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5come5帮你背单词 [ soluble /'soljubl/ a. 可溶的,可以解决的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-27 07:25 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ spacious /'speiəs/ a. 宽敞的,广阔的 ]

It's 15 hours Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

President Bush has met with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf at the White House to discuss a wide range of international and regional issues. The two leaders told at a joint news conference that the talks were candid and reinforced trust and confidence in each other. Ahead of the meeting, a controversy developed when President Musharraf told a television interviewer that an American official had threatened to bomb Pakistan if it did not cooperate in the US-led war on terrorism. That issue was raised in an exchange with reporters.

"I don't know of any conversation that was reported in the newspaper I get. I just don't know about it."
"I would like to...I am launching my book on the 25th and I am honored upon to Simon & Schuster not to comment on the book before that day. So..."
"God, that was a bad book is what you say?"

Simon & Schuster is a book publisher in the television interview earlier. Mr Musharraf had said the threat came from then Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Armitage says he never threatened to bomb Pakistan and White House spokesman Tony Snow told reporters US policy is not to issue bombing threats.

Hezbollah's leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah appeared at a massive rally of supporters in southern Beirut today. It was to celebrate what his militant group is calling its divining victory over Israel.

About 100 Thai demonstrators defied a ban on public gatherings and protested the military coup that overthrew Thailand's government this week. Earlier today the coup leaders appointed a 9-member anti-corruption body to investigate alleged graft under deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thais have generally reacted positively to the coup as we heard in this report from Ron Corben in Bangkok.

A poll released after Tuesday's military coup in Thailand showed Thais overwhelmingly support the action because it ended months of political tensions. The respected Rajabhat Institute poll showed more than 80 percent approval for the coup which ended the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Mr. Thaksin is now in London. Early this year, tens of thousands of protestors called on Mr. Thaksin to resign over allegations of corruption and abuse of power. There also were growing rifts between the prime minister and the military. Khun Dah, a Bangkok housewife, supports the coup.

"I think it's good. We are waiting for a long time because the politics this couple of years is not so good."

The country has been calm since the coup, and except for an increased military presences in some areas, there is little outward sign the military has seized control. Ron Corben, for VOA news, Bangkok.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas says it will not join a unity government with the moderate Fatah Party in recognizing Israel as a condition. Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh and other Hamas officials say they are prepared to support a long-term truce with Israel but not to recognize the Jewish state.

Pope Benedict has invited representatives of Muslim countries to meet Monday at his summer residence. Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome. The pope has been making efforts to open up a new dialogue with Muslim leaders after his words on Islam sparked anger and violence this week.

Pope Benedict XVI has invited envoys of predominantly Muslim nations with diplomatic ties to the Vatican to a meeting Monday at his summer palace in Castelgandolfo, in the hills south of Rome. The pope has been trying to smooth relations with Muslims following a speech he made in Germany that offended many in the Islamic world. A number of Italian Islamic leaders are also expected to attend the meeting with the pope. The pope in Vatican officials have been making efforts to open new channels of dialogue following the anger and violence that erupted in response to the pope's speech. Papal envoys around the world were ordered to meet with leaders of Muslim countries to explain the pope's point of view and full context of his speech. Since his return from Germany last week, the pope has twice addressed Roman Catholics to explain that his comments were not aimed at offending Muslim sensibilities and did not represent his personal opinion. Sabina Castelfranco , VOA news, Rome.

World leaders are convening again today for the 4th day of the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly among the speakers, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

I'm David Deforest, VOA news, more news on the Internet at VOANews.com.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-27 07:25 | [1 楼]
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