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本页主题: Movie Minutes:Control 控制 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ pastime /'pa:staim/ n. 消遣,娱乐 ]

Movie Minutes:Control 控制


顶端 Posted: 2007-12-09 19:21 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ inevitable /in'evitəbl/ a. 不可避免的,必然发生的 ]

Side-effects include drowsiness, apathy and blurred vision. Take in two.
Control is the first film directed by Anton Corbijn, a fashion and celebrity photographer who subjects back in the late 1970s included a Manchester post-punk band Joy Division.
It went in for a camera like that.
Forget the record. It's got a …
Joy Division, in particular its unhappy lead singer Ian Curtis is the subject of Control. Control pays great tribute to the memory of Ian Curtis and to the music of Joy Division.
I know that I love you.
Ian marries Deborah and also falls in love with a Belgium journalist Annik Honoré.
You got married so young.
Doesn’t try too hard to delve into subject’s psychology or to propose easy explanations either for his songs or for the suicide that ended his life in 1980 when he was just 23 years old.
I never meant for it grow like this. I’ve no control any more.
顶端 Posted: 2007-12-09 19:22 | [1 楼]
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