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本页主题: 传说中能让MP3>CD的创新Xmod揭密 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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发贴: 17646
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5come5帮你背单词 [ tension /'tenən/ n. 紧张,张力,拉力 ]



简略评价(from CNET)


虽然我们喜爱一切能让我们的音乐听起来更赞的装置,但如果听到有人说可以「让你的压缩音乐文件听起来比原始的 CD 还要好」的话,势必会引来怀疑的目光,包括我们自已的。

不过在 CNET 的评测员说出「我自已也想要一台」后,这些担心都可以放一边去了。在真正地比较过透过 Xmod 外接式音效装置(顺道一提,它确实可以透过 USB 取得电脑上的音讯 -- 但因为不用装驱动程序,所以不算是声卡?)所播放出来的 MP3 和 CD 音乐后,发现「CMSS 3D 和 Crystalizer」两大功能确实能让音质「明显的」变好。能达到这种效果的主要原因,是因为所谓转换后的 24 位音乐不只是在原始的 16 位的音乐中插点而已,而是真的去仿造原来的音型重建出高音和低音。这项技术用来回复在压缩中消失的音频特别有效,因此才会有「让你的压缩音乐文件听起来比原始的 CD 还要好」这样的说法。

它唯一的大问题是它必须要插电才能运作(不论是必须要另购 AC 电源供应器,还是预设使用的 USB 电源),因此注定了它只能待在桌上或笔记本电脑旁使用,不能随身替你的 DAP 加把劲。总体而言,以 80 美元的价格 CNET 认为它「令人印象深刻」,但音乐这种东西主观性太强了,恐怕还是要「耳听为凭」吧!

[ 此贴被王重阳在2006-11-02 21:34重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:11 (by 传说中的麻神) | 理由: nice转贴
  • 浮云:-1 (by 传说中的麻神) | 理由: 请加主题前缀
  • 此ID原所有者已退出江湖,一切行为及言论由丘处机负责
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:06 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 木有头咸
    等级: 荣誉会员
    家族: 起早不摸黑
    发贴: 17646
    威望: 3
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    注册时间: 2006-01-08
    最后登陆: 2018-12-25

    5come5帮你背单词 [ crew /kru:/ vi. & n. 爬行,缓慢移动 ]


    本站有幸能够在 Creative Xmod 上市前抢先试用到,国外也已经有网站放出此产品的消息,但大家都有点搞不清楚这到底是个什么样的东西,继续往下看就知道了。


    Xmod 是一个「标准的 USB 音效装置」,所以在 Windows 2000 以上的操作系统,完全不需要任何驱动程序即可安装。根据说明,亦可以用在苹果计算机上。

    送来时并不是正式出货的包装,观察以下配件,「有可能」少了一个适合台湾当地使用的变压器。待正式出货时就知道有没有了。有了这个变压器,就可以让 Xmod 成为一个[屏蔽]运作的音效处理器,稍后会详谈。说明书中明确的指出,变压器是另外贩卖的。



    左侧 Crystalizer 开关

    右侧 CMSS 3D 开关

    上方 Line Out 以及 USB 插孔(或[屏蔽]电源供应)

    下方 Line In 与耳机输出



    开启 Crystalizer 时的提醒灯号

    开启 CMSS 3D 时的提醒灯号


    1. 中央巨大的金属质感旋钮,除了刚才已经提到的静音开关外,本身也是一个可以自由旋转的无段式旋钮,除了控制音量外,当切换 Crystalizer 以及 CMSS 3D 模式时,则可以用来调整这两个效果器的强弱。

    2. 比较难描述的是 Xmod 上半部白色外壳,本身也是可以”按”的。有用过苹果计算机原厂鼠标的人可能比较容易理解。当 double-click 上半部的白色盖子时,指示灯会切换到 Crystalizer,此时转动旋钮就是调整 Crystalizer 的强弱程度。再按一下白色外壳,则会切换到 CMSS 3D,这时候就是调整 CMSS 3D 的强弱;最后再按一下白色外壳,就恢复到正常模式了。

    在这边也解释一下 Crystalizer 与 CMSS 3D 的效果为何。

    Crystalizer 是去年 Creative 在推出 X-Fi 系列声卡时,所强调的一项新技术。透过 24bit 的运算,号称可以将 MP3 压缩失真的细节予以补救回来。我实际聆听的结果,这个效果绝对不是「拿 EQ 均衡器提升高频部分的比例」而已,如果只是那种拉高频的作法,声音是很容易变刺耳的,所以确实是有他神奇独到之处。不过,当然是不能当万灵丹啦,适度的使用,确实能够增加音乐中的细节,至于效果可能是见仁见智了。附带一提的是,如果是 X-Fi 声卡的 24bit Crystalizer,效果可以强到很夸张(这时就不好听了),但 Xmod 似乎没有提供到这么强的等级就是了。

    CMSS 3D 则是自从多[屏蔽] SB Live! 4 声道版推出时就在强调的环场体验技术,对于在聆听音乐时喜欢「加料」的朋友是有用的功能。不过我自己是喜欢原汁原味啦!

    因为 Xmod 在输出质量上也是相当的不错,非常适合拿来作为笔记型计算机或使用主机板内建音效的升级之用。以下是 Creative 认为 Xmod 能够提升的聆听感,供大家参考。图表的意思就是能够让 CD/MP3 的聆听感超越 CD,甚至超越录音室的水平。对此我还是持保留的态度啦!但也要强调的是 Crystalizer 确实是有用的功能,对于丧失的细节部分的确有挽救的效果存在。

    至于[屏蔽]运作的 Xmod 是怎么一回事呢?有注意到刚才介绍 Xmod 时,上面有 Line-In 吧?[屏蔽]运作时的 Xmod 可以说是一个「耳机扩大机、外接的 Crystalizer/CMSS 3D 音效处理器」,将您输入进来的声音,透过 X-Fi 的运算技术后,再重新输出,例如可以补救某些偷料严重的主机板音效在接耳机时的破音、低频不足等现象。当然 Xmod 不能与那些专业的耳机扩大机相提并论,可是确实是能够提供充足的推力来应付一般耳机了,再加上 Crystalizer 的帮助,我个人是肯定此产品在这方面的努力的。

    [ 此贴被王重阳在2006-11-02 21:17重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:06 | [1 楼]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    发贴: 17646
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ courtyard /'ko:tja:d/ n. 法院,法庭,球场,朝廷,院子 ]


    Creative's recently announced Xmod made it into my cube this week, and I have to say, I like what I hear. This palm-size, slick-looking device is designed to improve the quality of MP3s and other compressed audio, as well as audio CDs. Creative even goes as far as saying this $79 external sound card (which also works with MP3 players) will produce a "cleaner, richer sound that surpasses the original audio CD." While I don't blame skeptics (after all, I was skeptical), I can say that I'd rather use this product for listening to audio than not. However, I'd love to see this enhancement built right into an MP3 player since it cannot be used on the move.

    The Xmod is a 4.5x1.8-inch white plastic rectangle with curved edges and corners, and it features a fat 1.25-inch diameter metallic knob used mainly for adjusting volume (push down on it to mute or select). It's powered by USB, and it defaults as your sound card once it's plugged into a computer--no driver is required. The device is compatible with both Mac OS X (10.3.4 and higher) and Windows XP.

    The Xmod's rubber feet keep it in place on your desktop (where the attractive unit fits right in). On the side opposite the USB port is the headphone jack. Basically, the device takes source audio and, in real time, applies Creative's X-Fi (Xtreme Fidelity) technology to the audio, and the results are pretty substantial.

    Creative has lifted the X-Fi features related to music from its SoundBlaster cards and packed them into the Xmod. The features, CMSS 3D and the Crystalizer, each have their own switches and are user-tweakable, though they both default at 50 percent. At the heart of the technology are algorithms that upconvert (or as Creative says, "restores") music to 24-bit surround audio (audio CDs are 16-bit).

    The CMSS 3D adds a nice surround effect to audio, and it works particularly well with movies. Sound is less hollow or tubular than some surround DSP effects I've heard, though it isn't ideal for all content. It works well with some music, too, and it's especially noticeable using headphones, where an instrument coming strictly from one channel is nicely meshed with the other. The device is compatible with files that are encoded in multiple surround channels. Creative emphasizes that the surround effect does not utilize reverbs, unlike many other surround technologies. While the effect is effective, it's the aptly named Crystalizer that gives the Xmod its street cred.

    MP3s do sound better
    The Crystalizer upconverts music to 24-bit audio and fills in the missing gaps in lower and higher frequencies. There is no interpolating going on--instead, Creative sound engineers have come up with a secret formula that identifies certain instruments (such as cymbals or kick drum) and fills in the data that was originally trashed during compression. The more I use it, the more I realize it's doing more than just boosting frequencies. Bass is more punchy and prominent, and highs are crisp and alive but without jacking up levels. Listening to various electronica, ripped vinyl, live acoustic performances--anything with sound waves--I sensed underneath the enhanced lows and highs, an energy that just made my music sound nicer. And extraneous hiss is minimal at worst.

    Of course, I compared some MP3s to their CD counterparts and though I can't vouch for the sound being better than a CD, I did prefer the aforementioned energy of the Crystalized MP3. Audio CDs sounded punchier with the Crystalizer on as well.

    Both effects can be adjusted (in three levels) by tapping on the unit's upper right corner, where there's a button nested underneath the panel. When the appropriate light turns on, you twist the volume knob to get to your setting, which is indicated by the frequency of flashing lights.

    Since it's an external device, the Xmod is particularly useful with a laptop. Controlling your computer's system-level volume using the metal knob is nice, too. It can also be used with any audio device by way of the line-in port, next to the headphone jack, though you'll have to use an AC adapter via the USB port (not included). A line-level output is located next to the USB port. While the Crystalizer works just as well for an MP3 player (I used it on an iPod), it's not as practical since it forces you to be stationary. We'd love to see the technology built right into an MP3 player someday (that is, a Creative Zen featuring X-Fi). Various players from Cowon (BBE effects) and SRS Wow-powered players already exist, and they too enhance sound--just not the way the Xmod does.

    The Xmod package includes Creative earbuds, a USB cable, a soft case, and a user's manual.

    Overall, I'm impressed with the Xmod, and at $79, it's worth checking out--even with all the PR marketing hoopla surrounding this technology. I don't like that it limits your "Crystalized" audio to the nearest power outlet or computer, but I think Creative's X-Fi technology will make it into portable devices soon.


    [ 此贴被王重阳在2006-11-02 21:30重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:06 | [2 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ female /'fi:meil/ a. 雌性的,女(性)的;n. 女子,雌性的动物 ]


    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:25 | [3 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ scan /skæn/ vt. 扫描,浏览,细察,审视;vi. 扫描,扫掠 ]

    Life Is Short,Work More.

    The best is yet to come...
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:45 | [4 楼]

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    引用第4楼蔚蓝依旧于2006-11-02 21:45发表的:

    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:48 | [5 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ broadcast /'bro:dka:st/ n. 广播,广播节目;v. (用无线电或电视)广播 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 21:55 | [6 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ torpedo /to:'pi:dəu/ n. 鱼雷,水雷 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 22:54 | [7 楼]

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    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 23:01 | [8 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ anniversary /,æni'və:səri/ n. 周年,周年纪念 ]

    Sing ! My phantom of opera !
    Sing for ever !!
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 23:26 | [9 楼]

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    期待AI 的介入~
    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-02 23:33 | [10 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ enjoy /in'd3əoi/ vt. 享受…之乐,欣赏,享有 ]

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