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本页主题: 最后一刷~! 十三世DLai[屏蔽]的[屏蔽]遗嘱(中英对照,中文由barry343翻译) 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: ~×世界大同,阿弥陀佛×~
等级: 人见人爱
家族: Jane靓颖
发贴: 2755
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浮云: 1559
注册时间: 2005-10-17
最后登陆: 2014-04-18

5come5帮你背单词 [ layman /'leimən/ n. 门外汉,外行 ]

最后一刷~! 十三世DLai[屏蔽]的[屏蔽]遗嘱(中英对照,中文由barry343翻译)


Sir Charles Bell

Source: C. A. Bell, Portrait of a Dalai Lama: Tile Ltfe and Times of the Great Thirteenth, London, 1946 (Wisdom reprint, 1987), pp. 426-32, 457-8. The chapter includes the translation by Bell of the 13th Dalai Lama's "Last Testament".
资料来源:C. A. Bell, 《DLai[屏蔽]肖像》Tile Ltfe and Times of the Great Thirteenth出版社,伦敦,1946 (Wisdom出版社重印,1987)

During 1931 the Nechung Oracle let it be known that the Dalai Lama was ill, and likely to depart soon to the Honourable Field. Consequently he advised the Tibetan [屏蔽] to offer prayers to him to remain in this life. The Cabinet did so.
1931年,Nechung Oracle (神使?) 公布了DLai[屏蔽]生病并且可能很快会去往极乐世界的消息。于是,他建议酉-臧G0vern.ment为他的健康祷告。G0vern.ment这幺做了。
The Dalai Lama made his reply to their prayers in a book of nine small pages, which he wrote with his own hand, it being of so great importance. This is the only book of which it can be said with absolute certainty that it was written by a Dalai Lama. A remarkable book indeed.
  The book was printed on the usual Tibetan wooden blocks. The blocks were made in Lhasa; and, later on, the Chief Minister of the subordinate [屏蔽] at Tashi Lhunpo had fresh printing blocks made there.
  书印在平常的酉-臧木片上。木片开始在拉萨制造。之后由在Tashi Lhunpo的地方G0vern.ment负责人在那里持续更新印刷。

Nine or ten months after the Dalai Lama's death the Chief Prophet of the great Samye monastery gave me his printed copy of this testament. Himself a most devoted admirer of the Dalai Lama, he knew - as most Tibetans did - the close friendship that united the Dalai Lama and myself. When giving me the book, he said, "Your mind is seen in it," referring to the advice that I gave to the Inmost One during our long conversations with each other.
  In conversation, Tibetans term this little book the Precious Protector's Kachem; i.e. his Last Testament. In it he justifies his rule, reprimands his subjects, and instructs them how to conduct themselves. It contains a large amount of political matter, and might therefore also be termed his Political Testament.
"Water Monkey Year.1 In consequence of the prophecy of the Nechung Oracle, all the people of Tibet, the Yellow and the Grey, offered prayers to the Precious Protector to remain for a long time in this life. The essence of that petition and the Precious Protector's reply to it are printed here together in this book. The reply, like a precious medicine, restores the fat which had become rotten, and enables all to see at once the dark places. It is the fresh nectar of the gods."
“水猴元年,应Nechung Oracle的预言,所有酉-臧人,黄教的和灰教的人都为‘尊贵的护佑者’祷告,以延长他的生命。那些祷告以及‘尊贵的护佑者’对此的响应的精华部分都在这本书里面。这些回复像稀有药材一样使已经腐烂的脂肪恢复同时使所有人立即看到黑暗的地方。它简直就是上天赐予的甘露。”
The essence of the above petition is given here:
"We, the Prime Minister, the Members of the Cabinet, the ecclesiastical and civil officials, in consequence of the Nechung Oracle's prophecy, have jointly made earnest supplication to the Precious Protector to remain long in this life. We have done this in accordance with the discourses of the Lord Buddha. We have all made these prayers in accordance with our different ranks and duties, and we have made them to the best 0four ability. Please do not be angry with us; this is the prayer of us all. the Yellow and the Grey."
我们,首相、内阁全体成员、教会成员和民事官员,响应Nechung Oracle的预言,一致诚挚地恳求尊贵的护佑者延续他的生命。我们按照佛祖的教导做这祷告。我们所有人都按照自己不同的级别和职责做了祷告,并且将祷告做到四项最好的能力。请不要对我们动怒,这是我们所有人,黄教和灰教,共同的祷告。
The reply of the Dalai Lama then begins thus:
"I was not identified in accordance with the previous custom of the golden urn. It was judged unnecessary, for Prom the prophecies and divinations it was clear that I was the true Incarnation. And so I was enthroned. In accordance with the old custom, a Regent was appointed for a time. This was the Hutuktu;2 also the Head Lama of the Pumhok Monastery, a learned and saintly man. I joined the monkhood. I became a novice. I read several books, for instance The Great Centre,3 and numerous books on theological disputation, and the long succession of exoteric and esoteric discourses by the Lord Buddha with meanings as vast as the ocean. I was invested by my instructors with spiritual power.4 I worked very hard every day without cessation, to the utmost of my powers, and thus attained a moderate amount of knowledge and ability.
“过去我并不被‘金壶抽签’(从清朝开始的选择DLai[屏蔽]和班禅额尔德尼的制度) :幸好高中学的历史还没忘完 所认同,DLai[屏蔽]被认为是不必要的。通过Prom的占卜和预言证明,我,DLai[屏蔽]才是真正的佛祖化身。所以我才得以登上这个位置。按照旧传统,一个摄政王会被指定一段时间。这就是Hutuktu,Pumhok寺的大[屏蔽]。他是个博学的圣徒。我成为加入僧侣的行列,成为[屏蔽]。我广泛阅读,比如《伟大的中心》(The Great Centre)、许多关于神学辩论的书和广泛与小范围传播的一系列具有如大海般广阔意义的佛祖的著作。我的导师的精神力量使我全身心投入。我每天都不知疲倦的学习,以使自己的力量达到最大。因此,我最终得到了稳定而持久的知识与能力。
  "When I arrived at the age of eighteen, in accordance with the former custom, l had come to the time at which I should carry on the secular and the spiritual administration of the country. Though I had not hitherto exercised the religious or secular control, and though I was lacking in skill and resource, yet the whole of Tibet. both supreme Kings and human beings, requested me to take up the power. The great Manchu Emperor, appointed by Heaven, gave me a similar order, which I placed on my head. I took up the spiritual and secular administration. From that time forward there was no leisure for me, no time for pleasure. Day and night I had to ponder anxiously over problems of Church and State, in order to decide how each might prosper best. I had to consider the welfare of the peasantry, how best to remove their sorrows: how to open the three doors of promptitude, impartiality, and the removal of injuries.
  "In the Wood Dragon year5 there arrived a great army of soldiers under the British [屏蔽]. Had I considered my own comfort, I could have come to an amicable settlement with them. But if our country had thereby suffered afterwards, it would have been like the rubbing out of a footprint. Formerly, the Great Fifth Dalai Lama and the Manchu Emperor had made an agreement to help each other in the way that monk and a layman help each other. So although it entailed hardship on me, I paid no attention to that, but went over northern Tibet, through China and Mongolia, to the great capital, Golden Peking. The Sovereigns, mother and son,6 treated me well beyond measure. But shortly afterwards the mother and the son both died. one after thc other.
  "After this, the Emperor Shontong was enthroned, and to him I represented fully the facts of our case. Keeping the whole case of Tibet in my mind, I returned, but the Amban in Tibet representing matters falsely, Chinese officers and soldiers arrived in Lbasa, and seized the power over the administration of Tibet. Then I. the King, and with me my Ministers and other governmental officers, came to the holy land of India, paying no attention to the hardships of the journey. We arrived in good health, and through the British [屏蔽] we represented matters fully to the [屏蔽] of China.
  "Religious services were held on behalf of the Faith and the secular side of State affairs. These ensured the full ripening of the evil deeds of the Chinese, and in consequence, internal commotion broke out in China, and the time was changed.7 The Chinese troops in Tibet had none to help them; they became stagnant like a pond, and therefore, bit by bit, we were able to expel them from the country. As for myself, I came back to Tibet, the land that I have to protect, the field of religion. From that year, the year of the Water Bull,8 to this present Water Monkey year, this land of Tibet has become completely happy and prosperous; it is like a land made new. All the people are at ease and happy.
  "This is clearly evident from the records in the State archives. You all, supreme beings and human beings, are aware of these facts. I have written these matters briefly, for if I were to explain them in detail, a very long letter would be required. I have been very merciful in all things. Consider this and understand it, all ye people! Do not make your desires great. Make them small! Understand that what has been done is excellent! If the work that has been performed is of advantage to Tibet, harmonise your minds with it, and know that your desires have been fulfilled. I do not say that I have performed all this. I do not recount these matters in any hope that people will say that the Dalai Lama has done this work; of that my hope is less than a single seed of sesame.
“这是从国家档案里得到的明显线索。你们所有人,尊贵的和卑微的,都注意到了这些事实。我对这些事情写得很简略。因为如果我要详细解释他们的话将是一封很长的信。我一直都对一切很慈悲。想想这个并理解它吧,我所有的人民!不要让自己的[屏蔽]膨胀,要把[屏蔽]控制的小一些!明白所有做的事情都是完美的!如果已经完成的工作是对酉-臧有利的,你们就要以平和的心态看待它,并且明白你们的[屏蔽]已经被满足了。我不是说是我完成了这一切。我并不指望人们会说是我DLai[屏蔽]做了这一切。我的[屏蔽]就比一粒芝麻种子还 小。
  "Having regard to my present age, it were better that I should lay down the ecclesiastical and temporal power, and devote the short remainder of this life to religious devotion. My future lives are many, and I should like to devote myself entirely to spiritual concerns. But by reason of the Guardian Deities inside my body and my Root Lama, people come to me to hear religion, they come to me to decide their disputes, and their hope lies deep in their hearts that I will not give up the secular administration.9 So far I have done my work to the best of my ability, but I am nearly fifty-eight years old, when it will become difficult to carry on the ecclesiastical and secular work any longer. This is understood by all, is it not.10
  "The [屏蔽] of India is near to us and has a large army. The [屏蔽] of China also has a large army. We should therefore maintain firm friendship with these two; both are powerful.
  "There are one or two small countries over there that show hostility towards us.11 In order to prevail against them, you must enlist in the army young, vigorous men, and you must give military training of such a kind as will benefit afterwards.
"Besides, the present is the time of the Five Kinds of Degeneration12 in all countries. In the worst class is the manner of working among the red people.13 They do not allow search to he made for the new Incarnation of the Grand Lama of Urga. They have seized and taken away all the sacred objects from the monasteries. They have made monks to work as soldiers. They have broken religion, so that not even the name of it remains. Have you heard of all these things that have happened at Urga? And they are still continuing. It may happen that here in the centre of Tibet the Religion and the secular administration may be attacked both from the outside and from the inside.14 Unless we can guard our own country, it will now happen that the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, the Father and the Son, the Holders of the Faith, the glorious Rebirths, will be broken down and left without a name. As regards the monasteries and the monks and nuns, their lands and other properties will be destroyed. The administrative customs of the Three Religious Kings15 will be weakened. The officers of the State, ecclesiastical and secular, will find their lands seized and their other property confiscated, and they themselves made to serve their enemies, or wander about the country as beggars do. All beings will be sunk in great hardship and in overpowering fear; the days and the nights will drag on slowly in suffering.
  "Do not be traitors to Church and State by working for another country against your own. Tibet is happy, and in comfort now; the matter rests in your own hands. All civil and military matters should be organised with knowledge; act in harmony with each other; do not pretend that you can do what you cannot do. The improve- ment of the secular administration depends on your ecclesiastical and secular officials. High officials, low officials, and peasants must all act in harmony to bring happiness to Tibet: one person alone cannot lift a heavy carpet; several must unite to do so.
  "What is to be done and what to be omitted, consider that, and do all your work without harbouring doubt, in the manner desired by the Teacher16 who knows every- thing as though it lay before his eyes. Work in that spirit and all will turn out well. Those who work zealously like that on the religious and secular side in accordance with my will, not those who show obedience before my face, but plan evil behind my back, those I will take under my protection, both in this life and the next. All will see that the Protectors of the Religion help those who walk in The Way. Those who break away from law and custom and follow an evil road. these the Protectors will certainly punish. Those who regard only their own interests, who help only those who please them and do not help others, those who, as at present, are untrustworthy, and do not exert themselves to work well, the aims of these will not he fulfilled, and ali will see it. Then these may say, "What ought we to do now?" and many repent of their former actions, but there will be no advantage therefrom. You will all see that, as long as I live, Tibet will remain happy and prosperous, as indeed it is at present.
  "Whatever troubles befall the people, I shall see, and I shall hold religious services for them in the future, as I have done in the past.
  "Now, I have given you clear instructions. There is no need for me to continue it further. The most important need for the welfare of the inside17 is that you should repent of your wrong actions in the past and ponder carefully and always on my instructions in the future.
"If you are able to do this, I for my part will carry on the religious and civil administration to the best of my ability, so that good may result both now and in the future. I will keep in my mind the names and the purposes of all you ecclesiastical and secular officials. As for all the subjects, I will arrange that for the space of several hundreds of years they shall remain happy and prosperous as at present, and be free from great suffering. Be all of one mind and work with zeal to the best of your ability, as in the olden days. That in itself will constitute a religious service; there is no need for you to perform any other religious services.
  “如果你能够这样做,就我来说,我会全力维持宗教和民事体系。这对现在在和未来都有好处。我会记住你所有的宗教和民事官员的名字和意图。对所有的属民,我会安排好,在未来几百年他们都会继续享有现在的幸福和繁荣,不会有大的痛苦。万众一心,像旧时一样努力以最佳能力工作 。这本身就会构成一种宗教服务。你不用去提供其它什幺宗教服务。
"The above are my instructions in answer to your representations. It is of great importance that, day and night, in your four actions,18 you should deliberate carefully on what I have written, and that without error you should reject what is evil, and follow what is good."
  Such was the letter that the Dalai Lama wrote to his people, both supreme beings and human beings, and especially to those to whom he, "The Great Owner" had entrusted the ecclesiastical as well as the secular government.
[Editor's note: original footnote numbers 28-45]
1 February 1932 to February 1933.
1 1932年二月到1933年二月
2 A Hutuktu is a very high Lama; there are only a few of them.
2 Hutuktu是为数很少的高地位[屏蔽]
3 A book on Metaphysics, in five volumes.
4 They placed images, holy books, etc. on the Dalai Lama's head, for even a Dalai Lama cannot give power until he first empowered himself.
5 1904.
5 1904年
6 The Dowager Empress and the Manchu Emperor.
7 The Chinese Revolution broke out and the Emperor was dethroned.
8 1913.
8 1913年。
9 The Dalai Lama was the ruler of Tibet. Therefore, as is the Tibetan custom, he first explained the events of his life, his different actions and his reasons for them, before explaining what course should be followed in the future.
10 Tibetans regard this as a prophecy, for the Dalai Lama died when fifty-eight years old (Tibetan reckoning).
10 藏民认为这是个语言。因为DLai[屏蔽]在他58岁(按酉-臧的计算方法)时去世。
11 This refers mainly to Nepal, and in a lesser degree to Bhutan, for occasionally there was a disagreement with her also. In such cases it is not the Tibetan custom to mention names, but an indication of this kind is given.
11 这主要是指尼泊尔,也兼指不丹因为有时也会跟不丹产生纷争。在这样的情况下,按酉-臧的规矩时不会提名字的,但会有这样的暗示。
12 War. calamities of nature. shortening of the period of a human life. etc.
12 战争。自然灾害。诸如此类减短人生命的事件。
13 The U.S.S.R.
13 苏联
14 As actually happened, after the Dalai Lama's death, when Lungshar and his band tried to seize the Regent and Ministers
15 Srong. Tsen gain. Po (Straight Strong Deep). Tri. Song. De. Tsen and Ralpachan, who reigned during the period AD 600-900.
15 Srong. Tsen gain. Po (Straight Strong Deep). Tri. Song. De. Tsen and Ralpachan公元600-900年在位
16 Padma Sambhava
16 Padma Sambhava(没法翻了).
17 Tibet.
18 Walking. standing, sitting, sleeping.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 21:10 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ conjunction /kən'd3əΛŋkən/ n. 联合,连接,接合,连接词 ]

为了11.19 努力了。。。
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 22:21 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: ~×世界大同,阿弥陀佛×~
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5come5帮你背单词 [ mouth /mauθ/ n. 口,嘴;vt. 说出,夸大地说 ]

引用第1楼fan于2006-09-07 22:21发表的:
为了11.19 努力了。。。

i wannna and will be back!
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 22:26 | [2 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ journalism /'d3ə:nəlizəm/ n. 新闻工作,报业 ]


顶端 Posted: 2006-09-11 21:06 | [3 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ this /ðis/ pron. 这,这个 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-12 10:38 | [4 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: ~×世界大同,阿弥陀佛×~
等级: 人见人爱
家族: Jane靓颖
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5come5帮你背单词 [ arrangement /ə'reind3əmənt/ n. 排列,整理,安排,准备 ]

引用第3楼奇瑞于2006-09-11 21:06发表的:


顶端 Posted: 2006-09-12 12:01 | [5 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: when u confuse,fuck.
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5come5帮你背单词 [ twig /twig/ n. 细枝,嫩枝 ]

引用第2楼barry343于2006-09-07 22:26发表的:

i wannna and will be back!

还有这种好事? 事帮人翻译?
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-12 12:04 | [6 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ scrap /skræp/ n. 小片,碎片;vt. 废弃 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-12 13:32 | [7 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: ~×世界大同,阿弥陀佛×~
等级: 人见人爱
家族: Jane靓颖
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注册时间: 2005-10-17
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5come5帮你背单词 [ oppress /ə'pres/ vt. 压迫,压制,压抑 ]

引用第6楼fan于2006-09-12 12:04发表的:

还有这种好事? 事帮人翻译?



顶端 Posted: 2006-09-12 17:19 | [8 楼]
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