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本页主题: (07204)飞思卡尔半导体【11月20日14:00 厦新厅】 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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(07204)飞思卡尔半导体【11月20日14:00 厦新厅】





Position Description:

This position will be responsible for the development and integration of Boot loader, Linux kernel and related device drivers, and porting them to new Freescale microprocessors. The engineer will work under Freescale Linux software team in Beijing.

Required Skills:

- Strong knowledge in embedded system programming, Linux/Unix operating system kernel, device driver and tool chain.

- Strong program skills in C/C++, Assembly language. Wide knowledge on Linux shell program, CVS setup and management.

- Familiar with any of the following processors architecture: PowerPC, 68K/Cold Fire, XScale, ARM, and MIPS.

- Experience of low level Linux driver development. Familiar with one or more of the following: USB, PCI, PCI-Express, DDR, flash, MMU, interrupt controllers, Ethernet, or WLAN.

- Experience on developing control-plane software for network devices, automotive or consumer electronics devices is preferred.

- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, good teamwork adaptability, good oral and written English skills, self-motivated.

- Master or Doctor degree in Computer Science, EE, Automatic Control.


•   本科以上学历

•   英语熟练 (CET-6)

•   极强的工作主动性

•   较强的工作能力与创造性

•   出色的沟通能力及团队合作意识

•   有一定的实习与实践经历



TSPG MCD Digital IC Design Engineer

TSPG MCD Backend IC Design Engineer

TSPG MCD Analog IC Design Engineer


WMSG MAD IC Design Engineer

Digital Design Engineer

Backend Design Engineer

Design for Test(DFT) Engineer 

Analog Design Engineer

WMSG Software & System Engineer

NCSG RF Engineer



NCSG PCC Application Engineer

TSO Device Engineer

TSO ESD Engineer


TSPG IC Design Engineer



NCSG Software Application Engineer.


飞思卡尔半导体(NYSE: FSL,FSL.B) 是全球领先的半导体公司,为规模庞大、增长迅速的汽车电子、消费电子、工业控制、网络和无线通信市场提供嵌入式半导体产品。公司的前身为拥有50多年历史的摩托罗拉半导体部gate,并于2004年7月从摩托罗拉分拆出来,成为2004年上市的第二大技术公司,仅次于Google。

公司总部位于德州奥斯汀,在全球30多个国家和地区拥有设计、制造、销售和研发机构。飞思卡尔半导体为S&P 500成员之一,是全球最大的半导体公司之一, 飞思卡尔在全球拥有10,000多个客户,并与100多个[屏蔽]电子制造商进行合作。2005年的销售额达到58亿美元。在全球拥有5400多项专利及23,000名员工,其中5500多名为专业的研发人才,每年对研发领域的投入超过十亿美元.

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (NYSE:FSL, FSL.B) is a global leader in the design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for wireless, networking, automotive, consumer and industrial markets. The company provides original equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones, manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy efficient. It has more than 10,000 customers including 100 of the top global manufacturers.

With 2005 sales of $5.8 billion, Freescale is a member of the S&P 500® and the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index. It is the third largest chipmaker in the United States and the ninth largest in the world.
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-17 13:36 | [楼 主]
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