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本页主题: Howie Day - Collide 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: The Busby`s smile
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: Red Devils--夢劇塲
发贴: 8137
威望: 2
浮云: 15916
注册时间: 2006-08-31
最后登陆: 2012-05-22

5come5帮你背单词 [ survival /sə'vaivəl/ n. 幸存(者),遗物 ]

Howie Day - Collide


注:非原创,仅从好友BLOG 直接COPY的,另外歌曲的下载等我下完之后 再上传给出链接

Howie Day,前段在 SKY.FM 经常听到他的 CollideShe Says,属于那种简洁明了却又轻易地感染了你的歌。不过貌似名气一般,百度的资料和歌曲都没多少……

这位“80后”的坏小子,1981 年出生在美国缅因州的 Bangor。5岁学钢琴,14岁学吉他,16岁就开始四处演唱,2000年自己制作了首张个人专辑『Australia』,2003年初推出了一张 EP『Madrigals』,随后就被SONY相中,在7月推出了这张『Stop All The World Now』

2004年,Howie Day 在威斯康星州被捕,罪名是他在性[屏蔽]扰被拒后把一名妇女锁在了旅行巴士的洗手间里,还砸了旁边一位试图报警的女士的手机,最后这事在交了850美金的保证金后不了了之;2005年12月23日,他在从达拉斯去波士顿的飞机上,由于饮酒和[屏蔽]药的影响,在飞机的洗手间里抽烟、撞击飞机座椅外加口出脏话,再次被带进了局子,虽然在交了保证金后被释放,不过这次就没那么容易摆平了,也就是在这个月的16号,如果法庭认定他“妨碍飞行安全”的罪名成立,他要么要交 500美金的罚金、要么关6个月的监禁,甚至两样都有——这些故事在若干年后听起来,或许就象华盛顿砍了棵樱桃树。

『Stop All The World Now』推出都一年多了,除了因为威斯康星州的那点儿破事儿上了回头版以外,就没什么人再注意到这个音乐才子。就象你永远不知道哪朵云彩有雨、哪朵有冰雹一样,你永远也不会知道娱乐圈的狗屎运什么时候会落到你头上。2005年3月,Howie Day 的“Collide”被『NOW』第18集收录,随后又在 Mark Rosman 导演的『The Perfect Man』里被选为主打歌,仅用了三个季度,这首单曲就拿下了 2005 Billboard Top 100 Singles 的第 45 位,专辑也挤进了 181 位,Howie Day 终于被幸运女神 Collide 了一把。

现在,Howie Day 俨然已是美国新一代都市民谣的领军人物之一,不过和另两位风头正劲的年轻人 John Mayer、Jason Mraz 相比,Howie Day 在音乐创作上绝对是个五好青年。专辑里的每首曲子,从旋律到歌词都可以听出精心打磨的良苦用心,Howie Day 的歌声深情悦耳,歌词真挚、纯朴,看起来就象一个精心包装的偶像派,而实际上却是一个不折不扣的实力派。

Howie Day 歌唱的情感其实不外乎校园男女的爱与哀愁,但成熟的嗓音、老到的音乐技巧和强烈的感染力却远远超越了一般的少男歌手,这就是为什么 CBS 会评价 Howie Day 是“Young, But A Veteran”了。

Stop All The World Now (2003)

“Collide”是专辑里最能体现 Howie Day 嗓音质感和创作才华的一首歌,简单明亮的旋律、饱满的感情、单纯却百听不厌;“Brace Yourself”、“End Of Our Days”、“I'll Take You On”和“You & A Promise”是这张专辑里我最喜欢的另外四首歌,至于喜欢的原因,已经在介绍Hard-Fi和KUBB的专辑时说过好几次了,听音乐就像谈恋爱,真正能让你心动的总不外那些东西。

然而这张专辑的毛病和它的特点一样突出。许多人都是听了Howie Day的『Australia』、“Collide”,以及那些一个人自弹自唱的校园演唱会而喜欢上他的,但在这张专辑里,过分精致的录音室加工和许多无谓的配器,大大削弱了Howie Day嗓音的穿透力。例如“Perfect Time Of Day”的电音、“Numbness For Sound”的管弦乐都有点过了;在“Come Lay Down”里Howie Day似乎有意展示他的电音技巧和多样化的风格,不过在我看来,Howie Day与其玩弄电音技巧不如多玩弄玩弄原音技巧;另外“Come Lay Down”和“Sunday Morning Song”和整张专辑的基调反差也太大了些,搁在里面显得格外不协调,还不如单独抽出来做成EP或者干脆放到下一张专辑里。

还好, Howie Day 还是一个成长中的新星,从『Australia』(2000)的 She Says 到『Stop All The World Now』(2003)的 Collide,Howie Day 已经改变了许多,有让人惊喜的也有我们不愿见到的,不过只要有惊喜,就值得期待。


owie Day - Collide mp3下载

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you (yeah)

I'm open, you're closed
Where I'll follow you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow found you and I collide

I'm quiet, you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
Somehow find you and I collide

Don't stop here...
I lost my place...
I'm close behind...

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find, you and I collide
You finally find, you and I collide
You finally find, you and I collide

Howie Day - She Says Shesays mp3下载

Sweet is the sight of her room
Window open by candlelight
How would you know?
Cold winter on the shore
Chills the dress she wore
It's on the floor
It feels so warn today

That's why I'm wondering why you had to tell me
What's going on in your head? What's wrong?
Come around to another time when you don't have to run

And when she said she wants somebody else
Hope you know that she doesn't mean you
And when she breaks down and makes a sound
You'll never hear her the way that I do
Yeah, yeah... no...

Swing into flight over hills
Over her hills, it's twilight
Yeah, I guess that's right now

While we're here, tell me why it's so funny
That you're so funny when you're mad
Always so mad... so mad...

That's why I'm wondering why you had to tell me
What's going on in your head? What's wrong?
Come around to another time when you don't have to run

And when she says she wants somebody else
I hope you know that she doesn't mean you
And when she breaks down and makes a sound
You'll never hear her the way that I do
And when she says she wants someone to love
I hope you know that she doesn't mean you
And when she breaks down and lets you dow
I hope you know that she...

She doesn't mean you...

I don't know where... coming from...
I don't where... coming to...
And I don't know what... means to me...
And you don't know what it means to you
(whoah... yeah...)


[ 此贴被幻蓝零度在2006-10-28 01:13重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:1 (by sillyangers) | 理由: 8
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-10-27 12:37 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ imposing /im'pəuziŋ/ a. 难忘的,外表强大的,体积巨大的 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-27 20:43 | [1 楼]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: The Busby`s smile
    等级: 荣誉会员
    家族: Red Devils--夢劇塲
    发贴: 8137
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ clarify /'klærifai/ vt. 讲清楚,阐明,澄清 ]

    引用第1楼ice_wind于2006-10-27 20:43发表的:

    MP3 和MV都已经上传了
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-28 01:13 | [2 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ hasty /'heisti/ a. 匆忙的,性急的 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-28 01:27 | [3 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ fluid /'flu(:)id/ a. 流体的,流动的,不固定的;n. 流体,液体 ]

    个人更喜欢John Mayer,呵呵~
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