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5come5帮你背单词 [ hole /həul/ n. 洞,孔眼 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-13 13:04 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ convince /kən'vins/ vt. 使确信,使信服,使知错 ]

Ceremonies have been taken place in the United States to mark the 5th anniversary of the September the 11th Attacks. In New York, relatives write down the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died of the site of the former World Trade Center. The commem...the commemoration fell in silence at the exact time when the two hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers and one of the towers themselves collapsed. President Bush went on to Pennsylvania to meet relatives of those who died on the hijacked plane which crashed there before attending a ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington. 189 people died in the attack there. Speaking at the memorial service, the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld paid tribute to them:

5 years have past since our country withdrawing to a war, not of our making and we'll remember each of those who came to work...here, at the Pentagon on that bright , September morning, but did not come home.

The second in commander of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri has warned that the Israel and the Arab state of the Gulf will be the next target for Islamic militancy. The warning was contained in a video broadcast coinciding with the anniversary of the attack in New York and Washington. Our security correspondent Rob Watson has this report.

In his latest on a long line of videos Ayman al-Zawahiri singles out Israel and the Arab Gulf states. And the messages apparently aimed western leaders and publics. He says they've already lost in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The Bay should where instead about Israel and the Gulf. Repeating in an old Al Qaeda theme he urges his followers to focus on what he called stopping the / of Muslim oil resources. It's a warning that has to be taken seriously. Past Al Qaeda attacks have been proceeded by such warnings. And the organization also has a history of targeting oil related facilitates, so far though, unsuccessfully.

Insurgence in Iraq have carried out a sectarian attack on a Shiite Mosque in Baquba north of Baghdad, killing 7 people. Earlier a suicide bomb attack in Baghdad killed 30 army recruits after the bomber aboarded a minibus along with the men. From the capital Jim.S reports

A spokesman in the police operations remain Baquba said 3 guards and 4 civilians were killed as the insurgence stormed the building. They then placed explosives inside the mosque destroyed large parts of it. The police will not comment on whether the burning of a nearby Sunni mosque was a revenge attack. In Baghdad 30 men died in a suicide bombing shortly after failing out their applications to join the Iraqi army. They were killed close to the entrance to the main recruitment and training center in the city which has been hit by the insurgence several times in the past.

You're listening to the World News from the BBC.

Palestinian leaders have reached an agreement on a creation of national unity government which they hope will end their currently isolation. The president Hamas led administration has been subjected to an economic and political boycott by Israel and the west. Because it won't to recognize Israel's right to exist. The new government will be headed by the current Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh . But the BBC' gang of correspondent says the crucial issue will be whether the United States and the European Union believe its program goes far enough to meet their demands.

A former Brazilian police commander was convicted but then a quitted over the killing a prison inmate in 1992 has been found dead. Police said U.G suffered a gunshot wound in his apartment in south B. He previously reported receiving death threats. C.G had been sentenced to a jail term in 2001 after more than a hundred inmates were killed at the C prison when he sent a heavily armed police to quell an uprising.

The United Nation Secretary General Koffi Annan has warned of the death of the destruction on a catastrophic scale in the Darfur region of Sudan. Addressing the Security Council in New York, Mr Annan said the violence in Darfur was escalating with renewed area bombing under the deployment of thousands of Sudanese troops. He appealed to the Security Council to learn from the lesson of the past and take action immediately to halt the violence.

And the International Community have not done enough for the people of Rwanda in a time of need, just watch, as this tragedy deepens. Haven finally agreed ..just one year ago but there IS a responsibility to protect can recontemplate failing yet another test.

The authority in the Indian ocean A.M say rescue has continue to search for more than 30 people still missing on a ship they were all sank in northwest of Madagascar. The official said 43 people have been rescued.

BBC World News
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-13 13:04 | [1 楼]
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