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5come5帮你背单词 [ psychological /saikə'lod3əikəl/ a. 心理(上)的,心理学的 ]

A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-03 22:56 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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Riot police have sealed off Mexico’s Congress where the outgoing President Vicente Fox is due to give his final state of the nation speech. Flanked by tank, dogs, they are on guard against thousands of supporters of leftwing politician Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who said he was cheated victory in July’s presidential election. But addressing a rally in Mexico City’s main square Mr. Lopez Obrador urged his followers to avoid provocation and stay clear off congress, leftwing deputy is a meeting to decide how to disrupt the speech from inside the chamber itself. From Mexico City DK reports.
Instill cap, shoes, body arm and helmets the security forces make it intimidating site around the heart of Mexico’s democratic institutions, the aim of the federal and local police is to keep out possibly tens of thousands of supporters of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, he is the leftwing candidate in the country’s presidential race who’s led a month-long campaign of street demonstrations claiming the election was riddled with fraud.
Delegation leaders taking part in peace talks starting on Saturday between the Somali transitional government and the Union of Islamic Courts Militia have spoken optimistically of the prospects for an agreement, the two sides haven’t met since June shortly after the Islamists seized control of the Somali capital of Mogadishu forcing rival warlords to flee.
International donors have promised 500 million dollars in aid for the Palestinian territories. The pledges were made at a conference in Stockholm after the top UN aid official Jan Egeland warned the dangers of Palestinian anger at their living conditions. The director of policy at the aid agency Oxform FB said the money is desperately needed. “The pledge is welcome because that money will be used for sewage humanitarian assistance, the situation in the Palestinian territories is appalling, we’ve got a situation with laterally hundreds of thousands of people without wages or out of work now, we’ve got sewage on the street because sepsis can’t be empted, we’ve got rubbish piling on the street, we are heading for a public health disaster there.”
The pentagon has painted a gloomy picture of the situation in Iraq in its latest quarterly report to Congress. The report concludes that the core battling in Iraq has mutated from uncertainty campaign into sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims that it warns could lead to civil war.
You are listening to the world news from the BBC.
The American say they have carried out a successful test of their antimissile defense system. The Missile Defense Agency said improved intercept missile launched from an airbase in California H a dummy-armed missile far from Alaska and destroyed it. Only 5 of the 10 tests carried out before the excise had been successful. At a news conference in the Pentagon the head of the US Missile Defense Agency Lieutenant General Henry Obering said the test represents a significant progress in protecting the US and its allies. “The test we executed today was a total success, in fact it succeeded even our primary objective on the test, and we also met all the secondary objectives of the test. Basically what we did today is a huge step in terms of our systematic approach to continuing to field, to continue to deploy and continue to develop a missile defense system for the United States, for our allies, our friends deploy forces around the world.”
The most senior Red Cross official for South Asia has called on the warring parties in Sri Lanka to allow humanitarian supplies into the Jaffna Peninsula which has been cut off by renewed fighting. The official RM said a quarter of million people in Jaffna will run in short of basic foods and medicines. Image Focus reports.
The killing of 17 aid workers in Sri Lanka a month ago has made all aid agencies there look hard at the risks they are taking. The ICRC’s chief delegate for South Asia RM went to Sri Lanka to ask for assurances from the government and the Tamil Tigers that the Red Cross would continue to be respected as a neutral supplier of aid. He said he got them but he also admitted that even the Red Cross cannot reach all those in need. In some areas local communities have prevented ICRC convoys bringing aid to neighboring communities, in others the Sri Lankan army or the Tamil Tigers have simply refused to save passage.
United States has asked the United Nations Security Council to include Burma on its agenda because of what it describes says the political repression and human rights abuses of the military government, in a letter to the council’s president, the American ambassador to the UN John Bolton said the conditions in Burma will have a destabilizing impact on the region.
BBC world news.
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happly life
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-03 22:56 | [1 楼]
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