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本页主题: 精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 招募校园英才 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 默默祝福……
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 东北一家人
发贴: 10029
威望: 1
浮云: 4
注册时间: 2007-09-12
最后登陆: 2015-12-20

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精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 招募校园英才

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 招募校园英才

精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司(APEX China Co., Ltd)为成立于2002年4月的外资
企业,其集团总部国际精鼎科技股份有限公司(APEX International Clinical Research
Co., Ltd),成立于1999年3月,系一家于亚太地区从事新药研发服务的临床研究委托机
构(Contract Research Organization,简称CRO)。




HOT 强力征求~~~~~~
临床统计分析师 Statistician
1.        生物统计、数理统计、数学、流行病学、医药卫生或医学系相关之硕士以上学历。
2.        熟悉SAS统计软件及相关程序者。
3.        工作地点:上海市浦东新区。
公司提供:A. 统计专业训练及英文训练课程,并提供良好福利与工作环境。
B. 多样化的职涯发展计划。


您亦可投递您的履历至[url=mailto:hr1@cn.apex-cro.com]hr1@cn.apex-cro.com[/url]          或电洽 +86-21-61609090  分机 1301,

˙        APEX, We Are Asia!
APEX International (www.apex-cro.com), the pioneer CRO based in Asia Pacific,
offers full range services in clinical research from Phase I to IV. Establishe
d in 1999,  APEX currently has operations in 13 locations including Taiwan, Ko
rea, Indonesia, Mainland (Shanghai and Beijing), Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysi
a, Thailand, India, Australia and Philippines with a total of over 350 employe
es.  Being the leading CRO in Asia Pacific, we continue to expand into major c
ities in China and other Asian countries.  At APEX, you can find your direct l
ink to the essence of clinical knowledge in Asia Pacific.
APEX’s dedicated team of well trained clinical research professionals in the
areas of Feasibility Assessments, Global Project Management, Regulatory Consul
tation, Clinical Monitoring, Medical Monitoring, Data Management, Statistical
Analysis, and Medical Writings. Working for clients worldwide, APEX applies it
s expertise in clinical research and offers the best possible solutions and va
luable insights into the clinical and commercial potential of new products.
Our persistence in developing customized strategy and approach is one of our
greatest strengths. Our knowledgeable staffs in all clinical functions are ded
icated to exceeding expectations by offering unsurpassed service and quality.
We strive to be the best value in the marketplace.  At APEX, we value the pers
onal development of our staff and provide various training programs to elevate
their competence.  We look forward to having you join us. 

l        APEX’s Experience and Strength
APEX, located in the heart of East Asia, has established its foothold in condu
cting a large number of trials that comprise nearly all-therapeutic areas.
APEX’s strength:
1.        Wide geographic settings in 13 locations in Asia including Taiwan, Korea, C
hina (Beijing and Shanghai), Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indones
ia, Philippines, India and Australia.
2.        Experienced local staffs provide updated epidemic information, potential si
te/PI list and regulatory information.
3.        Full range services in clinical research including feasibility assessments,
regulatory consultation, medical writing, clinical monitoring, medical monito
ring, clinical data management, statistical analysis and site management.
4.        Excellent relationship with local regulatory authorities and investigators.

5.        Successful audit records, internationally proven quality.
6.        Wide therapeutic experiences from phases I to IV trials.
7.        Rigorous patient recruitment plan to insure fast patient recruitment.
8.        Direct clients to success by customized and flexible solutions.
Data Management and Statistics Services
Quality is Our Priority – Speed without Compromise

APEX’s fast growing Clinical Data Management and Statistical Analysis Departm
ent (CDMSA) has professional staff with internal clinical project experiences
reside in Taipei and Shanghai offices. The central management in Taiwan provid
es a series of SOP and job trainings to educate our staff in both locations wi
th the same standards, knowledge and skills to deliver high quality work withi
n the study timelines.  The CDMSA collaborates with the Quality Assurance Depa
rtment to validate and monitor all procedures and documents to meet with ICH-G
CP standards.  CDMSA has successfully established its’ credibility and relati
onship with clients thought the project services.

l        Elite recruiting program
l        Solid professional trainings
l        Regulatory compliant
l        Update-to-date computer technology
l        Full scale of internal SOPs
l        Fully validated processes
l        Adopting industry standards
l        Commitment to customer satisfaction
l        Flexible resource allocation
l        Project management skills
l        Supportive team spirit 

Successfully adopted the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system deliver the data
management tasks and maintained the data quality met the requirements.  Succe
ssfully completed the statistical analysis in a reduced timeline.
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-06 21:05 | [楼 主]
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