatively nowhere in an embarrassingly uncompetitive Copersucar team that persisted from 1975 to 1979. Nor did a team name change to Fittipaldi Automotive in 1980 do much to salvage the former champion's reputation and his familiar toothy grin was seldom seen. In 1980 the Brazilian sugar money ran out and he stopped driving to manage the team and seek sponsorship. In 1982 the team folded and Emerson went home to Brazil to run the family citrus farms and auto accessory business.

    However, there was more racing left in Emmo's life. He went IndyCar racing in the USA and became a star in that series, winning the [屏蔽] championship and the famed Indianapolis 500 race on two occasions. But in 1996 he crashed heavily in the Michigan 500 and suffered a broken neck. While still recuperating, and still hoping to race again, he received serious back injuries when his private plane crashed near his farm in Brazil. He recovered, stopped racing and became a born-again Christian.

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-12-03 13:20 | [13 楼]

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    James Hunt
    1.jpg 2.jpg
    World Championships1
    Grand Prix Starts92
    Grand Prix Wins10
    Pole Positions14

    (1 / 3) - Nurburgring, August 1975: James Hunt takes to the air in his Hesketh at the German Grand Prix. He would retire from the race on lap 11 due to a wheel-hub failure. © Schlegelmilch
    (2 / 3) - Watkins Glen, October 1976: James Hunt celebrates his sixth win of the season at the United States Grand Prix. His victory set up a title showdown at the next round, the season finale in Japan. © Sutton
    (3 / 3) - Fuji, October 1977: James Hunt took his tenth and final Formula One victory in the last race of the 1977 season, the Japanese Grand Prix. © Sutton

    James Hunt's was a turbulent life lived to the limit - in and out of racing cars. As a driver he overcame constant fear and enormous odds to become the best in the world - triumphing in one of the most dramatic championship battles in Formula One history. As a colourful personality and unconventional character he had no peers - alternately entertaining admirers and offending critics with his often outrageous behaviour. After he retired he continued to make a strong impact, as a TV commentator, but died suddenly in the prime of his life.

    James Simon Wallis Hunt, born on August 29, 1947, into the family of a London stockbroker, was an unruly child: hyperactive, contrary and persistently rebellious. As a self-confident, competitive and determined youth he taught himself to play tennis and squash to a high standard. The tall and handsome public schoolboy also enjoyed considerable success with women. On his 18th birthday he saw his first race, a club meeting at Silverstone, and immediately decided to he was going to become World Champion. His parents refused to support their feckless son's foolish Formula One fantasy. James worked at odd jobs, bought a wrecked Mini and spent two years race-preparing it, only to have his first entry fail scrutineering because the driver's seat was an old lawn chair.

    Many of his early races ended in huge accidents. In one of them his Formula Ford crashed and sank in the middle of a lake. He might have drowned had he been wearing the requisite seatbelts he couldn't afford to buy. In faster Formula Three cars 'Hunt the Shunt' had even bigger accidents. Eventually he learned to stay on the track long enough to win races, but never conquered his fears. In the garage his terror often caused him to vomit and on the grid he shook so much the car vibrated. As a racer his volatile mixture of adrenaline and testosterone made him among the hardest of chargers. However his reputation as a wild man with middling race results meant it unlikely he would have gone much further without the help of Lord Alexander Hesketh.

    'The Good Lord' (as James called him) was an eccentric young British aristocrat who inherited a fortune and spent it lavishly on personal entertainment. Though he knew nothing about motorsport he decided to amuse himself by forming his own racing team and hired 'Superstar' (his nickname for Hunt) as his driver. The Hesketh Racing team had limited success in Formula Three and Formula Two but gained notoriety for seeming to consume as much champagne as fuel and for having more beautiful women than mechanics. Since the Good Lord was having so much fun in racing's lower ranks he thought it naturally followed that even more sport could be had at the highest level.

    When Hesketh Racing arrived on the scene in 1974 the Formula One fraternity thought the team was a joke. The ridicule became grudging respect when James Hunt's Hesketh beat Niki Lauda's Ferrari to win the 1975 Dutch Grand Prix. At the end of that season, however, Lord Hesketh announced he could no longer afford trying to produce the next British World Champion and James was out of a job.

    Fortunately, just prior to the start of the 1976 season he was the only experienced driver available to fill an unexpected vacancy when Emerson Fittipaldi left McLaren. James was immediately fast but only became a regular winner when he learned to control his explosive emotions, though he remained prone to temper tantrums. He attacked a driver and a marshal with his fists and on more than one occasion stood in the middle of the track screaming profane abuse at bemused opponents. James joked that his reputation for road rage made rivals move out of his way: "because they thought I was barking mad!"

    His closest friend among the drivers was Niki Lauda, with whom he became embroiled in a thrilling battle for the 1976 driving title. Lauda had been well in front until he was nearly killed in a fiery accident at the Nurburgring. James won that race and five others to force a championship showdown with the miraculously recovered Lauda in the last race of the season. It was so wet in Japan that Lauda decided it was too dangerous to race and parked his Ferrari after a couple of laps. Hunt stayed out in his McLaren and drove furiously to finish third and become World Champion.

    His good looks, extrovert personality and unconventional behaviour made the 'Golden Boy' hugely popular with a wide public. He had a commanding presence and spoke impressively in a deep voice with a cultivated accent, saying exactly what he thought. He hated dressing up, always wore tattered blue jeans and often walked around in his bare feet, even on formal occasions. He drank heavily, smoked 40 cigarettes a day, occasionally took drugs, had a madcap social life and a succession of beautiful girlfriends. He married one of them, Suzy, a fashion model who eventually left him for the actor Richard Burton.

    While he became a media darling for the tabloid press his behaviour was less appreciated by Formula One journalists, who found him a frustrating mixture of boisterous charm and overbearing conceit. Twice he was voted the least liked driver and despairing members of the Formula One establishment accused him of bringing the sport into disrepute.

    Having achieved his championship goal his enthusiasm for racing began to wane. He admitted he never really enjoyed driving and finally, after two more seasons with McLaren, then a few races with Wolf, he retired mid-way through 1979: "for reasons of self-preservation."

    He found it difficult to adjust to civilian life and suffered deep depressions that even wilder carousing failed to dispel. In 1980 he began working (with Murray Walker) on BBC television's Formula One coverage. At first, James did not take it seriously (he drank two bottles of wine during his first broadcast) but soon became a highly respected, articulate and opinionated commentator. In his private life he became a reformed character. A second marriage, to Sarah, ended in divorce but produced two sons to whom James became deeply devoted. He fell in love, with Helen, a beautiful blonde half his age. On June 15, 1993, she accepted his marriage proposal. A few hours later James Hunt had a massive heart attack and died at the age of 45.

    Among those shocked by his sudden passing was his old friend and rival Niki Lauda, who said: "For me, James was the most charismatic personality who's ever been in Formula One."

    Text - Gerald Donaldson
    顶端 Posted: 2007-12-26 18:38 | [14 楼]
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