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5come5帮你背单词 [ wreath /ri:θ/ n. 花圈,花环 ]

A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-14 13:13 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ earn /ə:n/ vt. 挣得,获得 ]

James Kim is still missing in Oregon. But on Tuesday,searchers found what appeared to be his gray pants. And the search continues today on a remote area near the spot where Kim’s wife and daughters were found in their car on Monday. It’s hard to imagine being in the situation but there are things you should know how to do, things you should know how to save yourself. Earlyshow national correspondent Tracy Smith, is live in /// New Jersey with more . Good morning Tracy.
Good morning, Harry, that’s right. I made a city scout reservation in the pine barrens , with survival expert , Tom Brown. Good morning, Tom, (Good morning.)thanks for being with us. So you say that even if you run for a casual drive, you need to prepare for the unexpected.
Absolutely. Most people use their vehicles as, as an overcoat. And they go into them underdressed, they figure they got heat and everything else, but if your vehicle breaks down and you are underdressed, then you have nothing in the vehicle to use to stay warm.
You are in trouble.
You're, you're in trouble.
So we've a list of things that you should have in your car at all time. Starting with the cell phone which was so important to the Kims.
Oh, absolutely. Cell phones in this day and age, I mean, they’re indispensable for calling for help for emergency.
And that’s they track them down also er, blankets, or clothing.
Yeah, any old clothing that you can just keep in the car. /// A blanket you can keep in the car. Remember, shelter’s the number one thing that you need, and you know, in the \ survival situation.
And food and water are also important. A flash light or a flare so you can (right) signal for help.
Definitely. A snow shovel.
Snow shovel?
And anything , anything else. I know it’s inconvenient if you're going\ shopping. They'll have these extra stuff in the car but it could save your life.
And it doesn’t take up that much room, (No.) \\\\ other things, you know , the Kims’ were very resourceful but there are other things that you can find in your car that'll actually keep you warm.
Yeah, exactly, right! For instance, a carpet in a car, its insulation is dead space. and the more you can get on...
(So what do you do with this?)
you /// wrap it around you.
Just put it, you can tuck it in your clothes
Yep, put it around you between a couple of layers of the clothing.
And that'll keep you warm. Newspaper?
Another thing, newspaper. um or cardboard , you can take and you wrinkle it up and what you want to do is stuff that in your clothing ,because it’s gonna create that dead air space (and that actually keeps you warm). Yeah, you know how we dress in layers, everybody told you to dress in layers, you are adding more layers.
This insulates you. You can actually use the insulation in your car seat.
Oh, yeah, you can take, and lets face it. You can replace a car seat,you can’t replace a life. But you take and slice a car seat. (You get right into there, put that out) And you got all of this foam insulation in here that you can use .
And once again, you can stuff that (yes)in your clothing. (absolutely)And if you don’t have a knife, you can use your car keys.
Car keys, or, lug wrench , anything sharp.
Now, you say, as much as it's human nature to try to go get help, you really should never leave your car.
No, It's shelter, it's a single most important thing in the survival situation and your car is your shelter. Let’s face it. What are searchers gonna find : your car, it’s big.
It’s bigger target sure for them to look for
Yes, and plus it's your main source of your shelter.
If you get separated from your car, you can actually build a hut?
Yeah, you can build a debris hut. This is a , like a big fire-refill sleeping bag and you /// simply make a skeleton er of sticks, piled debris on top of it, the snow on the ground, you can pull down pine bales , and it traps and holds body in.
In this hut. And you can actually use these things ( yes exactly)as well, put these under your clothes.
Stuff, stuff \ your clothing. When we teach kids, we teach in the scarecrow method. That if they are ever cold, and they got to get home to stuff their clothing with leaves, /// debis , anything they can find.
Anything, scarecrow method, I like that. Now, the Kims ran their carout of gas,(right) they tried to stay warm . once that happens, you can actually take that same debris, (Stuff it in there.) put it in your car,and what you do is you just burrowing right in here(yep)
You just burrow in, put it all around you ///, make sure you keep the window cracked a little bit to let out the air, the vapors that you breathe, and then you feel nice and warm.
And this will keep you warm .
Yep, they keep you alive
You know, tell me ,quickly, how do you stay calm in a situation like this ?
You know, staying calm is hope. Hope always that you're going to get rescued .
Staying positive.
And We , and we tell people, um, if you are lost, stay put, stay in one place.
And stay hopeful.
Because once you start wondering the landscape, it makes people like me, trackers, harder to find you.
That's what we are finding out with the Kims' story.Tom Brown ,thanks so much for your advice.
You are very welcome.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-14 13:13 | [1 楼]
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