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5come5帮你背单词 [ particularly /pə'tikjuləli/ ad. 特别,尤其 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-23 07:53 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ contaminate /kən'tæmineit/ vt. 污染,玷污 ]

Thailand's ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is on his way to Britain after a military coup in his country. Mr. Thaksin was deposed by the army Tuesday while he was in New York for the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly. We get more from Ron Curben in Bangkok.

Thailand's army chief General Sondhi Boonyaratkalin who led the coup says he will hand over power to an interim prime minister by earlier October. Sondhi on Wednesday said the coup leaders known as the Political Reform Council would stand back after two weeks. He also pledged that elections will be held in October 2007 after a new constitution is written. The coup leaders revoked the 1997 constitution when they seized power Tuesday night. For now the question is who will be chosen to lead the interim government. The bloodless coup ended the Thaksin government after five and a half years. Mr. Thaksin, a telecommunication's tycoon turned politician, was elected prime minister in 2001 and again in 2005. His policies aimed at winning the poor and rural residents had brought support. However many urban middle class Thais considered him an authoritarian who abused his power. Ron Curben for VOA news, Bangkok.

The annual United Nations General Assembly debate continues today with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the head of the Cuban delegation among the leaders addressing the world body. Venezuela and Cuba are close allies and have declared support for Iran's peaceful use of nuclear technology, a key issue being considered by the assembly. The Bush administration has labeled Mr. Chavez as destabilizing factor in Latin America and accuses Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Pope Benedict has again voiced his respect for Islam and says he hopes his reference to Islamic teachings in an address last week can lead to a dialogue among religions. Speaking today at the Vatican, Benedict reemphasized that the remarks in Germany that sparked protests from Muslims did not reflect his personal views.

I hope sent my profound respect for one religion for Muslims, who worship the one God and may see that has been promoted peace liberties who had trusted this unmoral values for the benefit of humanity is clear.

The pontiff told people in St Peter's Square today his speech at the very University was aimed at highlighting the relationship between faith and reason. In his address last week, the Pope referred to a 14th century Byzantine Emperor who called some of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed evil and inhumane. The Pope said violence is not compatible with the nature of God.

A new chief judge in the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein ejected the former Iraqi leader from the courtroom minutes after he tried to protest the appointment of the judge. Saddam's lawyers also walked out the Baghdad court today after the trial resumed with Mohammed al-Urebyi as presiding judge. Judge Urebyi, a Shiite Muslim Arab, replaced Abdullah al-Amiri who was dismissed on Tuesday after prosecutors accused him of bias toward Saddam.

Corruption charges against former South African deputy President Jacob Zuma are no longer scheduled for a court day. VOA's Delia Robertson reports.

South African judge Herbert Msimang on Wednesday withdrew the case against former South African deputy President Jacob Zuma after the prosecution said it was not ready to proceed unless the charges are reinstated against him. Zuma will be free to contest next year for the leadership of the governing African National Congress party or ANC. Law professor Robin Palmer told national radio that the charges could be reinstated.

If the matter is struck off the roll, the prosecution then has the option to withdraw the charges against Mr. Zuma, they declined to do so. And the effect then is that the matter cannot proceed until it is enrolled again. And the effect would also be that the prosecution have to recharge Mr. Zuma before the matter can proceed.

The National Prosecuting Authority is yet to say how it intends to proceed. But if the charges are reinstated, it is likely this will only happen early next year. Delia Robertson VOA news, Johannesburg.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-23 07:53 | [1 楼]
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