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5come5帮你背单词 [ flash /flæ/ vt. 晃一下,使闪光;vi. 闪光,闪现,掠过;n. 闪光,一刹那 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 08:29 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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5come5帮你背单词 [ also /'o:lsəu/ ad. 也,同样,而且,还 ]

It's 15:00 Universal Time, and here is the news from the Voice of America.

I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

The United States has warned North Korea not to conduct a second nuclear test. The warning was issued by White House spokesman Tony Snow at US televison reports American Spy Satellites have detected vehicles movements in the North, that may signal preparations for another test. Snow said it was not unreasonable to expect the North Koreans to carry out another nuclear test, but said such a development would, in his words, not be a good thing for them. North Korea, meanwhile, is saying sanctions ordered by the United Nations after its test(s/) as the same as the declaration of war. And a senior American diplomat has arrived in South Korea where he will participate in talks on how US allies in the region should respond to the North's nuclear test. Kird Asian has more on that story from Seoul.

A North Korean television announcer reads the statement from Pyongyang's foreign ministry, saying the United Nations sanctions against it cannot be construed otherwise than as an act of war. The statement also says North Korea wants peace but is not afraid of war, and wants dialogue but is always ready for confrontation. After North Korea exploded a nuclear device last week, the UN Security Council passed a resolution that among other things bans the import or export of luxury goods and most military hardware by North Korea. It authorizes its member states to search North Korean ships but rules out the use of force against the North. US assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill who arrived in Seoul Tuesday stressed the importance of implementing the resolution fully.

To really make it clear that North Korea will pay a very very high price for this type of / behavior.

Hill is in Asia this week as part of US efforts to coordinate implemention of the resolution and to discuss ways to bring North Korea back to talks on ending its nuclear programs. Kird Asian VOA news, Seoul.

A top European Union diplomat has renewed a call for Iran to suspend uranium enrichment as a condition for new talks with western nations. Foreign policy chief Javier Solana spoke today in Luxemburg as foreign ministers from EU nations gathered to discuss Iran's nuclear program. He said there is always hope for talks but said it's up to Iran to accept conditions to start real negotiations. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has refused to suspend uranium enrichment activities before new talks.

Iraqi authorities say a spate of bombings motor attacks and shootings across the country killed dozens of people today. The attacks took place in Baghdad, in the northern city of Mosul and several other towns. Meanwhle the US military says more than 60 people were killed in sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in the town of Balad since Friday. Earlier reports have put the death toll in Balad at nearly a hundred.

President Bush has signed a law that will regulate the interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists. The President said the White House signing ceremony today, the law is one of the most vital tools the United States has in its fight against terrorism.

This program has been one of the most successful intelligence efforts in the American history. It is a help prevent attacks on our country. And / Saturday will ensure we can continue using this vital tool to protect American people for years to come.

The law has drawn criticism from human rights officials. The top United Nations official on terrorism says he is concerned the law will allow harsh interrogation methods.

The United States passed a major milestone today as the country's population reached 300 million. The US Census Bureau says the United States gains one new citizen every 11 seconds. The calculation results from estimates that one American child is born every 7 seconds, another American dies 13 seconds, and an immigrant enters the country every 31 seconds. B's institution demographer William Fry says the influx of immigrants is good for the American economy.

We are entering a new American melting port era bringing people from other countries in the world. At the same time that we are turning into a global economy this can only be advantaged forth.

No special celebrations marked the milestone.

Pakistan and India will resume peace talks next month right after the process was stalled because of July's train bombings in Mumbai. Pakistan's foreign ministry says the foreign secretary level meeting will be held November 14th and 15th in New Delhi.

I'm David Deforest VOA news. More news on the internet at voanews.com.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 08:30 | [1 楼]
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