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A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-08 18:04 | [楼 主]

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BBC world news I am Mary Small.

President Vladimir Putin has called on the European Security Organization the OSCE to put pressure on Georgia to change course drastically over the worsening crisis between Russia and its neighbor. The dispute began when Georgia detained several Russian Military personnel accusing them of spying. Russia reacted by X all transport and postal link with Tbilisi. And Earlier on Friday, it deported more than 138 ethnic Georgians who it said were living in Moscow and other cities illegally. CJ has this report.
President Putin called Georgia's behavior aggressive and irresponsible aimed at aggravating tensions. He accused the authority in Tbilisi of planning to solve the conflict over the two trouble region of X and X by force. The Russian News Agency said President Putin had sent a letter to the OSCE about the situation that he developed following the brief detention of Russian service man in Tbilisi whom Georgia accused of spying. The letter said the OSCE should concentrate on encouraging the Georgia leadership to drastically change its course.

A United Nation report suggests that's been a dramatic increase of the number of refugees leaving Somalia since the advance of fighters allied to the Islamic Courts Union from Mogadishu into central and southern region of the country. The United Nation’s Refugee Agency, the UNHCR says that since Wednesday alone 2000 people have crossed into Kenya. It said more than thirty thousand people have made the same journey since the beginning of the year.

Tens of thousands of people have been taking part in a rally in Gaza in support for the Hamas-led Palestinian government. The gathering came after the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a member of the rival party Fatah threatened on Wednesday to dissolve the government. The Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh, used the rally to restate that Hamas would not recognise Israel. John Leyne reports.
Ismail Haniyeh, was addressing a rally of tens of thousands of Hamas supporters in Main football stadium in Gaza. He suddenly begun slowing his speech, slum back and fainted. As an observant Muslims the Palestinian Prime Ministry keeping the X fast, so he's been more than nine hour without food or water. It seemed the hot day simply took his toe. Within a few minutes Ismail Haniyeh was revived and returned to his speech. Our body can get tired but our soul will not he said. During the speech, the prime minister angrily accused some Palestinians of trying to undermine his government an unspoken reference to the rival Fatah faction.

You are listening to world news from the BBC.

The British foreign secretary Marcrate Becket says six countries meeting in London have expressed deep disappointment that Iran has refused to suspend its nuclear enrichment program. Speaking after the meeting, Mrs. Becket said the countries that represented the high level talks which also included the United States, Russia, China and France and Germany would now consult on possible United Nations Sanction against Iran.

Tens of Thousands opposition supporters have been gathering outside of the parliament building in Budapest demanded the resignation of the Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany after he survived a vote of confidence by MPs. Demonstration began last month after the emergence of a tape recording Mr.Ferenc Gyurcsany telling a close party meeting in X terms that messed up the economy and lied about it to the electoral in order to win the election in April. Mr. X told parliament it was time he confronted his past mistakes.

Is there a need for an apology? Yes, there isn’t a need. Why? Because we have delayed confronting an X policy, we did so because we kept ourselves perhaps the electoral too in a mistake and belief that the problem would resolve themselves by themselves.

The UN Security Council has called on North Korea to abandon its plan to test a nuclear weapon warning that such a move would endanger peace and security in the East Asian region and beyond. In a statement adopted unanimously, the council that it might take further acting against the government of Pyongyang if it went ahead regardless although it didn't specify what .The Security Council urged North Korea to return immediately to 6 parties’ talks on its nuclear program which broke down inconclusively a year ago.

A member of the United States navy has testified that his court Marshall in California that he watched as two American marines shot an Iraqi civilian in the head. X officer X said the fired at least ten round in Hussin EA after taking him from his home in western Iraq. Mr. Bacos and seven US marine faced charges over the killing.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-08 18:05 | [1 楼]
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