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5come5帮你背单词 [ provincial /prə'vinəl/ n. 省的,偏狭的,乡下的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-17 13:05 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ stretch /stret/ v. (被)拉长,伸展;n. 伸展,舒展,连续的一段时间,一大片(地或水) ]

President Bush has again appealed to the US Congress to pass his legislation on the treatment of suspected terrorists. The bill would redefine Washington's interpretation of the Geneva Conventions to allow tough interrogation of suspects that some opponents say amongst torture. It would also permit military tribunals to hear evidence kept secret from defendants. Critics include some senior members of Mr. Bush's own Republican Party including Kolin Powell. Reporting from Washington, J .

The former secretary of state said Mr. Bush's proposal to redefine the Geneva conventions in order to maintain the CIA's program of tough questioning of terrorists suspects would encourage the world to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. Mr. Bush signaled his determination to take on opponents in his own party. And he made it plain that the CIA's ability to question terrorists. Program which he said had saved American lives was in jeopardy if the republican rebels stuck to their guns and refused to allow the Geneva conventions to be reinterpreted and rules about Guantanamo trials to be settled.

The World Health Organization has decided that the controversial pesticide DDT should again play a major part in the fight against malaria more than 3 decades after the poison was banned in the United States and many other countries. The WHO is recommending that nations plagued by malaria should use DDT to spray the interiors of homes in affected areas. No other insecticide added was more effective in killing the mosquitoes that carry the disease when administered carefully indoors. Doctor P is from the WHO's global malaria program.

"We're advocating the use of indoor spray of insecticide basically to control the transmission of malaria and try to reduce more rapidly malaria burden. DDT is one of the insecticides that we intend to use where it is suitable and effective.

The value of shares in the struggling American car maker Ford fell by about 12% after the company announced more job cuts. As part of plans designed to reverse enormous financial losses, Ford said it would be shutting down two further plants in North America in addition to 14 closures already announced. The firm would also cut around the third of its salaried staff. Here is G .

Management Unions in America's oldest and second largest car maker now accepts that they all have to pay heavy price if there is any chance of turning around the company. Ten thousand salaried workers will have to go after Christmas. That's on top of the 4, 000 white collar staff who've already left this year. And every unionized worker on the production line is now being offered up to 140, 000 dollars in early redundancy or retirement. That's because Ford wants to shed 30, 000 people from the shop floor by 2008.

The Foreign Ministry in Pakistan has called in the Vatican ambassador to express regret over the Pope's recent remarks about Islam. Hours after the lower house of the country's parliament passed a unanimous resolution describing the comments as derogatory. In a statement it said the Pope's remarks were deeply disturbing for Muslims around the world. A Vatican envoy has already expressed regret for the hurt caused.

You're listening to the world news from the BBC.

United Nations Security Council has formally put Burma on its agenda and will now discuss political repression and human rights abuses in the country.

America's ambassador to the UN John Bolton described the move as very significant and said it had come despite strong opposition from China. Here's our world affairs correspondent M .

The United States has been pressing for their step which required the Security Council to decide that the situation in Burma is a threat to international security. The US ambassador John Bolton argued that the flow of refugees out of Burma, the illicit narcotics trade, Burma's HIV AIDS problem and the human rights situation in the country makes this the case. Nine other countries voted with the US. But China staunchly opposing the move said it was pro-postures to argue that any nations threaten to international peace and security simply because it faced these problems. The Chinese also said Burma had made strides in solving its own problems.

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair has joined the growing pressure on the government of Sudan to allow United Nations peacekeeping soldiers in the western region of Darfur. Mr. Blair has issued a statement expressing his determination to force a change of attitude in Khartoum. Earlier President Bush said the UN did not have to wait for invitation from Sudanese authorities to deploy troops in Darfur.

Weather forecasters have upgraded a tropical storm of Mexico's Pacific coast to hurricane status. The US National Hurricane Center says hurricane Lane is bringing winds of more than 130 kilometers an hour. The Mexican government has issued a hurricane warning for the southern tip of the Baja peninsula, the Baja California peninsula home to many tourist resorts.

BBC world news.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-17 13:05 | [1 楼]
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