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主讲人:宫玉彬,男,1998年获博士学位,现为电子科技大学物理电子学院高能电子研究所教授,博士生导师,四川省学术与技术带头人。2000年被遴选为四川省跨世纪杰出青年学科带头人培养对象。2001年被四川省人民G0vern.ment学位委员会表彰为“在工作中做出突出贡献的博士学位获得者”,2003年被授予“成都市优秀青年”荣誉称号, 2004年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划,获“四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家”荣誉称号。2005年被评为四川省高教系统优秀Party员。


报告3:Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation in Photonic Crystals

报告简介:Theoretical study and computer simulation on the Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation (VCR) in 1D and 2D photonic crystal are given in the paper. It has been found previously that there are number of interesting and important behaviors for the VCR in a 2D photonic crystal, such as when the electron energy is lower than the threshold the backward VCR may occur, etc. Now some new important features of the VCR in photonic crystal, mainly the radiation excited by a train of electron bunches has been observed and the physical mechanism is examined as well. The possible applications of the CR in crystal are discussed.


报告4:Study of a Coaxial Vircator with a 3-mirror Quasi-optical Resonate Cavity

报告简介:A new kind of coaxial vircator with a 3-mirror quasi-optical resonate cavity is proposed and studied. Theoretical study and PIC simulation are both included. Through 2.5-dimensional PIC code MAGIC, using an input voltage pulse with peak value of 600kV, the average voltage obtained on the diode is 460kV and the diode current is 50kA, the instantaneous output power with peak value over 4GW and the average power of 2GW are obtained at 7.0GHz. The beam-wave conversion efficiency reaches 8.7%.


报告5:Linear Theory of the Electron Beam-Wave-Plasma Interactions in a Magnetized Plasma Waveguide

报告简介:The theoretical study on the electron beam-wave interactions in a plasma waveguide immersed in a finite magnetic field is given in the paper, in which both the plasma and the electron beam are considered as special media. Making use of the constitutive transformation and the Lorentz transformation in the four-dimensional space, the permittivity tensor of the stationary magnetized plasma, the permittivity tensor, the permeability tensor and the chiral tensor of the electron beam in the rest (laboratory) frame are acquired. Therefore, two coupled wave equations for the magnetized plasma and electron beam have been obtained and the dispersion relations are then achieved by solving these coupled equations together with the boundary conditions including the surface current density due to the ripple of the plasma/beam. As an example of the applications of this approach, the beam-wave interactions in a practical plasma Cherenkov maser have been studied and the numerical calculations have been carried out in details. It has been found that the present approach is more accurate, and can provide clearer mode information for the electron beam-wave interactions in a magnetized plasma waveguide. This approach can be exploited in a number of electron beam-wave interaction systems including some kinds of free electron devices, plasma filled Cherenkov radiated free electron lasers and masers.

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-18 09:15 | [楼 主]
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