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本页主题: 伊莱比特北京2007校园招聘[网上收集简历: 10月20日-11月22日 校园招聘宣讲: 11月01日-11月15日] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 栋梁之材
发贴: 720
威望: 0
浮云: 1181
注册时间: 2006-03-03
最后登陆: 2010-06-22

5come5帮你背单词 [ basis /'beisis/ n. 基础,基底,盆地,流域 ]

伊莱比特北京2007校园招聘[网上收集简历: 10月20日-11月22日 校园招聘宣讲: 11月01日-11月15日]



伊莱比特公司――Wireless Solution R&D Center

Elektrobit Group was founded in 1985 in Oulu, Finland and it specialises in providing wireless and production solutions. Elektrobit has been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2002. The customers of Elektrobit are mainly from the telecommunication, automotives, national defense, aviation and automation fields. Elektrobit provides the customers not only with world-class R&D services, but also with design, testing, production automation solution services so as to increase the customers’ competitive edge in their respective highly competitive markets. Elektrobit’s all-around services accelerate innovation and development of customer products, help improve the quality of the customer products and enhance the customers’ adaptability within their markets.

Elektrobit Technology (Beijing) Ltd. was founded in 2001 and it is registered in Beijing Economic and Technologic Developing Area. The company consists of the following business units: Mobile Terminal Solutions, Radio Networks Solutions, Production Solutions, Network Testing. There are currently 116 employees, which include 70 R&D staff. Our business is growing rapidly and, therefore, we need a lot of new talents to join us.

--Elektrobit Technology(Beijing) Ltd. was founded in 2001
--Production Solution Business Unit was set up in 2001
--Network Testing Business Unit was founded in 2002
--Mobile Terminal R&D center was formed in 2004
--Radio Network Solution R&D center was opened in 2005
--The first campus recruitment was conducted in 2005. On that occasion 25 university graduates, which consisted of 23 masters and 2 bachelors, joined Elektrobit Beijing
--The second campus was conducted in 2006. In total 22 university graduates, all with master degree, joined on that occasion.
--In Oct, 2006 a new recruitment plan was drawn up in which 180 university graduates are expected to join our Wireless Solution R&D Center in Elektrobit Group

1.MTS SW Engineer移动终端软件工程师  
2.MTS SW Testing Engineer移动终端软件测试工程师    
3.MTS/RNS HW Engineer移动终端/无线网络硬件工程师  
4.Automation Testing SW Engineer自动测试软件工程师
5.RNS FPGA/ASIC Engineer无线网络FPGA/ASIC工程师    
6.RNS RF Engineer无线网络射频工程师  
7.RNS SW Engineer无线网络软件工程师
8.RNS System Testing Engineer无线网络系统测试工程师

网上收集简历: 10月20日-11月22日
校园招聘宣讲: 11月01日-11月15日
简历筛选:   11月10日-11月23日
笔试:     11月25日-11月26日
第一轮面试:   11月28日-12月08日
第二轮面试:   12月04日-12月17日
发送录取通知: 12月08日-12月22日



[ 此贴被lijie-lj在2006-10-30 14:05重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:10 (by 红衣主教) | 理由: 下次记得标题加上时间
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-10-24 23:43 | [楼 主]
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