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A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2007-03-12 09:00 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ persecute /'pə:sikju:t/ vt. 迫害,不断麻烦,困扰 ]

Now to a simply incredible medical story about a woman who lived with a 93-pound tumor. 32-year-old Kayla Hilton weighted 563 pounds and had given up hope. She tried every diet but nothing worth. Her health was deteriorating. But doctors in South C Hospital in T Oklahoma found a large mess in Kayla's belly. And in January removed that 93-pound ovarian cyst. Kayla Hilton is here this morning with her primary care-doctor Jennifer Cameron and Dr. Ilana Cass is a gynecologic oncologist from the Cedars-Sinai Women's Cancer Research Institute in Los Angeles. Good morning to all of you, thanks for being here.

Good morning

Kayla, first of all, How do, How are you feeling the surgery was in January.

Feel lighter.

You feel lighter.

It was in January and I just, I feel lighter in half in the heal to get better to get around.

The assumption is this has been in your since you were 16 years old C High school at the time. You were overweight then and what began to happen to you.

It just I sudden lose my psychos. My stomach started getting bigger, but the rest of me was just like, you know, I guess normally the size I was. My stomach was going out like I'm pregnant.

But the doctors kept telling you what, you simply have to lose weight, exercise, and eat less; you try all that, and this is, and you kept getting bigger.


And Dr. Cass, it's interesting she mentioned her psychos stopped, that is one of the first things that you should look at right?

That can’t a symptom that was associated with cysts is irregularity of psychos.

Right. And then, so we finally went to a serial of doctors, and what they keep telling you?

Going on a diet this way, don't eat so much, pretty mush they say.

And then you met Dr. Cameron. And what make you suspect that there were something else going on here, and just someone who just simply overweight.

Oh, based on Kayla' physical examination and it's just not add up. She had several health issues: asthma, high-blood pressure, hypothyroidism, resistance, and the history consistent with a hypothesis to over symptoms.

And you wanna to get her in MRI, there wasn't one large enough to fit her, finally you found one, one became available in the hospital and then when you thought on the imaging what was you first reaction.

I was relieved to know that we had one single answer that was related to those issues, but it’s still an answer all the questions. We really needed to have surgery to make sure that we knew what has left with because we didn’t know whether it is malignant or benign.

But Dr. Casst this can't be often malignant, right?

Yes, in fact the cysts are very common. And in women in their twenties and thirties most of us actually formed sort of liverless tissue or fluid, one egg is released from a woman's ovary. And in most cases those are benign, in other words, they are not cancers and they go away, sort of with the monthly cycle. But in some cases, they can be abnormal growth of the ovary. Growth that do not go away and in some cases that can be cancer.

So Kayla's symptoms really were typical. But the fact that you are large already made it difficult for doctors to find what was going on. Did you know before whether it is going to be malignant only after?

You only know that with surgery and that is ultimately the biggest problem that we have with these cysts. We don't have a good test to allow us to distinguish something that is a cancer from something that isn't. And that is really what we are trying to develop now with a better test.

And Kayla, I know you still doctor’s order to trying lose weight. How is you doing?

I’m damn fine, they give me about a year to lose rest of the weight and everything, because let’s see how my handles everything before we start trying everything drastic.

And Dr. Cameron there is long-term affects this ones: when these cysts were removed, do women generally recover?

Well, that is we respect, because during the surgery she did have the cysts removed then the ovarian, the tumor outside. We are trying to stabilize the rest of the health because she has been struggling with all these areas for years. Her High-blood pressure is still a problem. Fluid attention and her lower S is still a problem; but we anticipate that she is gonna continue and improve.

And Kayla any frustration of the earlier doctors who never picked up on this?

Yeah, but knock over, because you know you can’t keep be mad of them for long, you know finding and everything. I just you know walking the bridge.

Well, good luck to you. Kayla Hilton, thanks so much. Dr. Jennifer Cameron, Dr. Ilana Cass appreciate you all being here.
Very quickly you got 3 seconds.

I want to say thank you to Dr. Cass for doing the surgery, because if she hadn't, I don't know I won't be here after all.

I will be right back.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2007-03-12 09:01 | [1 楼]
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