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本页主题: RFMD(威讯联合半导体) Reliability Engineer Recruiting 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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RFMD(威讯联合半导体) Reliability Engineer Recruiting

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
RFMD(威讯联合半导体) Reliability Engineer Recruiting
1. Reliability Engineer

Job description:
Reliability capability on semiconductor Assy process, especially on qualification process.
The engineer will work with a team to setup stations for reliability tests such as HTOL, THB, and HAST. Also, the engineer will communicate with employees in different product lines to understand the product operation conditions and testing parameters. Duties include reliability data analysis, search of the root cause for reliability failures, test plan generation, and research and documentation of guidelines for reliability testing effects on semiconductor materials.

-Bachelor or master degree, major in Microelectronics, Semiconductor Material or other electronics related specialties.
-Interesting in developing in IC reliability area including device level or package level
-Good knowledge on microelectronics device. GaAs HBT or other compound semiconductor background a plus
-More than 2 years experience in compound semiconductor research subject, for graduate, or 1 year in semiconductor industry, for experienced candidates. Knowledge of reliability physics, statistics, and experimental design preferred.
-Good communication skill, especially in English
-Basic computer knowledge

Position Type

2. Reliability Technician

Job description:
Assist in reliability lab smoothly running, in both device level and package level. In charge of some reliability equipments maintaining and operation. Cooperate with team members and other teams for reliability jobs handling.

-Bachelor degree, major in Microelectronics, Semiconductor Material or other electronics related specialties.
-Interesting in developing in IC reliability area including device level or package level
-Good knowledge on microelectronics device. GaAs HBT or other compound semiconductor background a plus
- Knowledge of reliability physics, statistics, and experimental design preferred.
-Good communication skill, especially in English
-Basic computer knowledge

Position Type
P.S. the positions are located in Beijing and we offer relocation support to successful candidates. With rapid expansion and business development in global market, we are looking for high caliber candidates for the positions

We offer competitive compensation package, attractive career development opportunity and on-job training to all successful candidates.
Please send your resume both in English & Chinese to mzhong@rfmd.com, and indicate the position you are applying.

Corporation introduction

RF Micro Devices, Inc. (RFMD) is a U.S. based company that designs, develops and manufactures a type of integrated circuit known as “radio frequency.” These radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) amplify and process signals transmitted by wireless communication devices. The Company’s primary market is components for cell phones, for which it is a leading supplier of power amplifiers. The Company also manufactures components for wireless infrastructure, cable television modems, GPS, personal communication systems and two-way data pagers and is targeting developing markets, such as wireless local area networks (WLAN) and BluetoothTM wireless technology.

The Company specializes in multiple process technologies that address a wide range of RF applications. The Company is the leading manufacturer of Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, or GaAs HBT. In addition, the Company also operates other III-V component process such as GaN & InGap, and is investing in a portion of a silicon facility, which will guarantee access to advanced silicon processes such as silicon germanium (SiGe). The Company manufactures a broad array of products for wireless applications such as power amplifiers, mixers, modulators, low noise amplifiers, receivers, gain blocks and transceivers, thereby providing its customers a “one stop” solution for all their RFIC needs.

Find more information at http://www.rfmd.com


顶端 Posted: 2007-10-04 14:45 | [楼 主]
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