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Apple makes push into the living room

(NBC)The iPod-maker rolls out new models for the press, but more intriguingly shows off iTV, a digital-entertainment manager for your television. "On the Money's"Jim Goldman reports

On a day that seem more major media companies make news in any day in recent memory. The top is Apple. When it shot across the bow of all computer makers and DVD retailers. Of course they rolled out some new iPods too, that's a sign of the holiday shopping season. But it's the device you can't buy until next year that may very well reshape the distribution game from everyone, from Sony to Universal to WalMart. Our Jim Godman / in San Francesco who, oh yeah, score news, an exclusive with Steve Jobs today on the sight. Hi Jim.

Indeed, Dairen good evening to you. It's the hardware that's gonna generate a lot of discussion over the next several weeks and months. This is the latest Nano, completely redesigned, super light and super cool. But it's Apple's foray into the broader world of digital entertainment that is, well, generating all the buzz today. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then today's announcements are exactly what the doctor and Wall Street order.

The man in black injects a little color back into the Nano. Steve Jobs's showing off the latest fruits from Apple trees of thinner, lighter, cheaper, more colorful Nano. Apple's best selling iPod are now featuring a library of new games from Electric Arts(EA). and Namco(南梦宫).
And they are gonna sell for 4.99 dollars each.

And in this exclusive interview showcasing the latest almost microscopic new shuffle. 79 bucks, 250 songs, new looks, dramatically more storage and all with significantly lower prices.

We built it a clip that you can just clip on anywhere and you can clip on your clothing and go.
Jobs says digital entertainment on the go and in your living room is Apple's future.

What about my, my big flat screen TV in my living room?
Apple unveiling a new device called iTV, a way consumers will be able to wirelessly stream downloaded music ,TV shows and now for the first time ever feature films directly to their TVs.

We think that's sort of the, the last piece of the puzzle we're putting in place.
Analysts say that the 299 dollars device is one of the Apple's most exciting technology since the iPod and could spur its brand new movies download business featuring 75 films to start available today from all the major studios owned by Disney.

Now we are making movies available on this new service on this new platform giving people basically more opportunities to buy movies, more places to watch those movies.
And the experts say this could mean big time new business not just from all the new hardware, but from Apple's major push into all things digital entertainment.

Apple knows the consumers’ appetite for technology, and they're just inching the ball forward. Today is an important step in that direction. (Oh yeal,yeal)

And what's old is new again. That's Apple other Steve, Steve Wozniak on the Segway on hand to see the new toys from the company he cofounded firsthand.

Where is world gonna go? Of all the directions there are, everyone can try little things. Apple gets it so perfectly so often.

The kind of thing customers and investors are betting on.

And Steve Jobs is also making some news during that exclusive interview when I asked him about the stock options backdating scandal that currently plagues Apple computer, forcing the company to restate its earnings going back to 2001. Everybody seemed to indicate that the Apple was facing investigations from not only the Attorney General’s office, but the ICC Jobs says the only investigation underway in regards to that particular issue is Apple's own internal investigation. And that's the first time the company has disclosed that all these new iPods, save for (=except for)the Shuffle, will be available as of today. That new cool shuffle will be available in October just in time for the holiday shopping season. Very good news for Apple's shareholders and customers today from San Francisco. I'm Jim Goldman live in San Francisco. Dairen back to you.

All right. Jim thank you very much.
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