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5come5帮你背单词 [ artist /'a:tist/ a. 人工的,人造的,做作的,不自然的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-29 23:05 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ talented // a. 有天份的,有才干的 ]

This morning in Health Watch, healthy holidays, teases the season to be jolly, but that's very hard to do if you aren't feeling well. So, our doctor Emily Senay is here with some advice to keep us all happy and healthy.
That's right.
And try not to do too much damage…
Oh, My Gosh. I know because it is the time of the year when we add pounds ( It is, it is.). A lot of eating and drinking. What's to be done when we have a good tour?
You can go anywhere ( Right.)without things to nibble on.
Yeah, Thanksgiving to Christmas, through New Years, it's the time when we put on weight. I mean it's really hard not to do. But being conscious about it and trying to think. Think your way through the holidays rather than eat and drink your way through the holidays, maybe you can prevent yourself from doing too much damage.
Do you have any tips for us what are the big good danger zones here?
Sure, absolutely, well, nibbling is a, is a, is a big danger zone. Yep, do this exercise as mental exercise, put on a plate in your mind's eye, all the stuff you've nibbled down over the last 24 hours and you probably see it's quite a big portion of stuff because we don't think when we're taking a little piece from here and a little piece from there really adds up. If you are at a party or you're somewhere where there is an option for low calorie foods, go for those first, fill up on those before you get to the high calorie foods and keep in mind that alcoholic drinks can be very caloric. I mean just a little cup of eggnog can have 350 calories in it. (Wow.) So keep that in mind, everything that you are drinking as far as adding calories, and, and try to be mindful rather than mindless as you go through the day and your, you have all these options.
And you say that we can gain a pound maybe one year over that period of time in the holidays, a pound the next year, a pound the next year…So think of the cumulative effect of that.
Yeah, absolutely, over time they can be, you accumulated, and it's even harder to get it off.
Ok, swift, a lot of people are over or they are watching or eating and drinking now. But we have a, a big Christmas tree there in the middle, a lot of little kids running around, what do we need to be careful…
Well, a couple of tips if you've already decorated your tree, think, think about this, if you haven't done it yet, keep this in mind. First of all, \ breakable ornaments especially on the lower branches, \ those little sharps, not only can kids step on them and adults too. But they look shining. Kids might put them in their mouth. Edible ornaments are actually a big problem according to the National Safety Council. So popcorn, candy canes, those toxic little er.. red berries the holy berries are, actually, are not good for kids to eat. So, if you have little kids around, avoid edible ornaments all together. Also, don't grab the ornaments and sometimes down will come the tree with it.
Right, we have our lovely fire here that you and I are sitting by, right? Yes We have our beautiful Christmas candles everywhere, what do we need to be careful of in term of fire safety?
Well, candles and trees don't mix at all every year. There is, you know, obviously tragedy set on fall from Christmas trees, but it's not only candles, it's also electricity, also fireplaces, don't put your tree near a fireplace, don't ball up your electrical stuff all in one, and unplug the tree when you leave the house.
Don’t throw your wrapping papers in the fireplace. We’ve been old to do that
Emily Senay, thanks so much.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-29 23:05 | [1 楼]
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