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A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-04 22:55 | [楼 主]

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Iraq's national security advisor says authorities have arrested the second most senior leader of the al-Qaeda,an Iraqi terrorist group. Iraqi officials said today that Iraqi forces detained the group's second-in-command Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi a few days ago while he was hiding in a residential building. Officials however did not give the location.

Hundreds of additional Italian soldiers meanwhile are arriving in Lebanon to reinforce the international peacekeeping force in the region. Some 500 Italian troops arrived Saturday and 500 more are expected today, raising the total number of UN peacekeepers to 3,250. The UN Security Council plans to deploy 15,000 international troops on the Israeli-Lebanese border to monitor the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said the Holocaust is an undeniable historical fact during a visit to Tehran. Mr. Annan spoke after meeting with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And his comments followed an announcement that Iran will host a conference questioning what Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman called "Holocaust exaggerations". Also today, Mr. Annan said the Iranian president emphasized his readiness to find a negotiated solution to Iran's nuclear dispute with the West.
"On the nuclear issue, the president reaffirmed to me Iran's preparedness and determination to negotiate and find a solution to the crisis."
Mr. Annan also said Mr. Ahmadinejad repeated his rejection of UN demands for the suspension of uranium enrichment before negotiations can begin.

NATO forces in Afghanistan say NATO and Afghan troops have killed dozens of Taliban insurgents and wounded or arrested many more in the southern province Kandahar. Three Canadian soldiers were also reportedly killed during the operation Medusa which started on Saturday. Its aim is to flush out insurgents from the Taliban stronghold in Panjwai district.

A Hong Kong magazine's publication of a pop star changing backstage has rallied the region's celebrities against paparazzi tactics. It's also kicked off the debate of whether the line is drawn between people's privacy and press freedom. Mellisa Chan in Hong Kong has more.

Backed by an entourage of Asia's best known celebrities, a sobbing Gillian Chung of the Hong Kong pop duo "Twins" expressed her dismay over the photos. This incident's really going to damage our image, the next time I meet our young fans I don't know how I'll manage to face them. And now the whole world knows about the secret photos of me. The Hong Kong magazine Easy Finder last week published photos of Chung taken secretly while she was changing clothes backstage at a concert. Since then, celebrities, women's groups and politicians have loudly condemned the magazine, known for its racy coverage of the city's night life and entertainment industry. The city's leader Donald Tsang has vowed to look at ways of preventing similar incidents. But it could be months before any legislation passes that might foster a more balanced relationship between the media and its subjects. Mellisa Chan for VOA news, Hong Kong.

The world's leading aircraft manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing have announced plan to invest billions of dollars in India. A reports.
The US-based aerospace giant Boeing says it is investing 100 million dollars to establish a maintenance, repair and overhaul facility for its aircraft in India. It will spend another 85 million dollars on the pilots' training centers. Boeing officials on a recent visit to India signed an agreement with the western state of Maharashtra where the facilities are to be located. The European Aeronautic Defense & Space Company that controls Airbus has announced even bigger investments. It says it will spend two and half billion dollars over the next 15 years in production and research development. The investments will include a technology center employing 2,000 people and an engineering unit. The new facilities' being established in India will enable the aircraft manufacturers to tap into the country's vast pool of low-cost enployees, build first-rate engineering and software skills. A for VOA news, New Delhi.

You can read these stories and more in-depth by visiting our website 24 hours a day at VOAnews.com.I'm Frances Alonzo , Washington.You're listening to VOA news.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-04 22:55 | [1 楼]
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