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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ liquor /'likə/ n. 酒 ]



顶端 Posted: 2007-12-25 10:36 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ pumpkin /'pΛmpkin/ n. 南瓜 ]

Is going to be a credit crunch Christmas this year, but there’s one secrecy that the market’s thriving-perfume. You’ve just seen an ad in the break, is the rich and famous already getting up your nose? This Christmas they’ll fill your senses as the perfume business sold itself in celebrity endorsement. Sam Hanker discovers the truth.

From the cat walk to the frequency counter, but is not just supermodels for reaching out the sprinkles, celebrities wholly water onto their fans. And rock chicks are now doing it, and even Hollywood stars are milking this looking cash code, there are more than 200 celebrity-endorsed perfumes in the market in Britain. 30 new ones waffled onto the shelves this year alone, the wildest scent seems to be the new pop chart for celebrities. But it’s really sustainable. Now, Micamble was dropped after shoppers turned their noses up at her product, and well, did everyone even remember Cullen Best, yes, the son of the footballer-George Best, or the toilet?

The perfume industry now worth’s at 735 million and retail analysts say a major driving force behind this are the famous faces on the brands.

For freedom companies, it’s a very, very easy way to kind of pick back to the celebrity into the market. It’s a much cheap way than spending millions, millions of pounds start in brand from the scratch, which then you have no guarantees it’ll succeed. With the celebrity, you can just borrow the celebrity’s name; you have a target what it is anyway cause the fan base will be the first buyers, the first, maybe. So you can guarantee sales almost instantly, and you know, whether it’ll succeed or not, it’s kind of irrelevant. If it does then it’s great, if doesn’t then move on the next one.

The perfume that is heading for the Christmas No 1 spot is the self-title Christina Aguilera. Katie Price’s stunning comes in a second, also self-titled is Kate Moss’s perfume at No 3, and Kylie Minogue sweet darling comes in at 4, and last Sean Johns, AKAP decades unforgivable for woman. Got the poster, wore the T-shirt, read the biography, it’s not enough though, to get close to the idols, people need their scent, or at least the scent at the marketing.

I just think celebrity culture is wising, you know, the matter of celebrity publications will be fascinated by what Britney Spear do in LA, you know, who’s got pregnant, who’s got married, who’s having a fair. What clothes people are wearing? Also what frequencies they’re wearing. You know, we’re all completely fascinated by celebrity gossips, so it’s just another idol into celebrity running is extension.

Jade Goodie is a classic example how image can affect sales. Her perfume is taken on shelves after the big brothers reshape their role. Well, the Bollywood actress launched her S2 in June. But Jade is now overtaken shopper in a scent sticks, apparently forgiven by the public.

So who is buying these star-endorsed frequencies?
I think people are buying this celebrity frequencies are not practically serving when it comes to frequencies themselves, I think we are talking very much the mathematical not the unsophisticated buyer. I think we’re talking currently coronations well than cranked.

But the scent actually match the celebrity, we put some samples to the tests. Which one is the one, perfume, and ok, this one, Jade Goodie, and that’s one, Christina Aguilera.

Ok, you’re right with No2, No2 was Jade Goody, but you swamp No3 and No1 was actually Christina Aguilera. No3 was, yes, it was but not bad, 1 in 3.

These are certainly not the same perfume, are they?. This one quick is good, Ok, I’m gonna test you. I say that’s, that’s Christina Aguilera. And that’s Jade Goodie. You’re right with, but just part of it. You’ve mixed and Christina Aguilera.

With so many celebrity frequencies on the market, we wanted to know which one was the retailer specialists to buy.

I’ll choose Sean John, it’s given for man, on the basis that I’ve got no real choice, and smelled a lot than pretty bad. But on the basis that it’s partly at least awful. And that’s for a man with a nose on the business. It seems that some people have more money than scents.
顶端 Posted: 2007-12-25 10:36 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1724
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注册时间: 2006-02-20
最后登陆: 2010-11-04

5come5帮你背单词 [ attentive /ə'tentiv/ a. 注意的,留心的,殷勤的,周到的,关心的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-12-25 10:50 | [2 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ ancient /'einənt/ a. 古代的,古老的,古式的 ]

引用第2楼wan520于2007-12-25 10:50发表的  :

顶端 Posted: 2007-12-25 14:44 | [3 楼]
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