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the religion poll in united states

Faith in America
Poll results

A new U.S. News/PBS's Religion & Ethics Newsweekly poll* suggests that the wealthiest, most powerful, and best-educated nation on Earth still is one of the most religious–but in some intriguing new ways. View a selected list of the poll results and compare your views.

1. How important would you say religion is in your life?

Total Christian Non-Christian
Very important 64% 69% 40%
Somewhat important 23 24 20
Somewhat unimportant 6 4 13
Very unimportant 7 3 26
DK/NA/Refused - - -

2. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th, would you say that religion is...

Total Christian Non-Christian
More important in your life 18% 18% 14%
Less important in your life 1 - 3
Same as it was before 9/11 81 81 81
DK/NA/Refused 1 - 1

3. When you think about the terrorist attacks on September 11th, how important has your religious faith been in helping you to deal with what happened?

Total Christian Non-Christian
Very important 54% 58% 32%
Somewhat important 24 26 15
Somewhat unimportant 10 8 18
Very unimportant 9 5 31
DK/NA/Refused 3 3 4

4. Would you say the terrorist attacks on September 11th...

Total Christian Non-Christian
卙ave shaken your faith in God? 3% 3% 2%
卙ave strengthened your faith in God 27 29 14
... did not affect your faith in God? 69 67 79
DK/NA/Refused 2 1 5

5. How often would you say you have experienced God's presence or a spiritual force that felt very close to you?

Total Christian Non-Christian
Never 14% 10% 36%
Once or twice 16 17 13
Several times 21 23 15
Many times 46 49 34
DK/NA/Refused 2 2 3
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-09 20:04 | [楼 主]
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