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5come5帮你背单词 [ ivory /'aivəri/ n. 象牙 ]


Internet-Based Test (ibt)


[ 此贴被moomoomoo在2006-10-30 09:38重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 21:37 | [楼 主]

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发贴: 20090
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5come5帮你背单词 [ relativity /relə'tiviti/ n. 相对论,相关(性) ]

附件: TOEFL_iBT_Bulletin_06-07.part1.rar (400 K) 下载次数:5

附件: TOEFL_iBT_Bulletin_06-07.part2.rar (212 K) 下载次数:5

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 21:40 | [1 楼]

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等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 八宝推倒委员会
发贴: 20090
威望: 4
浮云: 414
注册时间: 2005-04-16
最后登陆: 2010-02-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ inland /'inlənd, in'lænd/ a. 内地的,内陆的,国内的;ad. 在内地,向内地 ]

Total Recall







parasite 寄生虫 / final host 终宿主 / bedbug 臭虫 / roost 窝 / flea 蚤 / fly 蝇 / host 宿主 / tick 扁虱 / pupae 蛹


Bat Parasites

Like other animals, bats are hosts to a number of internal and external parasites. Most of these parasites are specialized and cannot survive away from the bats, so they pose little threat to humans and other animals (Fenton 1992). A species of bedbug, which resembles the species that feeds on humans, lives on the bats and in their roosts. However, reports of these bedbugs biting humans or domestic animals are rare. Once a bat colony is evicted from a building, any parasites that remain behind may move around the attic (and possibly the house) in search of bats. Fortunately, these parasites usually die quickly when separated from the bats.

A homeowner can sprinkle diatomaceous earth in the roost area to eliminate any parasites that may remain after the bats are evicted. This organic powder, which is made from the fossils of single-celled organisms, is abrasive to the exoskeletons of insects. As an insect crawls over the powder, its protective cuticle is scratched, and the insect dies of dehydration. Diatomaceous earth is effective in killing a variety of other insects in addition to bat parasites.






  美索不达米亚(Mesopotamia,希腊语的意思是两河之间的土地。)文明(又称两河文明)发源于底格里斯河(Tigris)和幼发拉底河(Euphrates)之间的流域──苏美尔(Sumer/ Sumerian)








  Richard Dawkins曾经提出过一个非常有名的理论,他认为生物都是一些“使用后可以被丢弃的生育机器”,生物生存的目标只是为了延续它们的物种,但是批评家们认为Richard Dawkins的理论是有意回避了遗传选择对物种生存的影响。其实Dawkins关于基因的理论是直接来自于经典的进化论,进化论认为,生命存在的意义是为了延续物种,而自然选择会对物种的各种特征产生影响,从而使得物种延续的成功率大大增加。但是我们会发现,很多动物生存的时间要超过它们生育的时间,生物学家们已经开始致力于对这些多余的时间进行研究,希望能从中发现一些进化的线索,从而能发现,这些多余的时间如果是有用的,那么自然选择在其中起着什么样的作用?



  在一项新的研究中,David Reznick,Michael Bryant和Donna Holmes对生活在特立尼达岛的虹鳉鱼在面对不同程度的天敌威胁时,其寿命变化的情况进行了深入的研究。生物个体在面临不同的死亡威胁时,为了种族的延续就会进化出不同的适应性,例如改变第一次生育的年龄,改变投入生育行为的力量,和改变生命衰老的方式,这包括生育的减少。由于虹鳉是一种卵胎生的鱼类,它们生育的子代不需要进行喂养,因此Reznick等人估计,他们发现的不同群落的虹鳉将在生育后期的寿命上没有大的差别。研究发现,尽管不同群落的虹鳉的寿命有很大的差别,但是这种差异主要来自于不同群落的虹鳉对生育时间的划分。而对应的,生育后期的寿命没有受到自然选择的影响,用研究者们的话说就是似乎“随机加到虹鳉最后的生命中”。无论是不是随机的,本研究是第一个对鱼类生育后期寿命进行研究的。




Getting an Evolutionary Handle on Life after Reproduction

When Richard Dawkins famously called organisms “throwaway survival machines” that exist solely to preserve the genes that made them, critics balked at the specter of genetic determinism. But Dawkins' selfish genes derive straight from classical evolutionary theory that says life exists to reproduce, and that natural selection should act on any traits that increase reproductive success. Since many animals live beyond their fertile years, biologists have searched for evolutionary clues to this extended lifespan. What role, if any, does natural selection play in the evolution of the postreproductive lifespan?
For natural selection to shape the twilight years, postreproductive females should contribute to the fitness of their offspring or relatives, a hypothesis called the “grandmother effect.” Such contributions require that organisms spawn helpless offspring or live in extended groups where postreproductive females help raise the young. Though many mammals, including lions and baboons, rear dependent young and operate within complex social groups, studies have found no evidence of a granny effect, and females mostly live just long enough to care for their last born. For nonsocial animals that spawn independent young, extended lifespan is associated with good nutrition and the absence of disease and predators. While historical records and demographic analyses offer support for an adaptive granny effect in humans—which some biologists have offered as a possible explanation for the existence of menopause—few studies have experimentally tested for signs of selection in the evolution of a postreproductive lifespan.
Analysis of the causes of variation in post-reproductive lifespan indicates that the evolution of lifespan in guppies is due to selection during their reproductive stage
In a new study, David Reznick, Michael Bryant, and Donna Holmes expand on their ongoing investigations of the life history of guppies confronting different predatory threats in Trinidad. Individuals facing different mortality threats should evolve different adaptations in their life histories, such as age at first reproduction, investment in reproduction, and patterns of senescence, including declines in reproduction. Since guppies are livebearers that provide no postnatal maternal care, Reznick et al. predicted the populations would show no differences in postreproductive lifespan—which is what they found. Though overall lifespan varied among the populations, these variations stemmed from differences in time allotted only to reproduction. Postreproductive lifespan, in contrast, showed no signs of being under selection, and appeared to be what the authors called a “random add-on at the end of the life history.” Random or not, this is the first demonstration of a postreproductive lifespan in fish.
Reznick et al. raised a second-generation laboratory brood of wild guppies taken from high- and low-predation streams at two locations in the mountains of Trinidad. (The high-predation sites harbor predators that frequently prey on guppies. Low-predation sites are found in the same streams, above waterfalls that exclude predators but not guppies.) A high- and low-predation site was sampled from each site, and feeding was manipulated to reflect food availability in the wild (fish in low-predation environments typically eat less and weigh less than fish in high-predation environments). Females were mated once a week until they produced offspring, and were mated again after each brood (when copulation is most likely).
The authors measured growth rate, body size, interbrood interval, and litters per lifetime for each population, and divided each individual's lifespan into age at first birth, reproductive phase, and postreproductive lifespan. Guppies from high-predation localities gave birth sooner than those from low-predation sites; they also reproduced over a longer period and were much older when they stopped reproducing. To estimate postreproductive lifespan, Reznick et al. determined whether the time between last birth and death significantly exceeded the time needed to spawn another litter (calculated as a threshold, since interbrood intervals varied for each individual). About 60% of individuals lived beyond the time they would have been expected to produce another brood. While the authors found no differences in the probability that any particular group would enjoy an extended postreproductive lifespan or that an individual would stop reproducing before dying, they did find that the probability of experiencing an extended postreproductive lifespan increased along with the length of reproductive lifespan. Thus, even though postreproductive lifespan has no direct effect on fitness, it is linked to a component of life history that does.
Altogether, these results provide the first experimental confirmation that evolution works selectively on those aspects of life history that directly affect fitness. These findings also refute the suggestion that fish may experience little or no reproductive senescence based on evidence that they continue to produce eggs as adults. It's an open question whether postreproductive lifespan can influence fitness enough to be under selection. But in a field dominated by investigations into the origins of human menopause and extended lifespan, the authors make a strong case for using experimental comparative analyses of other species to gain an evolutionary perspective on the human condition.







  加利福尼亚大学河边分校的进化生物学家David Reznick和他的小组,研究了上述野生虹鳉鱼的实验室后代。结果发现,与生活在安全环境中的虹鳉鱼相比,那些与掠食者生活在一起的虹鳉鱼活得更久、老得更慢,繁殖期也更长。这都违背了经典理论。有关成果发表在10月28日的英国《自然》杂志上。











Popham Colony

The site of the 1607 Popham Colony in present-day Maine is shown by "Po" on the map. The Jamestown Settlement is shown by "J"
The Popham Colony was a short-lived English colonial settlement in North America that was founded in 1607 and located in the present-day town of Phippsburg, Maine near the mouth of the Kennebec River. It was founded in the same year as its more successful rival, the Jamestown Settlement and was the first English colony in the region that would eventually become known as New England. The colony was abandoned after only one year and the exact site of the colony was lost until its rediscovery in 1994.

Popham was a project of the Plymouth Company. Plymouth Company was one of two competing parts of the Virginia Company that James I chartered in 1606 in order to settle "Virginia"; at the time the name applied to the entire northeast coast of North America from Spanish Florida to New France in the modern-day Canada. At the time that area was technically under the claim of Spanish crown but not occupied.
The Plymouth Company was granted a royal charter and the rights to the coast between 38° to 45° N, whereas the rival London Company was granted the coast between 34° and 41°N. The overlapping area between 38° and 41° was to go to the first company that would prove "strong enough" to colonize it.
First Plymouth Company ship, Richard, sailed in August 1606 but the Spanish intercepted and captured it near Florida in November. The next attempt was more successful; About 120 colonists left Plymouth on May 31, 1607 in two ships. They intended to trade precious metals, spices, furs and show that the local forests could be used to build English ships.
Colony leader, George Popham sailed in the Gift of God and second-in-command Ralegh Gilbert in the Mary and John. Captain of the latter ship, Robert Davies, kept a diary that is one of the main contemporary sources of the information about the Popham colony.
George Popham was the nephew of one of the financial backers of the colony, Sir John Popham, the Lord Chief Justice of England, while Gilbert was the half nephew of Sir Walter Raleigh. Other financiers included Sir Ferdinando Gorges, the military governor of Plymouth; much of the information about the events in the colony comes from his letters and memoirs. Settlers included nine council members and 6 other gentlemen when the rest were soldiers, artisans, farmers and traders.
The Gift of God arrived at the mouth of the Kennebec (then called the Sagadahoc River) on August 13 and Mary and John three days later. The Popham Colony was settled on headland of area named Sabino. Quickly the colonists began construction of large star-shaped Fort St. George. Fort St. George included ditches and ramparts and contained nine cannons that ranged in size from demi-culverin to falcon.

Hunt's map
On October 8, 1607, colonist John Hunt drew a map of the colony showing 18 buildings including the admiral's house, a chapel, a storehouse, a cooperage and a guardhouse. Hunt was listed in the colony register as "draughtsman". It is not known if all the buildings were completed at the time. Hunt's map was discovered in 1888 in the Spanish national archives. A spy had sold it to a Spanish ambassador who had sent it to Spain. It might be a copy of now-lost map, and is the only known plan of the original layout of any early English colony.

Troubles begin
Popham and Gilbert sent survey expeditions up the river and contacted the Abenaki tribe. In a letter to the King, Popham wrote that the natives had told them that the area was full of easily exploitable resources. However, the colony failed to establish cooperation with the tribe; they were suspicious because earlier expeditions had captured natives to show at home.
Late summer arrival meant that there was no time to farm for food. Half of the colonists returned to Great Britain in December 1607, aboard the Gift of God. Others faced a cold winter during which the Kennebec River froze. Fire destroyed at least the storehouse and its provisions. Later excavation has hinted that there might have been other fires.
Colonist divided to two factions, one supporting George Popham and the other Ralegh Gilbert. George Popham died in February 5, 1608, possibly the only colonist to die - a contrast to Jamestown which lost half its population that year. Ralegh Gilbert became "colony president" on February 5, 1608 at age 25.
The colonists completed one major project; the building of a 30-ton ship, a pinnace they named Virginia, the first ship built in America by Europeans. It was meant to show that the colony could be used for shipbuilding. They also finally managed to trade with Abenaki for furs and gather a cargo of sarsaparilla.
When a supply ship came in 1608, it brought a message that Sir John Popham had died. Gilbert sent the Mary and John to England with cargo. When the ship returned later in the summer, it brought news that Gilbert's elder brother John had died. Gilbert was therefore an heir to a title and estate of Compton Castle in Devon. He decided to return to England. The 45 remaining colonists also left, sailing home in the Mary and John and Virginia. (The Virginia would make at least one more Atlantic crossing, going to Jamestown the next year.)
The colony had lasted almost exactly one year. Later colonists in the area, building on the experience of the original colonists, settled further up the Kennebec river, at the site of the present day Bath, where the winter storms and tides were not as severe.

Later developments

Fort Popham and the Kennebec River
French colonist Jean de Biencourt visited the abandoned site in 1611. In 1624, Samuel Maverick of the Massachusetts Bay Colony also visited the site and reported that it was "over-grown".
During the American Civil War, Union army built a Fort Popham in the area. Afterwards some farmers moved to the area and it became farmland until 1905. Then US Army built up the area of Fort St. George to supply Fort Baldwin. The state of Maine bought the area in 1924 and Fort Baldwin was reactivated during the World War Two.
Today much of the area that made up the Popham Colony is part of Popham Beach State Park, a popular beach and recreation area.

Modern excavations
First excavations of the area in the 1960's were unsuccessful. In 1994 Jeffrey Brain of the Peabody Essex Museum discovered the site of the colony using the Hunt's map as a guide. He begun larger excavation in 1997 and later uncovered the Admiral's house, the storehouse and a liquor storage building. He also proved that Hunt's map was very accurate. Parts of the fort, probably including the chapel and graveyard, lie on private property not open for digging and the Fort's southern portion is under a public road. The excavation was concluded in 2005.

Sources and further reading
Richard L. Pflederer - Before New England: The Popham Colony (History Today January 2005)
Tom Gidwitz - The Little Colony That Couldn't (Archaeology magazine March/April 2006)



  第二题:你愿意选择Big class还是Small class,并解释理由

  第三题:学校把新生Orientation调整了一下,由以前的2 days hiking and camping改为1day hiking或group activity。男的赞成,因为more choice for students,而且不占用全部周末,还有一天可以安排自己的活动。女的几乎没有说什么有价值的话。简述对话的主要内容并阐述你的观点和理由。

  第四题:人的response to emergency depends on how many observers there are. More, observers bring about less self responsibility。


  第六题:climate change对动物的影响。在澳大利亚,古生物学家paleontologist发现a large number of 'thunder birds', or in the one spot。数量有35000只thunder bird的化石。


Dr Judith Field, of the University of Sydney says, "It can be argued that climate change might have driven vegetation change, periodic drought, and increased seasonality. (The climate) weaves backwards and forwards - it might just need one more extended drought and bang, the megafauna are knocked off."

The find of mass fossils at Alcoota, Northern Territory may support the theory that megafauna became extinct due to climatic change.

Dr Peter Murray, from the Museum of Central Australia, and a team of researchers have been excavating fossils in a remote part of the Northern Territory, called Alcoota, for the past 12 years. Recently they made a rare scientific find - a large number of 'thunder birds', or Ilbandornis, in the one spot.

Thunder birds belong to the family Dromornithidae, the largest of which was about three metres tall, weighed about 500 kilograms, and has been nicknamed the 'giant demon duck of doom'.

There are two theories for the grouping of the bird fossils at Alcoota. It may be that the water in the environment sorted the bones into similarly-sized accumulations, or that the birds may have been flocked together around a water hole during a drought.

"Animals tend to gravitate towards the last few remaining water holes during a drought. When you get many animals congregating around one water hole, they eat all the food. Ultimately, if the drought doesn't break, they die of starvation," says Dr Murray.


The open scrub at Alcoota, north-west of Alice Springs, is almost dry enough to qualify as a desert. The mostly flat landscape dotted with low, flat-topped hills echoes closely what the environment might have been like here 8 million years ago.

The middle Miocene was a time of great change across Australia. As the continent drifted north into hotter latitudes, the continent began to dry out. The rainforests seen at Riversleigh gave way to more open woodland. This opening of the landscape allowed animals to grow to larger sizes and animals that preferred to browse close to the ground were favoured over the tree-dwelling fruit-eaters of earlier times.

But, along with the change of climate and landscape came an uncertainty of conditions. Australia began to experience occasional droughts.

As the water dried up, animals became tethered to dwindling pools and lakes. They soon ate out all the vegetation within reach of the isolated watering holes but choose to stay where there was water. Crammed together around the ever decreasing shorelines, the animals died of starvation, their bodies collecting in dense concentrations that today form the spectacular bone-beds of Alcoota.

The most common marsupial from Alcoota is the sheep-sized Kolopsis. This four-legged herbivore has no living descendants but is most closely related to wombats and koalas. Judging from the number found at Alcoota, Kolopsis lived in large herds of dozens of animals.

A rarer marsupial is the larger Palorchestes. The size of a small horse, this powerful herbivore probably lived in small groups, couples or even as solitary beasts.

The main marsupial predator at Alcoota was the ancient marsupial wolf, Thylacinus. Closely related to the modern Tasmanian Wolf, the Alcoota Thylacinus was around 15 per cent larger than its recently extinct relative.
But this mammalian carnivore would have lived in fear of two other denizens of the ancient lake. Dromornis was a huge, flightless bird. Think of an emu that weights 400 kilograms and stands over three metres tall and you have some idea of what Dromornis looked like. And to add a pinch of terror, this fearsome bird was a hunter armed with a beak that could rip open any of the animals it came across.

While Dromornis ruled the land, the water was the kingdom of the clever-headed crocodile Baru. Growing up to four metres or more in length, this monster had a powerfully built head lined with fearsome teeth that could hack out chunks of flesh from its still-living victims.


Task 1

  阅读文章批评美国G0vern.ment对新药上市前的drug testing太过复杂和冗长了,常常耗费数月,数年甚至更长,对患者来讲不好,要增加支出,甚至有些人临死前都等不到药。主要批评理由有两个,第一个是delay,即花费时间太长;第二个是costly。最后一段给出了一个解决方案,叫MedWatch的方法。

  听力文章对阅读文章进行了驳斥。关于花在新药测试的时间,讲话者认为患者的生命安全最重要,并举了一个例子:某种新药上市前仅做了成年人的药物实验,但是上市后却又销售给儿童,结果导致不良药物反映。关于新药测试的花费高,讲话者认为如果药物不经过严格测试上市,而之后发生副作用side effect,那么用来处理这种破事的费用更高;此外还提到了新药测试本身就是valuable research,值得花钱投入。对于MedWatch,讲话者也没有好的评价,因为MedWatch是先上市,然后在使用中收集数据,这样有点不负责,而传统的办法是先收集数据再上市,比较好。

Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.
For someone who wants to be successful in the society, knowledge gained from study is more important than the ability of being creative.


The real world is dazzling and various, yet institutionalized. To survive in such a world, one has to follow the traditions. I agree with the idea that the knowledge acquired from study and experience is superior to creativity.

In some artistic areas like painting, music and design, practitioners should be creative. Unfortunately, most of plane people are involved in less challenging sector. Too much different ideas may be improper or even dangerous in many traditional and serious companies. No one would expect “creative” procedures from a staff from a highly-standardized company like KPMG, a globally well-known accounting company.

Ironically, in the above areas, successful practitioners are those who are equipped with solid knowledge. …..

Creative ideas can only be brought into reality with knowledge. For example, iPod is a great blue print initially. But it would stop at it without textbook knowledge, handiwork and even advancing memory chip technology. Therefore, knowledge gained from experience is of great importance. Not to mention the successful marking ideas of iPod.

To sum up, a combination of knowledge and creativity will enable us to share the fruit of science.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-30 09:15 | [2 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 八宝推倒委员会
发贴: 20090
威望: 4
浮云: 414
注册时间: 2005-04-16
最后登陆: 2010-02-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ imagine /i'mæd3əin/ vt. 想象,设想,料想,(错误地或无根据地)以为 ]



考试细节全纪录 10月15日 北京 外国语大学




  签写保密协议,需要抄一段话,什么I promise什么什么的,然后在签字就好了。






  然后开始正常的考试,和很多摸考不一样的是,每部分前面的general instruction是不可以跳过去的,你必须看完获者听完,然后考试会自动开始。


  接下来的是口语部分,建议大家在休息时把纸分成六块,把要记的步骤,1,2,3,reason, topic这些指示性的字样都写上,因为口语部分,特别是前两题,是会紧张的。






口语2 big class vs small class,8月份考过,而且我听旁边同学说的时候就把题目猜出来了,直接写下来

口语4 人的response to emergency depends on how many observers there are. More, observers bring about less self responsibility

口语3 学校把新生orientaion activity由以前的2 days hiking改为1day hiking或者group activity

男的赞成1 more chice for students
    2 not occupy the whole weekend

写作1 article the tests for drugs in the US is excessive.
1 test time is too long can not give the access to patients who need it at once
2 costly
3 can be replaced by MedWatch.(let the doctors to fill a form to evaluate the effect.)
反对 1周期太短难以发现side effect

写作二 knowlege from study and ability of innovation 哪个对于成功更重要

  tips :在杭州考点,口语题目完全可以从周围同学那里听到,所以要控制节奏,不要做得太快。中间休息十分钟可以好好利用来听别人的口语。





  先谈谈考场吧,在六楼一次就几十个人,先在gate口排队填表,然后一个一个check in进去,进去后照相存包,再进机房.机房是一排4台机子,还不错,机子中间有隔板,人是中间隔一位,想看对方屏幕得转脸,呵呵.设备好象是方正的电脑,挺稳定的,我们这次好象没有当机或者出问题的,速度也很流畅,耳机说是进口的boss耳机,戴着挺舒服的,我同学买过一个boss的耳机,2500元,送个CD机子,听正版的CD巨爽. 考点的那个不知道多少钱,声音很清晰,隔音效果正常,旁边的说话声能听到,但不太大,远点的基本没问题.老师服务态度很好,有个还挺漂亮,呵呵.

  我是在中间的位置进去的,因为是8点考也不想去太早,因为没看时间,但是12点30考完的,可能是提前CHECK IN 的吧.我的加试是阅读,机警外面已经有了,感觉那篇SUMERIAN挺难的(刚读题目还以为讲中国夏朝的,呵呵,白开心了),其他的还比较正常,那篇讲经济史的因为我是学国际会计的,所以都学过,好爽啊,基本都不用看文章. 考完听力是休息,能去厕所,好象不让吃东西. 这时候就体现中间进去的好处了,做听力的时候没太多人做口语,比较安静,然后我休息的时候,大家狂说口语,我就听的很开心,基本口语考什么都知道了. 然后自己做口语,感觉很好.作文非常的工整,和我的摸班完全匹配,所以我一阵狂打13分钟写了260词,然后剩7分钟看人家考试。最后的[屏蔽]写作也非常好写,我写了460词(写的有点多,查点没来及检查,但是摸班有190词,所以总体查不多),到最后就是狂打字,幸亏平时聊天打字快.


Oct 15 四川大学....我还没死,真好





  我是加式的阅读,幸好没有加听力亚,要不我肯定晕厥在那里了……这次听力没有table……太好了……不过,我就是投机取巧,在listen的时候老想去听别人再speak啥。。然后就有N多没有听到,真的是很失败。。不过想说不被speak的影响到是不可能的,如果你想猜题。。我觉得是休息的10分钟不要出去,就在那里听大家说……大概可以猜个8 9 成……

  我先就听到一个人说他的目标是当一个successful man,然后又听到他说喜欢small class














一 证件

  这个实在是太重要了哈,最好靠前认真阅读靠考试须知,最好带护照,有了这个简直就是一证通哈,要吗就是戴上身份证和其他证件,一定要都要带上。今天又个从拉萨来的同胞就是因为只带了身份证被KICK OUT了哈,听郁闷的。还有如果是开证明的话是要求用专用纸的而且要有相关人员的签名,不然就是证件不符。模糊中听那个监考老师在说什么:“证件不符和证件不齐是完全不同的概念”之类的,似乎很严重。

二 考场情况









  (第一道因为是个人经历其实不太好打题,但是第二道就不同了,因为大多数人都会以I'd prefer a rather than b之类的形式开始的)其实听力的剩余时间可以不要急着按CONTINUE借此机会多休息一下,再听听周围人的口语,可以小有收获的。







三 监考老师




上海新东方专家权威点评10.15新托福 :http://www.gter.edu.cn/bbs/viewt ... e%3D2#pid1769165817
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-30 09:17 | [3 楼]
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