Apexone Microelectronics 是一家从事多媒体及通讯系统级芯片(SOC)设计的高科技企业。其主要投资方为具有金融及工业背景的美 国及亚洲投资基金。埃派克森微电子(上海)有限公司是Apexone Microelectronics 在中国的全资子公司, 公司拥有应用于包括宽带有线网络通讯,3G 无线通讯基站以及多媒体电子领域的一系列IC 设计核心技术。其被公认为是亚太地区混合信号(Mixed-signal)集成电路设计行业中最具发展潜力的公司之一。
埃派克森的主要产品包括宽带有线网络通讯,3G 无线通讯基站以及多媒体电子领域的一系列模拟与数字系统级芯片。主要设计基于深亚微米CMOS 及SiGe 生产工艺,采用以系统集成为主,模拟与数字电路相结合的前沿设计思路。同时,公司也结合市场的具体变化,研发了一系列紧跟市场领域的芯片,以期最大限度地优化市场占有分额。
埃派克森的管理团队人才济济,公司高级管理层均曾在国际著名IC公司或IT行业上市公司担任过相应职位(包括TI, National Semiconductor, Broadcom, Intel,Conexant, Rockwell, Ernst&Young, China.com, Alctel,华为等),平均行业经验达16年以上,他们具备了突出的专业素养,高度的敬业精神,并富有创业[屏蔽],且在此前的公司都有卓越的业绩表现。同时,中层和基层管理团队也是由在IC行业有多年实战经验的优秀骨干组成,确保了埃派克森突出的创新力,优秀的执行力和高效的运营和管理。
埃派克森致力以市场导向与技术导向相结合,与世界及亚洲知名IT和通讯公司紧密合作,具有巨大的发展潜力。我们的理念是精心打造 亚洲之“芯”,力争在几年内成为亚太地区一流的系统级芯片公司。公司优越的激励机制包括股票期权,奖金及具吸引力的工资福利待遇和良好的职业培训。同时,公司也注重企业文化的培养,尊重人才善用人才,提倡宽松的研发环境与紧凑的研发日程相结合,推崇敬业精神与良好职业道德的培养。公司拟于在境外上市,力争给投资人和员工以最大利益的回报。
地点:电子科技大学一教204 招聘职位:
1. Analog IC Design Engineer
- MSEE or BSEE with some IC design experience on ASIC or mixed-signal projects from netlist to Tape-out;
- Familiar with Cadence, Hspice, Matlab;
- Familiar with fundamental process flow;
- Familiar with UNIX OS;
Candidate with following experience is preferred;
- Successful IC tape out;
- High performance analog macro block layout such as ADCs, DACs, PORs, PLLs and ESD padrings design.
2. ASIC/Digital Design Engineer
- Good verilog RTL coding skills along with good debugging skills;
- Successful IC tape out experience is preferred;
- MCU, DSP, USB, digital video, audio compression knowledge and experience preferred;
- Proficient with synthesis and timing tool;
- Preferable C/C++ knowledge and coding at assembly level programming;
- Preferable prototyping experience using FPGAs.
3. IC Layout Design Engineer
-BSEE with directly related experience;
- Familiar with place & route tools, commanding file writings;
-Knowledge in standard cell for custom chip design, floor planning, and full chip placement;
-Familiar with Scripts programming, UNIX, LINUX, C-Shell;
-Experience with Apollo and Hercules from Avant!, Silicon Ensemble from Cadence;
-Very fluent in English writing, reading and speaking in the working environment.
4. Software Engineer
- BS or MS degree, major in computer or related;
- PC peripheral device software programming experience, such as RS-232,LPT,USB or related electronics working background.
- Familiar with c/c++ programming languages, Windows platform (VC++, c++ builder….) soft ware development.
- Driver development experience preferred
- Familiar with Unix system is a plus.
5. System Engineer
- Familiar with FPGA;
- Familiar with Sehematic, PCB tools;
- Knowledge or experience with Class D highly preferred.
6. Algorithm Engineer
-BS or MS in computer science or electronics;
-Very good command of C, C++ or Matlab;
-Familiar with PC hardware system and Single Chip Micyoco;
-Ability to read and analyze both Chinese and English contributions;
-Have great interest in related theoretical research;
-Hardworking and proactive;
-Experience with algorithm related research projects highly preferred.
7. Field Application Engineer/Application Engineer
- Fluent in written and spoken English;
- Good communications skills, self-motivated and proactive;
- Experience with Student Union preferred.
1. 简历投递:者请在2007年11月1日之前将简历投递至: apgraduate@apexonemicro.com
2. 现场招聘会:埃派克森微电子专场招聘会将于2007年11月8日下午15:00在电子科技大学一教204举行,欢迎您的光临,届时请带好个人简历、钢笔或圆珠笔。
3. 面试:校园宣讲会后一天内,将安排在当地集中面试。
4. 录用:面试后两天内,将发出录用通知,签订协议书。被录用人员接到录用通知后请准备好签约材料:三方协议书、推荐表原件、成绩单原件等。
通讯地址:上海张江高科技园区碧波路572弄116号14号楼 邮编:201203