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本页主题: 伺服网络科技股份有限公司【11月19日14:30 NEC厅】 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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注册时间: 2004-11-26
最后登陆: 2021-03-19

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伺服网络科技股份有限公司【11月19日14:30 NEC厅】




伺服网络科技股份有限公司成立于2001年,注册资金1200万美元,进行Internet的软件研发和服务,主要产品有电子商务、知识管理、企业即时通讯软件(EIM) 、CRM等等。我们专注在品牌经营、技术创新、价值整合,积极开启海外事业和中国大陆事业,先后与泰国ISP合作,与香港NWT、日本NTT、上海电信、安徽电信、四川电信、福建电信等等签约合作, 同时创建自有品牌SOBUY﹑ToMeet。2006年6月公司更名为HeimaVista, Inc., 注册在Cayman Islands, 将目标订在2008年,伺服网络科技将成为大型国际级公司。


We are looking for ...

We focus on the internet applications for enterprises, We are looking for talented and motivated software engineer to work on the design and implementation of the next generation EIM(Enterprise Instant Messenger) and the web applications, it will be mobilization, p2p network, and the high-performance multi-parallel algorithms, load balancing frame; The challenges include the scale to handle million accounts online, handle terabytes of data, and meet the requirements of various business.

We also welcome the fresher who has the high passion to develop the internet application.

Job title    Requirement
Programmer    Strong C++/VC programming skills
Experience on network frame and the protocols
   Strong skills on DOM, XHTML, CSS, Javascript
Experience on RDBMS and XML
Experience on web-scription language
Linux System
Engineer    Excellent knowledge of Linux system
Experience on TCP/IP, Open Source
Experience on cluster
Programmer    Strong skills on C/C++
Knowledge of P2P Algorithms
Experience on tcp/ip, udp, http protocols
Windows Mobile
Programmer    Strong skills on C/C++
Experience on Windows Mobile, Symbian
Experience on multi thread, socket programming
C++ Programmer
Flexforce Linux    Building scalable systems in c/c++ on Linux
Experience on RDBMS and XML
Experience on tcp/ip, udp, http protocols

Be interested in the jobs?
Please send your resume to tony@heimavista.com
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-04 17:16 | [楼 主]
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