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本页主题: (07-0310)成都赛诺管道咨询有限公司[截止时间:2007年01月25日] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


社区建设奖 爱心大使勋章
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等级: 荣誉会员
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发贴: 25617
威望: 5
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注册时间: 2004-11-26
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Job Title: Inspectors (质量检验师)

The Main Duties:

Conduct inspection on the site and follow the inspection procedures required.

Coordinate the relations between inspectors and workers.

Collect and write down the messages about quality problem and report.

Write down the daily record.

Take samples, lead and correct the operation of the manufacturer’s workers on the site

Make sure be familiar with the technical specification in connection with the products.

After training and a period of time of inspection experience, you should manage a team of quality inspectors. With this team you will verify that the operations comply with the norms and the standards and you will report on the activity to our management

Education and Skill Requirements:

-Education: Bachelor degree, majored in Mechanical, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical, Automation Engineering (机械工程,电机工程,冶金,自动化控制等相关专业)

-Work Experience: no special limitation in inspection experience; graduated university students are welcome; but experienced in inspection whose English is not good are also welcome.(工作经验无特别要求,如有相关行业质量检验经验者可优先考虑。)

-Language: For graduated university students must be able to read, write and speak in English; For experienced applicant in quality inspection, there is no limitation in English.

-Computer: MS office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Picture treatment, Internet

-Ability: Organizing; Good logic mind; Analysis; Learning; Good communication ability;

Other Requirements:

Be able to travel often and work on night shift;

Strong sense of responsibility for work;

Have Passion for work and strong desire to success;

Good health condition.

Job Title: Interpreter  

The main duties:

Be able to do perfect interpretation-Chinese/English and written translation.

Be able to work in the steel pipe mill.

Be able to travel and work in night shift.


1. English major, TEM-8

2. Be able to speak, write and read English fluently.

3. Good interpersonal skill and communication kill.

4. Good interpretation experience would be preferred.

5. Be able to work under pressure.


SINOPIPE CONSULTANCY CO. is a foreign company whose business line is to monitor and provide service for the oil industry. SINOPIPE is now cooperating with domestic steel companies, monitoring the production of steel pipes for our overseas clients. We have a team of outstanding inspectors from home and abroad who works in the steel mill for products quality control and insurance in order to make sure the delivery of the orders and the shipping.


顶端 Posted: 2007-01-10 22:09 | [楼 主]
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