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Cargill    嘉吉公司

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
Cargill    嘉吉公司
嘉吉公司成立于 1865 年,从当时仅在美国拥有一座谷仓,到今天在约 66 个国家拥有 153,000 余名雇员。

Our Company: Cargill is an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services. We are using our knowledge and experience to collaborate with customers to help them succeed. Founded in 1865 as a single grain elevator in the United States , Cargill today employs 153,000 people in 66 countries.

Cargill Vision Statement:
Our purpose is to be the global leader in nourishing people.
Our mission is to create distinctive value.
Our approach is to be trustworthy, creative and enterprising.
Our performance measures are: engaged employees, satisfied customers, enriched communities and profitable growth.
Cargill China    嘉吉中国
嘉吉公司的对华贸易始于 70 年代,第一次对华投资是在 1987 年。嘉吉公司现在与中国的年贸易额约为 50 亿美元。中国国内的公司年销售额超过 12 亿美元。
嘉吉公司在中国 19 个省市投资建立了 30 家独资与合资企业。嘉吉公司的投资项目包括饲料蛋白、植物油、玉米淀粉、以玉米为原料的甜味剂、各种食品配料,以及面向农民的各类产品,如动物饲料和化肥。嘉吉及其合资伙伴在中国农业和食品行业投资约七亿美元 , 雇佣员工超过 4200 人。

Cargill started trade with China in early 1970s and made its first investment in China in 1987. Today the company's annual trade with China is around $5 billion.  Its domestically located businesses have annual revenue exceeding $1.2 billion.

Currently Cargill sells grains, oilseeds, steel products, sugar, cotton, fruit juices, flavors, meats and other commodities to China while exporting Chinese products such as steel, apple juice and food ingredients. The company also provides services to customers in areas such as ocean transportation, risk management and integrated solutions for food and industrial customers.

Cargill operates 30 wholly owned companies and joint ventures within 19 provinces in China . These investments include the production of animal feed protein, vegetable oil, cornstarch, corn-based sweeteners and various food ingredients as well as products for farmers such as animal feed and fertilizers. Cargill and its joint venture partners have invested about $700 million in China , and employ over 4200 people.
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-01 17:05 | [楼 主]
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