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Interview with BDS on SK Changes

Mark "Jesuit" Cheben had the chance to ask SK's Andreas "BDS" Thorstensson some questions about the changes in SK.

The first event of 2006 where SK had a 'disappointing’ showing was WEG Masters. Did something happen at this even that set up a domino effect for the team for the rest of the year?

It certainly was. We entered WEG with really high expectations, the team was eager to win, the preparations were good. The first problem was the event itself, you all remember the situation with the location and that the event was close to be cancelled. We even booked tickets back home a few times before the event actually started. In the opening match vs. (then later winning) wNv, the Chinese them actually got disqualified for their behavior (and delays), but after manners from Vilden, they decided to finish the game anyways, which they lost. This was the start of the mental problems.

Your mid-season recruitments seemed to help the slump SK was in. In your opinion why didn’t the additions of Goodfella and Allen drastically change SK’s fortunes in ’06?

The problem in the team was more mental than individual. That will to win was lost. Allen and GoodFella did all they could, but it just didnt change the atmosphere. After beating both NiP and fnatic at Games Convention, I felt that we were on our way back, but after a really tough loss at the WCG qualifier we were back at zero.

I take it then the removal of Fisker combined with the retirement of Goodfella was essential to changing the mental atmosphere inside of SK?

Yes, we needed to start on fresh ground for this to change. A team full of energy, will to win, and with a high level of individual skill.

Now to what everyone wants to know: These two new players have some big shoes to fill. Who are they and why did you choose them?

They are SpawN and Robban from NiP. Ever since Abdi left this summer I just knew he was coming back. We were in a bad period result wise, and I do not blame him from not renewing his contract, there were never any harsh feelings between us. Now I think he has grown as a player and will be even more valuable for the team. Robban has really improved as a player lately, I see him as a team player in the way ahl used to act, but also with great individual skill, very important for the team.

Has your new lineup been practicing together recently? Do you have any idea how they will gel as a team? If the teamwork and chemistry doesn't happen quickly (one to two months) could we see additional roster changes?

They have not played as a team yet, but they are constantly active in gathers and play a lot together. Snajdan, vilden and SpawN has of course a lot of team play left from 2005 when they won both CPL Summer and Winter. SpawN and Robban did a great season together and allen adapted nicely into SK in 2006. This team has been created with the mission to play and dominate in 2007.

Why bring SpawN back into SK? Was it a mistake to release him to make room for SK's mid season additions?

Abdi was not happy with the team, and I can't really blame him. He decided not to renew his contract. Like I said earlier there were never any hard feelings between us, and I just knew he was going to be back later.

Can you give some insight into why these players left their team? Personality conflicts, issues with management, simply a financial decision, or the mystique of the SK name?

The one reason is that we want to create the best team out there and I believe SK can offer the most to the players. Not only in terms of salary, but also when it comes to individual PR, product branding, merchandising and so on. We are about creating stars, and make them big on a mainstream market.

Does NiP's recent slump at the WSVG Finals and CPL Winter concern you? How will SK work around the issues that caused NiP's end of year slow down?

It just shows that Counter-Strike has become tougher and tougher, there are no short cuts. We will have to focus harder and devote ourselves even more in 2007, and that is what we will do!

Word was that SK originally had approached several of fnatic's players is this true? What made the players from fnatic attractive recruits for SK?

I never had any talks with the players of fnatic. Me and Alex had a few internal talks that f0rest would fit into the team nicely, but as he announced (in a proud way) he will play for fnatic, can just wish him the best of luck. The team we have now is the one I wanted.

aTTaX had a great year doing something German teams had been unable to do for a long time, win an international event. Considering the growing talent pool in Germany, will we see SK venture back into Germany CS? Why or Why not?

It is nice to see that Germany are getting some big titles, makes everything more interesting. We will however not go back to having two male Counter-Strike teams.

Sites such as Rakaka and MeetYourMakers consistently post rumors regarding team roster movements. How do you feel about this practice? Do you feel this kind of journalism impacts eSports in a positive or negative way?

I think its quite entertaining, but you have to take it as gossip, and as long as you do it is fine. I don't know how many times I read something and I just want to comment with the truth. But hey, gaming is entertainment, and gossip is a natural part of it. As long as we still have those quality sites who reports accurately it doesn't bother me.

Any parting words?

Thanks to our sponsors who make this possible, Intel, ATI, Steel Series, Adidas, AOL, Creative, SanDisk and Inferno Online. Also a big thanks to everyone in SK and to our fans who stick with us!
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-09 08:02 | [楼 主]

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顶端 Posted: 2007-01-13 14:33 | [1 楼]
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